Far from just making homemade yogurt, you can prepare a multitude of desserts in the yogurt maker (why else would they call it the Multi-Delight Yogurt Maker ?), from custards and creams to puddings, flans, fresh cheese or even cakes. After all, an electric yogurt maker is a steam cooking appliance (you put water in its base before turning it on, which will evaporate and perform the steam cooking), with the great benefits of controlling temperatures and times .

Plus, you can make it in glass cups, which are extremely convenient and beautiful for both making and presenting the desserts (and they are also extremely easy to clean, as they are dishwasher safe). All in record time!

Multidelices Yogurt Maker

What is the Yogurt Maker for?

You may be wondering what you can make in a yogurt maker. A yogurt maker is a device that provides heat and works with steam. You can make up to 6 yogurts, desserts or cheeses in it at a time. It has a top cover that closes the yogurt maker, containing the glasses and retaining the steam and heat that will make the cooking.

Being a device that applies heat, always in a controlled manner, it is ideal for all types of recipes : in the yogurt maker you can make all those recipes that you can present in jars, and the only thing they require is a base or dough that requires heat or steam cooking to cook.

  • You can make yoghurts: the heat (low and controlled in this case, so as not to damage them) will help the bacteria to ferment, and you will obtain homemade yoghurts. You can make them natural, with flavours, apply jam or fruit on the base, with biscuits... You can make an infinite number of homemade yoghurts, controlling the ingredients and quantities you use, playing with textures and flavours and obtaining the most varied desserts.
  • Other dairy products: From curds to homemade Pétit Suisse or cream cheese, the heat will "curdle" the milk, resulting in delicious dairy desserts.
  • Custards and creams: prepare the base recipe for homemade custard, Catalan cream, crême brulée or a delicious chocolate cream (what addictive desserts!). Making these bases is easy, and after putting it in the yogurt maker, it will cook it to obtain delicious desserts in about 30 minutes (plus time to cool in the fridge).
  • Flan: this is one of the most common uses of the yogurt maker, because how often do we have flan at home and how easy is it to prepare? You mix the ingredients (nothing as easy and delicious as eggs, milk and sugar), and the yogurt maker cooks them in 45 minutes, without having to make a bain-marie or turn on the oven. From traditional egg flan to coconut flan, cinnamon flan, chocolate flan, condensed milk flan... you'll be making flan in no time!
  • Puddings : exactly the same as flan, but by adding some leftover homemade pastry dough, you will be preparing delicious homemade puddings in no time.
  • Cakes and batters: Steam your cakes and serve them in individual portions! Nothing is easier and cleaner than pouring the batter from your cake recipes into the glasses and pressing a button - you will have your individual cakes ready in less than an hour, without turning on the oven! From the typical yoghurt cake to lemon, orange, chocolate, pumpkin, carrot, marbled cakes...
  • Other desserts : there are many more recipes that you can make in the yogurt maker: rice pudding, blondies, tocino de cielo...
  • Savory recipes: Now that it's trendy to pack food in a jar or serve individual appetizers, you can make all kinds of fritattas in the yogurt maker (it's just a matter of steaming the egg). There are other recipes you can think of, too, like corn bread stuffed with your favorite ingredients. Think of recipes that require heat or steaming, and you'll be right.

Recipes in yogurt maker

Yogurt Maker Recipes

There are two things I encourage you to look at to get recipes in the Multidelices Yogurt Maker:

  1. The yogurt maker recipe book , which you can see here : in it you will find a wide variety of recipes to start getting the most out of your new appliance.
  2. All the yogurt maker recipes from our blog , from flans and yogurt creams to puddings, you will see them here .

How to make yogurt with the yogurt maker

Yogurt has a lot of benefits for our health and making yogurt at home even more so: you control the ingredients and quantities you use, making them super natural, it's super fast and it's also fun (for adults and for children, who often help me with the task).

To make yogurt you only need two ingredients: milk and bacteria. The bacteria will ferment the milk, and you will get yogurt.

Where do you get the bacteria for your first yogurts? You don't need to buy bacteria! All you need for your first homemade yogurts is a yogurt - mix a quality, natural yogurt with milk, and distribute the mixture in the yogurt maker jars. Put water in the base of the yogurt maker and turn it on, in a few hours you will have homemade yogurt.

Although it is true that the first yogurts you make each have a small portion of store-bought yogurt, it is a very small amount of it in each yogurt (it is divided into 6 jars), and from those first yogurts you make you can use your own to make more yogurts. However, it is interesting to buy a quality yogurt for your first yogurts, made from milk and ferments in quantity and quality, so that you obtain dense yogurts full of flora.

Make flavoured yoghurts, add jam to the yoghurt base if you like its flavour and sweetness, you can sweeten them with natural sweeteners in the mix, you can add fresh fruit, candied fruit, dried fruit, flavourings... Prepare your yoghurts with your favourite combinations!

Multidelices yogurt maker programs

The yogurt maker comes with 6 jars and 6 removable grids/strainers for making fresh cheese, and has several preset programs , which are:

  1. Program for making yogurt
  2. Program for making fresh cheese
  3. Program for everyday desserts : with it you will make everything from custards, creams, flans, puddings... Default to 45 minutes
  4. Express program: only the new version of the Multidelices Yogurt Maker (the one we have in the store) includes this express program. It is an advanced function to ferment yogurts in 4 hours, instead of the usual 8 in this type of machine.

Although it comes with these programs, you can also manually modify times and temperatures : if you have filled the jars too much, or if you have made an extremely moist cake batter and will require a little more temperature or time... You can press the program to use and, after that, add the minutes of time you want or raise or lower the degrees of heat as you wish.

Remember also that the yoghurt maker is an electrical appliance optimised for low energy consumption. This is important, especially for longer programmes, which are interesting to know that they actually require very little energy, since you need a very low temperature to cook the yoghurt (therefore, little energy to heat it, just enough to maintain it).

Discover the yogurt maker with this video:

Things you should know about the yogurt maker

  • Apart from the 6 glasses that come in the yogurt maker, you may be interested in getting 6 additional glasses. This is interesting when you want to make desserts non-stop, if you want to make a variety of desserts without having to finish all the yogurts or desserts you have ready in the fridge or if you want to make more of the recipe once you get down to it, to make two batches, one after the other, of that prepared mixture. If you want to buy additional glasses, you will find them here .
  • The glasses are made of glass, so your mixtures will not take on any odor, and they are 100% dishwasher safe.
  • There is one accessory that is very popular, and that is the rectangular 1 L container . With it, you can do exactly the same thing as with the glasses, but in XL size and with only one container to clean. Do you like to make XL yogurts and flans, or do you want to make a delicious cake ready to serve?
  • You can also make liquid yogurt. To do this you will need the specific jars for this, the Multidelices liquid yogurt jars .

Yogurt Maker Accessories

Set of additional cups , 1L container for the Multidelices and cups for liquid yogurt

Making yoghurt at home is nice, easy and enjoyable, but discovering how easy, clean and convenient it is to make desserts such as custards, creams and flans is a real joy. The Multidelices yoghurt maker really gives you a lot of options and gives you a multitude of options: I hope that with this article I have been able to convey that, in fact, you can make an infinite number of recipes with it in the most comfortable way possible (also, without suffering from heat, as it saves you from having to turn on the oven).


Luis said:

Me encanto el post

Alicia said:

Tengo frascos vidrio igual medida,que los originales y caben bien en la yogurtera se pueden utilizar? Gracias

Carol said:

Hola una pregunta, si hago flan en una yogurtera convencional qué temperatura necesitaría para 1h de cocción? Para saber si puedo seleccionar la temperatura que necesita el programa. Imagino que agua para hacer vapor también. Gracias

Mercedes said:

Hola. Me gusta mucho unos yogures naturales cremoso, 0% grasas y azúcares añadidos. Se puede hacer en esta yogurters???

MaCarmen said:

Hola yo la tengo de las antiguas los yegures me los hace bien nunca puse agua y seme hacen es mejor poner agua quiro mas recetas

Claudia said:

Hola Aida, claro que sí :) Tu prepara la mezcla y con la yogurtera te ayudará. Ojo a la temperatura, no sé si tendrás que modificarla ligeramente respecto a las bacterias de yogur estándar para que fermente… Eso tendrás que mirar qué temperatura es la más adecuada para el kéfir. Saludos

Aida said:

Se puede usar con granulos de kéfir

Claudia said:

Hola Jordi, pues deberías poder hacerlo, pero me temo que no tenemos experiencia en ello con la yogurtera. Sólo tubimos un comentario de un cliente que lo había hecho con leche de soja, pero desconocemos si fue realmente satisfactorio o si tubo que hacer varias pruebas que obtener buenos resultados con ello… Lamento no poder ser de más ayuda pero tampoco queremos darte una información errónea.

Jordi said:

es posible hacer yogures con leches vegetales también?


Maria said:

Tengo la yogurt era Tefal, Los yoghures, cremas y arroz con leche Salem buenisimos pero la cuajada no me gusta como queda con el cuajo

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