Albaricoques a la parrilla con jamón ibérico

Grilled apricots with Iberian ham

I am especially excited to have Noelia, author of La Cucharina Mágica, on the blog again. He brings us a recipe free of complications but one that is rich in contrast and flavour: grilled fruit with Iberian ham, a recipe that you will surely enjoy this summer!

Consejos para hacer castañas en tu casa esta Castañada

Tips for making chestnuts at home this Castañada

The celebration of Halloween is very popular nowadays, but fortunately there are still many of us who prefer a good coat in front of a campfire, warming our hands with a handful of hot chestnuts and a good glass of muscatel in good company. No tricks and no deals.

Cómo hacer una buena macedonia de frutas

How to make a good fruit salad

Today we talk about how to prepare a good fruit salad, because the phrase fruit salad may sound old to us, but... Do you know why it has been in vogue for so many years? Well, because a well-made fruit salad is good, what the hell.

¿Para qué sirve deshidratar los alimentos?

What is the use of dehydrating food?

Have I ever explained to you how I peak healthily between meals? One day I discovered dehydrated foods and since then I have not sinned again. It is a salvation for my moments of temptation!