Today we take out heavy artillery! Surely with a delicious and vicious chocolate coulant , or with a recipe as easy and quick as mug cakes , you will succeed on a daily basis... Or when you have guests at home! These are two very easy but super successful recipes that you can prepare in the beautiful mini-cocottes from Le Creuset .

You can see how to prepare them on our YouTube channel ( here is the video ).

chocolate coulant

Ingredients (for 6 mini-cocottes )

  • 120gr of chocolate to melt (Nestlé desserts)
  • 140g butter
  • 3 eggs
  • 70g of flour
  • 60g of sugar


1. Start by painting the mini-cocottes with a little melted butter with the help of a brush. Let dry. Flour the mini-cocotte to coat the entire inside and sides, and shake to remove excess flour.

2. Melt the chocolate with the butter in a bain-marie or in the microwave.

3. Beat the eggs with the help of a mixer, until they have at least tripled their volume (Sabayon).

4. Next, add the melted chocolate to the sabayon with the help of a spatula, making enveloping movements until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

5. Add the sifted flour with the sugar little by little to the previous dough.

6. Fill the mini cocottes ¾ with chocolate mass and leave to rest for 20 minutes in the fridge. Preheat the oven to 180ºC.

7. After 20 minutes, take the mini-cocottes out of the fridge and bake the chocolate coulants for about 10 minutes at 180ºc, then remove from the oven and serve.

You can accompany the coulant with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, or simply sprinkled with icing sugar.

Observation: The coulant has to be cooked on the outside and liquid on the inside.

Chocolate cream mug cake

A mug cake is a quick cake that has become very popular in recent times. It simply consists of putting the ingredients in a small container or cup, and cooking it in the microwave in record time, in 1 to 3 minutes. The usual thing, as its name indicates, is to do it in mugs, but we have chosen to do it in mini-cocottes, given its beautiful presentation.

Ingredients (for 4 mugs or mini-cocottes ):

  • 1 tablespoon cocoa powder
  • 2 tablespoons of chocolate cream (Nutella or Nocilla type)
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tablespoons of butter
  • 2 tablespoons of milk
  • 3 tablespoons of flour
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of liquid cream
  • 1 teaspoon chemical yeast
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


1. Melt the butter in the microwave.

Now is the time to incorporate all the ingredients, to mix them and put the preparation in the microwave. You can do it by distributing the proportional part to each cup or mini-cocotte, which is in fact the usual thing when you make a mug cake, and mix it directly there, or as we have done, add the ingredients in a bowl and mix everything, and then fill each of the cups or mini-cocottes.

2. In a bowl, put the melted butter with the egg, beat well with a fork and add the sugar with the chocolate cream.

3. Add flour, yeast and cocoa powder. Mix again.

4. Finally, pour the milk with the cream and the vanilla extract .

5. Stir well until you get a homogeneous and creamy texture.

6. Fill the mini-cocottes 3/4 full and cook one at a time in the microwave at maximum power for 1 minute and a half.

7. Remove the mug cake from the microwave and decorate with a little icing sugar sprinkled on top.

8. Let cool slightly and serve the delicious mug cake.

You can also prepare these mug cakes in their most common way of seeing them, in cups or mugs .

I must confess that the coulant was spectacular, and these chocolate mug cakes were also a vice. I definitely invite you to try them at home. Enjoy them!

sweet recipes in mini-cocotte

Recipes made with Stéphane Poussardin, in his Atélier


Claudia said:

chicas, mil disculpas!! Parece ser que se perdió una parte del texto, qué desastre!
Lo hemos resuelto y está ahora indicado en la receta (lo que faltaba… 1 huevo, 2 cucharadas de matequilla, 2 cucharadas de leche, 3 cucharadas de harina, 2 cucharadas de azúcar). Disculpad las molestias y gracias por avisar!
Saludos, Claudia

Pilar said:

Yo también quiero hacer los mug cakes y tengo la misma duda. Cantidad de leche y huevo? Gracias

Mireia said:

Que cantidades de huevo, leche y harina se necesitan para el mug de chocolate? No aparecen en los ingredientes.

Julia said:

En al receta del mug de chocolate aparece huevo y leche, pero en los ingredientes no constan (puntos 2 y 4).
¿Qué cantidad de huevo y leche necesitan?

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