Vegan coconut cream , that heavenly touch that rivals any traditional cream, is the star of our journey today. In just 5 minutes and with only 3 ingredients , you will create a unique experience for your palate. The result? A smooth and deliciously indulgent cream that will completely change your perception of vegan alternatives. And you'll want to apply it on everything! From accompanying some strawberries to any cake or sponge cake, and without a doubt adding a spoonful to your coffee or cappuccino.

In the fascinating world of vegan cooking, the search for delicious and ethical alternatives is an exciting journey. And you have to try the one I show you now!

The Magic of Vegan Coconut Cream: Vegan coconut cream is much more than an alternative. It is a discovery that combines the simplicity of the ingredients with the magic of texture and flavor. It is a creamy cream with a subtle delicious coconut and vanilla flavor, and it becomes a star ingredient, transforming simple desserts into elegant and ethical delicacies.

Why Choose Vegan Coconut Cream: In addition to its delicious flavor, vegan coconut cream stands out for its versatility and its ability to enhance any dessert. The creamy texture and subtle hint of coconut perfectly complement a wide variety of creations, from cakes and ice creams to coffees and fresh fruits. Furthermore, by opting for this option, you are making a conscious choice that contributes to a sustainable and ethical lifestyle.

The Secrets to a Perfect Vegan Cream:

  1. Choice of Ingredients: Using high-quality coconut milk is essential. Opt for a complete version without additives to ensure the best consistency. In this sense, it is important that you buy canned coconut milk, it tends to have a fattier nature. Avoid, of course, buying low-fat coconut milk (or you won't be able to do the magic!) and also make sure to use coconut milk that has no additives, such as guar gum (coconut milk with guar gum will apparently be thicker in can, but once you beat it, it will become a grainy mixture, and you don't want that).

  2. Always, always start with a cold can of coconut milk. Leave the can in your refrigerator overnight so the cream thickens and separates from the coconut milk (water). Refrigerating the can of coconut milk overnight is a key step. This process allows the cream to separate from the liquid, providing the perfect base for making cream.

  3. Flavor Customization: Adding a touch of vanilla or a sweetener of your choice can enhance the flavor profile according to your preferences.

How to make vegan coconut cream:


  • 1 400g can of coconut milk (very cold, refrigerated overnight)
  • ½ cup powdered sugar* (30 to 60 g)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional)

*If you're not sure how sweet you like nata de coco, start by adding two tablespoons and taste until you get the sweetness that's right for you. You can also use a drop of maple syrup instead of powdered sugar.


  1. Open the can of cold coconut milk and carefully pour the watery liquid into a bowl or glass, reserving it for other uses*. The coconut cream that remains in the can is our base for the coconut cream.

  2. In a bowl, pour the coconut cream and add the powdered sugar and vanilla extract (optional).

  3. With the help of a whisk, electric or manual (it is always easier and faster if it is electric), beat the mixture until you obtain a smooth and creamy consistency.

In every spoonful of this vegan coconut cream, you will discover the perfect fusion of simplicity, elegance and flavor. Dare to experiment with this delicious alternative and let the vegan magic conquer you!

Uses for vegan coconut whipped cream

You can use the vegan coconut cream just like you use conventional whipped cream. It is super versatile and can be used in various ways in the kitchen. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Topping for cakes, biscuits and desserts: Use it as a topping for cakes, cupcakes, cakes and desserts in general. Adds a touch of indulgence and creamy flavor.

  2. Hot Drinks: Add a generous spoonful to your favorite hot drinks, such as coffee, hot chocolate or tea, for a creamy and aromatic touch.

  3. Fresh Fruits: Serve the vegan coconut cream over fresh fruits such as strawberries, pineapple, mangoes or kiwis. It is a delicious and healthy option.

  4. Shakes and Smoothies: Blend vegan coconut cream into shakes or smoothies for a smooth texture and tropical flavor.

  5. Breakfast: Accompany your breakfasts with a spoonful of vegan coconut cream on toast, pancakes, waffles or cereal.

  6. Baking: Use it as an ingredient in baking recipes, as a filling for cakes, cupcakes or cookies.

  7. Homemade Ice Cream: Integrate vegan coconut cream into your homemade ice cream recipes for a creamy and delicious alternative.

  8. Sweet sauces or toppings: Prepare sweet sauces to accompany desserts using vegan coconut cream as a base. Combine it with fruits or syrups for an extra touch.

  9. Iced Coffee: Enjoy an iced coffee with a generous dollop of vegan coconut cream for a refreshing and delicious experience.

Experiment with these uses and discover how vegan coconut cream can elevate your dishes and drinks, providing a tropical and creamy touch.

You are interested!

How long can you keep the coconut cream?

It is optimal to enjoy it immediately so that it maintains its ideal texture, since over time it can begin to lose consistency. If you need to store it, simply cover it and place it in the refrigerator, where it will keep well for up to 2 days. Before serving it after it has been in the fridge, give it a little stir to make sure it maintains its softness and delicious flavor.

What if the coconut cream doesn't thicken when whipped?

Coconut cream, when using the thick part of a refrigerated can of coconut milk, is often whipped naturally and acquires a texture similar to conventional whipped cream without the need to add additional thickeners. The key is to refrigerate the can of coconut milk for at least 24 hours to allow the cream to separate from the liquid.

If the coconut milk you are using is of good quality and has a high fat content, the thick part should whip up easily. However, the consistency can vary between brands and types of coconut milk. Some brands may be thicker than others.

If you notice that the coconut cream doesn't have the desired consistency after refrigerating and whipping, here are some suggestions before resorting to thickeners like corn flour:

  1. Room temperature: Make sure all utensils and ingredients are at room temperature before you begin.

  2. Additional whipping: You may need to whip the coconut cream a little more than expected to reach the desired consistency.

  3. Flavor adjustments: If the coconut cream is a little runny, you can adjust the consistency by adding powdered sugar or sweetener while whisking.

In short, in most cases, coconut cream should whip correctly without the need for additional thickeners, as long as you use the thick part of a well-chilled can of coconut milk.

Can I add a thickener to make the task easier or to make the vegan cream thicker?

You don't need it, but there are those who use a thickener so that the cream takes on a creamy texture more quickly or to thicken it more. To do this, you can use cornstarch (Cornstarch) or tapioca starch: add a tablespoon of flour to the cream when you already have it half beaten (you can previously mix it with half a teaspoon of water and mix well, before adding it to the coconut cream, to avoid lumps).

Is it possible to whip leftover coconut milk, reserved from the can?

Of course! You can whip coconut milk to create a kind of dairy-free whipped cream. It is important to note that coconut whipped cream will not reach the firmness that traditional dairy whipped cream has. However, it will thicken enough to form soft peaks and result in a creamy, dreamy treat.


Claudia & Julia said:

¡Qué buenas ideas, Noemí! muchas gracias, tomamos nottse ellas para enriquecer el post que estamos preparando :) gracias! un saludo

Claudia & Julia said:

gola de nuevo Carlos, uy, disculpa porque no sé dónde me expresé mal porque para nada quería decir eso, y en todo caso no es lo que quería decir. Disculpa si eso es lo que se interpretó. Y en todo caso, me alegran los debates y creo que estamos todos de acuerdo en intentar hacer entre todos lo mejor posible. Un saludo!

Carlos said:

Mezclar la ética aquí me parece un tanto excesivo. Admito que puede haber opciones más o menos ecológicas, sostenibles o socialmente justas, pero insinuar que la nata de coco pueda ser más ética que la nata de leche de vaca creo que excede lo razonable. Será más o menos “lo que quieras”, pero es igual de ético que comer cualquier otra nata.

Noemí said:

@Pal puedes usarlo para hacer un curry de verduras, para hacer porridge de avena, para remojar chia, para sustituir el agua al hacer un pan, para sustituir parte de una bebida vegetal en un bizcocho por ejemplo… espero que te sirva. un saludo.

Claudia&Julia said:

Hola Pal, ¡buena pregunta! miraremos de hacer un post para daros ideas. Yo la uso siempre para hacer flanes de coco (lo añado como parte líquida, junto a la leche de vaca) y para bizcochos. También para añadir al agua de hervir arroz para darle un toque más exótico, o en los smoothies de fresa y coco. Espero que para empezar estos usos los veas interesantes :) un saludo!

Claudia&Julia said:

Hola Daniel, agradezco tu perspectiva y tu interés en el tema. Es cierto que las decisiones éticas sobre la dieta y el estilo de vida a menudo involucran consideraciones más amplias, y aprecio que señales aspectos que a veces pasan desapercibidos. En cuanto a la electricidad y las fuentes de energía, es un punto válido que la producción de tecnologías verdes también tiene impactos ambientales. La conversación sobre sostenibilidad es compleja.
Respecto al estiércol, entiendo la importancia del ciclo natural del suelo y la contribución que puede tener. Sin embargo, también hay prácticas agrícolas sostenibles y métodos de fertilización alternativos que pueden ser considerados en un enfoque vegano. La discusión sobre el impacto ambiental de diferentes prácticas es esencial para seguir mejorando y buscando soluciones más sostenibles.

Aprecio tu preocupación por el medio ambiente y comparto el deseo de un mundo más saludable. ¡Te agradezco mucho tu punto de vista! Creo que se hable de ello es positivo para que todos ganemos conciencia.
Con todo, independientemente de las prácticas ecológicas, ser vegano a menudo no es solo por un tema ecológico, sino también por alergias e intoolerancias de ciertos alimentos, entre otros. Y se sea vegano o no, esta nata de coco es deliciosa, y os animo muchísimo a probarla. ¡Un saludo!

Daniel said:

És ético ser vegano y no consumir leche pero si hay electricidad, eso no contamina… Le quitamos la tierra a las vacas y ponemos placas solares que su construcción con necesario gas o energía nuclear más toda la minería que hay detrás, eso no.. eso no hay problema… “Vegan” a pastar.
Que poco sabéis de vacas y lo necesario que es su estiércol para el campo… Un estiércol que el mismo contiene una amplia gama de bacterias humificantes imprescindibles para la salud del suelo… Ser vegano es ser anarquista… Querer destruir este mundo natural, creyendo que se defiende. Si no hay estiercol con que se abona? Con abonos químicos solubles creados a partir del gas natural para extraer nitrógeno? O pensáis que la etiqueta de ecológico no lleva toda una industria contaminante detrás?

Pal said:

Qué usos se podría dar al líquido acuoso de separamos de la nata de coco?.
Muchas gracias.

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