Pechuga de pollo rellena de queso de cabra e higos secos

Stuffed chicken breast with goat cheese and dried figs

Today we’re having chicken breast for two! Yes, chicken can take on a romantic touch when it’s made with love for Valentine’s Day (or any other day of the year!). Honestly, I know very few recipes that are as delicious and easy to make: these chicken breasts stuffed with cheese and dried figs, glazed with jam to enhance that sweet contrast, result in an unforgettable dish.
Pastel de pescado tradicional con masa de hojaldre

Pastel de pescado tradicional con masa de hojaldre

Hoy traigo una receta con la que quedarás bien sí o sí: un clásico pastel de pescado, con un interior principalmente relleno de bacalao, gambas, atún y cebolla, y cubierto con una masa de hojaldre que tanto le da un aspecto rústico precioso como redondea cada bocado al tomarla con el relleno.

20 Recetas deliciosas con pollo

20 Recetas deliciosas con pollo

Estaremos de acuerdo en que el pollo es una de las carnes más consumidas en todo el mundo, y no es para menos: es versátil, puedes prepararla de mis formas distintas y es relativamente económica. ¡Es un ingrediente tan versátil! En este post, he reunido 15 recetas con pollo que te harán disfrutar de este delicioso ingrediente de mil maneras diferentes.

Pollo al horno al toque de ajo, limón y zumaque

Pollo al horno al toque de ajo, limón y zumaque

Si buscas una receta sencilla, pero llena de sabor, este pollo asado al horno es la opción perfecta. Con un toque de ajo, limón y zumaque, este plato logra una armonía de sabores que transforma un pollo común en una auténtica delicia. El frescor y la acidez del limón y la suavidad del ajo es un clásico del pollo asado... ¡Y al pincelarlo con mantequilla aromática al toque del zumaque verás que adquiere un colorcito y una profundidad de sabor irresistible!

Salmón al curry verde con leche de coco (receta en sartén)

Green Curry Salmon with Coconut Milk (Skillet Recipe)

There are recipes that become a staple because they have everything: they are easy, quick and full of flavour. This green curry salmon is one of my favourites when I want something delicious without overcomplicating things. And I assure you that they comfort the soul!

Ternera rellena con frutos secos y naranja, en cocotte

Veal stuffed with nuts and orange, in a cocotte

Who said that making stuffed beef was complicated? If you've ever been scared by the idea of ​​preparing stuffed beef for a special occasion, I assure you that with this recipe there is nothing to fear. It is a surprisingly simple recipe, and the result is worthy of any celebration, whether it's for Christmas or for a family meal where you want to shine.

Capón o Pollo al horno relleno, acompañado de puré de castañas

Capon or stuffed baked chicken, accompanied by chestnut puree

This roast stuffed capon recipe is, without a doubt, one of my favorites for special occasions. The bacon, beef and mushroom filling is one of those that smells like home from the moment you start preparing it, and when you accompany it with a creamy chestnut puree, it becomes a dish that has it all.
Salmón al papillote con limón, jengibre y albahaca tailandesa

Salmon en papillote with lemon, ginger and Thai basil

If you're looking for a simple and healthy way to enjoy salmon, this recipe for salmon papillote with lemon and ginger is just what you need. Cooked in its own juices with fresh ingredients like lemon, ginger and aromatic herbs, the salmon is incredibly juicy and full of flavour.
Pato guisado con peras

Duck stew with pears

You can't imagine how this dish smells! This recipe for stewed duck with pears is a real wonder. A stew that has always seemed very autumnal to me, even though I can assure you that I prepare it whenever I have the chance. The duck meat is tender and tasty, the pears are delicious and the sauce, what can I say about the sauce! It is simply addictive.
Filete en sartén inox, con patatas crujientes-Claudia&Julia

Filet with thyme butter sauce in a stainless steel pan

If meat and potatoes are known to be one of the favourite meals of children, the recipe for this Stainless Steel Frying Pan Fillet with Crispy Potatoes will undoubtedly be everyone's favourite at home. A fillet of beef with a smooth and aromatic thyme butter sauce, accompanied by extra-crispy potatoes, thanks to their double frying, is a dish that draws applause and sighs of excitement.
Salteado de pulpo con patatas asadas al pimentón

Sautéed octopus with roasted potatoes and paprika

We're going to give a twist to the traditional octopus with potatoes: today we're transforming the classic "Pulpo a feira" or "Galician-style octopus" and we're going to enjoy a delicious sautéed octopus with roasted potatoes, with a touch of paprika (of course!) and accompanied by red onion. Quite a temptation, right?
Receta de guiso de ternera al vino tinto

Beef stew in red wine

The beef stew in red wine that I bring you today is a first-class stew, a complete and well-rounded dish, one of those that fill your stomach and comfort your body, and your soul! There are many meat stews, with greater or lesser difficulty in their preparation and with more or less cooking time. Although sometimes (rarely!) we can have all the hours of the day to cook over a low heat for hours, the truth is that this is not usually the case.