Pan Clásico de Canela y Pasas

Pan Clásico de Canela y Pasas

¿Lo hueles? Ese aroma de pan con canela inunda toda la casa y todos mis sentidos, ¡Por eso no podía quedarme esta receta para mi sola! ¡Es una delicia de pan! Este pan de canela y pasas en un pan muy fácil de preparar. Requiere de poco amasado y lo llamo pan... aunque sería igual de justo llamarlo bizcocho, pues está allí en medio de uno y otro (es un pan que requiere de levado, pero no tendrás que hacerle un largo amasado).
Brioche chinois con crema de limón

Chinois brioche with lemon cream

Perfect for a party snack or a family breakfast, this Chinois Brioche with lemon cream, whose recipe I bring you today, is on the list of home favorites. In addition to being very good and tender, it has the advantage of being one of those sweets that can be repeated ad nauseam, since, just by changing the cream of the filling, it will never be the same.
Mini baguettes de chocolate-Claudia&Julia

Mini chocolate baguettes

One of the snacks from my childhood (and adolescence!) that I remember most fondly was bread with chocolate. A few ounces with a piece of bread made me the happiest girl in the world. That bread tasted like heaven and what to say about chocolate! With today's recipe we will turn this fantastic duo into a single piece, giving it the shape of a mini chocolate baguette that will delight at home at snack time or for breakfast.