Bizcocho de fresas y chocolate blanco

Bizcocho de fresas y chocolate blanco

Desde que probé por primera vez un bizcocho de fresas con chocolate, se convirtió en uno de mis favoritos. ¡Y no podéis imaginar lo riquísima que está esta receta! La jugosidad que toma el bizcocho, junto con el sabor de las fresas asadas, hace que cada bocado sepa a gloria.
Cazuelita de huevos con gambas, vino blanco y azafrán-Claudia&Julia

Egg casserole with shrimp, white wine and saffron

Get ready, because today I bring you one of those recipes that I like so much, in which to obtain a wonderful result, you barely have to get complicated in the kitchen. You will see how when you try this egg casserole with shrimp, white wine and saffron, you will repeat it ad nauseam.
Pollo Karahi-Claudia&Julia

Chicken Karahi

At the heart of traditional Pakistani cuisine, the Karahi Chicken Recipe emerges as a culinary gem, which today we will cook in the Balti Dish, an essential utensil that captures the essence of this ancient dish.
Semlor - Bollos suecos-Claudia&Julia

Semlor - Swedish Buns

Los semlor o semla (en singular), es uno de los dulces más tradicionales de Suecia, Finlandia, Dinamarca, Noruega y Estonia. Se trata de un bollo de cardamomo relleno de crema de almendras y nata. En mi caso, he optado por la nata y el mascarpone, ya que para mi gusto, queda, además de con una mejor textura y cuerpo, mucho más rico.
Berenjenas a la parmesana

Berenjenas a la parmesana

Hoy os propongo una receta que vestirá vuestros platos de fiesta, unas berenjenas a la parmesana que todo lo que tienen de ricas lo tienen de fáciles de hacer. Esta preparación de la cocina italiana, una receta clásica del sur del país, es una auténtica joya mediterránea. La parmiggiana de melanzane, es una especie de lasaña o pastel de berenjenas, en el que este vegetal es el absoluto protagonista, con un resultado magistral.
Tocino de cielo tradicional

Traditional heavenly bacon

The homemade recipe for tocino de cielo, this traditional dessert of Spanish gastronomy with more than 500 years of history, has great followers and, apart from being a perfect dessert to enjoy on Sundays with the family, it is also an ideal recipe to take advantage of the yolks. of eggs on the day you have a surplus*.
Madeleines de vainilla y frambuesa-Claudia&Julia

Vanilla and Raspberry Madeleines

What better detail than a beautiful bouquet. And if it's vanilla and raspberry madeleines, the gift is delicious! You will conquer the heart and palate of whoever receives it. Because although flowers are always welcome, with these shells dipped in pink chocolate you won't make anyone sneeze.
Bolitas de sésamo

Jaggery and Sesame Balls (Gud Til Ladoo)

Gud Til Ladoo, these sesame balls that you have surely seen before, are a traditional Indian sweet, especially popular during winter and on festive occasions such as Makar Sankranti and Lohri. This treat is made with simple but nutritious ingredients including gud (jaggery, a type of unrefined sugar common in Asia) and til (sesame seeds).

Cake de limón y merengue-Claudia&Julia

Lemon and meringue cake

It's starting to smell like summer and one of the aromas that are inevitably linked to good weather is lemon. Baking any cake that includes it, as is the case with this Lemon Meringue Cake, leaves a wonderful smell in the kitchen and, I assure you, it is difficult not to fall into the temptation of trying it before bringing it to the table.
Tortilla de patatas y pimientos (¡en sartén de hierro!)-Claudia&Julia

Potato and pepper omelette (in an iron skillet!)

Come on, let's take out the iron tortilla pan to give it one of its most obvious uses (not at all unique!), and enjoy a very traditional tortilla, the potato one, with the added flavor of red pepper. and green. You will see how delicious!
Ensalada tibia de espinacas, vieras y rebozuelos-Claudia&Julia

Warm salad with spinach, scallops and chanterelles

This warm salad of spinach, scallops and chanterelles, with the master recipe of chef Philippe Laruelle, is a delicacy; You just have to prepare it to convince yourself.
Gratin Dauphinois: Gratinado de Patatas clásico-Claudia&Julia

Gratin Dauphinois: Classic Potato Gratin

Today I bring you a classic recipe for Potato Gratin, also known as Gratin Dauphinois in French cuisine. It is a rich, comforting dish consisting of thinly sliced ​​potatoes, slowly cooked in cream or a mixture of milk and cream, with garlic and often grated cheese on top until a golden, crispy crust forms.