Cómo elaborar mantequilla de frutos secos (mantequilla de cacahuete, de almendra...)-Claudia&Julia

How to make nut butter (peanut butter, almond butter...)

Do you know what happens if you put nuts in a food processor and start grinding and grinding? That you turn that nut into butter (Yes, with nothing more than the nut itself). Are you a fan of hazelnut butter? Or peanut butter? So, without a doubt, you have to try making it homemade. And if instead of using the dried fruit you use it toasted, you will increase the intensity of the butter flavor, and it will be gold for your recipes!
Cómo hacer falafels: una receta de garbanzos fácil y deliciosa-Claudia&Julia

How to make falafels: an easy and delicious chickpea recipe

Falafel is a delicious culinary creation that has captured the hearts and palates of people around the world. These small, crunchy balls, made mainly from chickpeas and aromatic spices, are a vegetarian option full of flavor and texture.
Tortas de sal tradicionales

traditional salt cakes

Salt tortas are one of the most popular traditional recipes in Vega Baja del Segura. There is no child who has not taken a cake to school to enjoy it at recess and which, together with the “miguicas” cakes (my favourites), is one of the most popular snacks among the children in my region.

Pastel de Cierva

Deer Cake

The Cierva cake is a typical elaboration of the Murcian region, dating from the end of the s. XIX (with legend included) on the coast of the Mar Menor. It is a somewhat peculiar recipe, as it combines the salty flavor of the filling with the sweetness of the dough in a single bite. It is quite a striking contrast, especially for those who have not known her since they were children, and come across her out of the blue, since the sweet/salty contrasts are very pronounced.
¿Cómo hacer leche de patata?

How to make potato milk?

How many of you have heard of potato milk? It is a completely new vegetable drink with great benefits for the body and the environment. If this is your first time reading about it, you may have been like me... I was stunned! In this post I hope you find answers to all your questions about potato milk and how to prepare it.

Pastel de chocolate sin gluten

gluten free chocolate cake

Today is a great day, I share with you the best gluten-free chocolate cake ; and it's not just me who says so, – also, eh! – so far, I haven't found anyone who tells me otherwise.
Cómo hacer crema de cacahuete (o mantequilla de cacahuete)

How to make peanut butter (or peanut butter)

In recent years, peanut butter, which you will also know as peanut butter or peanut butter, has become very popular. It is a cream with an intense peanut flavor, since it is made solely from them, and that allows you to use it or accompany a wide variety of desserts and sweet recipes.