Let's start autumn in the best way! Rosa, author of Pemberley Cup&Cakes , brings us the recipe to make a fluffy and delicious spiced pumpkin bundt cake (she makes it with one of Nordic Ware's beautiful moulds, the Elegant Party !) Don't miss the recipe and all the tips she gives us to make a perfect bundt cake. You'll love the result in shape and flavour! She also tells us the recipe to make pumpkin puree , the secret ingredient for this delicious cake. Go for it!
Nordic Ware Elegant Party Mold
It is more than evident that autumn is beginning to creep in. There are many of us who are not going to put up any resistance and, to start with, I have already started to stock up on autumn provisions so that it does not catch me off guard.
One of the first recipes that has already been a delight for our breakfasts and snacks has been this spiced pumpkin bundt cake . Not only was I looking forward to turning the oven back on, but debuting my new Nordic Ware® Elegant Party Bundt Cake Pan was a great experience. It is a pure necessity. Don't you think that the simplicity of its lines is at least impeccable?
On the other hand, I find the combination of pumpkin and spices in the preparation of cakes and pies tremendously irresistible. Since this vegetable is usually added in the form of a puree, around this time I start preparing a good quantity and freeze it in smaller portions to have it on hand when I need it.
Although pumpkin can be cooked in several ways to prepare this puree (in the oven, in the microwave, steamed...) of all of them I prefer to bake it ; this way it acquires a characteristic nuance that, in my opinion, gives a very special touch to the final recipe. So, how long will it take you to try it? Tomorrow? I was afraid so...
Ingredients (for 10-12 servings)
All ingredients must be at room temperature, unless otherwise indicated.
Ingredients for pumpkin puree (approx. 245 g)
- 500 g butternut squash
- 240 ml of water
Ingredients for the bundt cake
- 225 g unsalted butter
- 300 g white sugar
- 3 eggs (L)
- 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
- 350 g of soft wheat flour
- 1 ¾ teaspoons baking powder
- ¾ teaspoon baking soda
- ½ teaspoon salt
- 2 teaspoons ground Ceylon cinnamon
- ¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg
- ¼ teaspoon ground allspice
- ⅛ teaspoon ground cloves
- ⅛ teaspoon ground ginger
- 225 g natural yogurt (unsweetened)
- 245 g pumpkin puree
*1 teaspoon=5 ml / 1 tablespoon=15ml*
Microplane spice grater , Skeppshult pepper and spice jar , Elegant party bundt pan and T&G acacia cutting board
Preparation of pumpkin puree:
- Preheat the oven (electric and without air) to 200ºC.
- Using a large, sharp knife (the skin is quite tough), cut the pumpkin in half, remove the seeds and fibers inside (leave the skin) and cut it into medium-sized pieces.
- Place the cleaned pumpkin pieces in an oven-safe dish with the skin facing up (the pulp in contact with the surface of the mould), add the water and bake for 35-45 minutes until the pulp is tender when pricked.
- Remove from the oven and allow to cool completely.
- Once cooled, remove the pulp with a spoon (discard the skin), place it in the blender and blend until obtaining a fine puree. (You can also use a food processor.)
- We transfer the pumpkin puree to a fine strainer or chinois and let it drain for a couple of hours over a container to collect the water that will be released (we can also place a coffee filter in the bottom of the strainer to make sure that we only discard the liquid). This step is essential ; pumpkin contains a large amount of water that, if not removed, would ruin our recipe.
The pumpkin puree you made will keep well sealed in a sealed container for 1 week in the refrigerator and up to 2 months in the freezer. So, you can double the amount and freeze half of it... This way you'll have a good idea of how to make this cake the next time you make it again (because you'll want to make it again!).

Bundt cake preparation:
- Preheat the oven (electric and without air) to 180ºC and place the rack at medium height.
- We grease thoroughly (I usually use a release spray and apastry brush to make sure it reaches all the corners) a 23 cm Ø bundt cake pan (10 cups / 2.6 l capacity) and set aside.
- In a large bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, spices and salt. Set aside.
- In the bowl of your Kitchen Aid mixer fitted with the paddle attachment (or in a large bowl with a wooden spoon or spatula), beat the butter at medium speed for 1-2 minutes or until it acquires a creamy, smooth texture.
- Next, add the sugar and continue beating at medium-high speed for 3-4 more minutes or until you get a fluffy, paler-colored mixture.
- Now add the eggs, lightly beaten beforehand, one at a time. We will not add the next one until the previous one has been completely incorporated into the dough. It is possible that at first the mixture will take on a "cut" appearance; this is completely normal and when we add the flour our dough will become smooth and homogeneous again.
- Add the vanilla extract and mix well until the mixture is uniform. As you work with the dough, it is advisable to remove any residue from the sides and bottom with a silicone spatula so that the mixture is as homogeneous as possible.
- Next, we add the dry ingredients that we had set aside (point 3), alternating them with the yogurt in the following way: ⅓ of dry ingredients, ½ of yogurt, ⅓ of dry ingredients, ½ of yogurt, ⅓ of dry ingredients. That is, we start and finish with the dry ingredients, mixing after each addition just enough to integrate the ingredients.
- Finally, add the pumpkin puree and mix until it is evenly distributed throughout the dough, but do not overdo this step to maintain a tender and juicy crumb. (If you used a mixer, finish mixing the puree by hand with the help of a spatula.)
- Pour the mixture into the previously greased mould and gently tap it against the kitchen counter so that the mixture settles well in every corner of the mould design and remains level (it is preferable to place a folded cloth between the mould and the surface to avoid damage). This way, any air bubbles that may have formed will also be expelled.
- Bake for approximately 55-60 minutes or until a skewer inserted in the centre comes out clean. If it doesn't, check every couple of minutes until it comes out clean.
- Remove from the oven and let cool in the tin on a wire rack for exactly 10 minutes (I use the Birkmann wire rack, which is so pretty that I also use it to present biscuits and cakes at the table). After this time, tap it against the kitchen counter again and carefully move the tin in all directions. This ensures that it has come off the sides and bottom of the tin without any problems. Carefully turn it over and let it cool completely on the wire rack.
The bundt cake will keep for several days, well covered, at room temperature.

- Spices, along with pumpkin, are the key to this recipe, but the finishing touch, totally adaptable to each person's personal preference, will depend on the type and proportion of spices we add. Discover yours!
- This time, I have chosen the “Elegant Party” mould from Nordic Ware®, which I think is a real beauty, but you can use any of their models as long as they have the minimum dimensions indicated in the recipe.
- If you choose to use a commercial version of pumpkin puree, make sure that it is a 100% natural product and that it contains only pumpkin as an ingredient and nothing else. It cannot be substituted with pumpkin cream or similar.
Tellier mechanical scale and Birkmann cooling grid
Emile Henry No. 8 White Ramekin , T&G Acacia Cutting Board and Birkmann Cooling Rack
Amelia Almodovar said:
Por favor se puede sustituir la harina de trigo por alguna harina sin gluten?
Somos celíacos
Ana said:
Impresionante!!!! Sale súper esponjoso y jugoso. Más que un 10!!!
Laia said:
Hola! Ya es la segunda vez que lo hago! Está riquísimo! Por un lado, estoy intentando cocinar reposteria con menos azucar, así que he probado a reducir la cantidad de azúcar a 200gr. Y me parece mejor no tan dulce! La calabaza ya lo es! Otra cosa que quiero preguntar: el bundt cake qué textura tiene? Porque las dos veces me ha quedado súper crujiente por fuera y por dentro una textura entre bizcocho y flan…lo he dejado más de una hora en el horno! Puede ser por la humedad de la calabaza? Lo dejé 1h y pico escurriéndose…probaré hacerlo sin calabaza a ver como sale. Mil gracias! El molde y la receta, geniales!
Cristina said:
Tiene un sabor magnífico, pero se ve que no le quité bien el agua a la calabaza y está demasiado húmedo, pero aún así es muy rico. ¡Este lo repito fijo!
Claudia said:
Eso Nuria, y tanto que sí, nos encantará saber de los resultados! :)
Núria said:
Gracias Claudia y Rosa! Probaré la miel (es más natural) ya os contaré que tal me sale jijiji
Claudia said:
Hola Nuria, Rosa me ha comentado algunas de las alternativas más comunes para poder responder a tu pregunta adaptando las cantidades correctamente en esta receta. Te paso sus consejos, verás que te resultan útiles :)
sustituir el azúcar común por otro tipo de edulcorante en una receta de repostería, hace variar más o menos notablemente el resultado. No todos los edulcorantes son aptos para someterlos a altas temperaturas ni las cantidades son equiparables 1:1. Por ejemplo, 200 g de azúcar (1 taza) serían más o menos equivalentes a:
- 120 ml de sirope de agave (1/2 taza), es decir, el 50% del volumen. Además, habría que reducir la temperatura del horno unos 10ºC (el sirope de agave se quema con mayor facilidad), alargaríamos un 6% aprox. el tiempo de cocción (en este caso, unos 4 minutos más) y restaríamos 30 ml (2 cucharadas) del total de líquidos incluidos en la receta.
- 1 cucharadita de stevia en polvo o líquida, aunque el resultado es significativamente diferente, por lo que se recomienda sustituir sólo la mitad del azúcar indicado, quedando entonces 100 g de azúcar + 1/2 cucharadita de stevia.
- 180 ml (3/4 taza) de miel. En este caso, también hay que reducir la cantidad de líquidos de la receta, restando en este caso, 3 cucharadas del total.
Saludos, (y gracias Rosa por tus buenos consejos!!)
Claudia said:
Hola Asun, gracias por escribir. Pues mira, Rosa ha visto tu consulta y me ha escrito para darte la respuesta directamente, aquí va :) “Se puede sustituir la mantequilla por aceite de oliva 0,4% acidez (suave), pero habría que reducir la cantidad a 180 ml. El método de combinado de ingredientes también varía ligeramente: los húmedos (azúcar incluido) por un lado en un cuenco; los secos, a su vez, en otro para acabar mezclando ambos en un paso final.” Espero sea de ayuda, un saludo!!
Claudia said:
Hola Laura, está riquísimo , de veras que debes probarlo! :) Un saludo y gracias!!
Laura Selene said:
Me encanta la calabaza y ese bundt tiene que ser de lo más jugoso.
Asun said:
Me parece una receta muy interesante.Se podría sustituir la mantequilla por un aceite de oliva suave?Muchas gracias
nuria said:
Que ingrediente se puede agregar en substitucion del azúcar?