Who says gluten-free recipes can't be tender and juicy? The pear cake that you have before you, in addition to being easy, tender and juicy, is gluten-free . To get this wonder you only need one “secret” ingredient: gluten-free polenta (yellow cornmeal).

As you already know, you can make a multitude of dishes with polenta, such as the typical Italian "concia" polenta that is made in a baking tray and then cut into portions; or the oily one, which is the salty version that I like the most, since it looks like a kind of porridge or purée, perfect to accompany any dish of meat, fish...

This sweet version is perfect for people who are intolerant or allergic to gluten, since it does not contain wheat flour, only "gluten-free" polenta. I emphasize that it is gluten-free polenta because although polenta is cornmeal, not all brands are gluten-free, it is very important that the symbol appears on the package or simply that it is specified as "gluten-free" or "gluten-free"; If you do not have any intolerance or allergy you can buy any brand.

If you like extra juicy and moist biscuits, you will love this one. The pear makes the cake super moist as if it had some kind of syrup and together with the polenta and almonds it has a spectacular texture. Plus it's so easy to do that you'll be doing it all the time. This juicy interior contrasts with its crunchy exterior. In addition, cooking it in a ceramic mold like Emile Henry's makes cooking it more spectacular, since its outer texture is even more crunchy.

Emile Henry ceramic mold , Pallarès knives and T&G wooden shovel


  • 200 g butter at room temperature
  • 200 g of brown sugar
  • Juice and zest of 1 orange
  • 3 eggs L
  • 200 g ground almonds
  • 200 g instant gluten-free polenta
  • 1 teaspoon of chemical yeast powder
  • 3 ripe but still firm pears

Gluten-free pear cake

KitchenAid food processor , Emile Henry ceramic pan , Pallares knives and T&G wooden shovel


  1. Preheat the oven to 180 ºC heat up and down with the rack in the center. Grease a mold and place parchment paper (optional) at the base of the mold.
  2. With the help of the KitchenAid robot , we beat the butter together with the sugar until we get a soft and fluffy dough. Add the juice, zest, beaten eggs and almond. We beat until incorporated.
  3. Add the polenta together with the yeast and beat everything until a smooth and uniform mixture is obtained.
  4. Pour the dough over the mold, smooth the surface and place the pears as follows: cut the pears in half from the stem; we remove the seeds with a Parisian spoon; We cut the pears very thin vertically from the stem without reaching the end so that the pear remains attached at the end. Finally, we place the pears in the mold, opening them slightly as if it were a fan.
  5. Bake in the central part of the oven for 40 minutes or until cooked and when inserted with a toothpick it comes out clean. Finally, let cool on a wire rack.

Suggestion: Dust with icing sugar and serve warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

KitchenAid food processor , Emile Henry ceramic mold and T&G wooden shovel

Author of the recipe: Mercedes de Merceditas Bakery


Gloria said:

Perdona me puedes decir que es la polenta???

Carlota said:

En vez de polenta puedo usar semola de maiz? La receta parece deliciosa!! Gracias!!

Mabel said:

Respuesta a M.Antonia Guillem: Maizena no es harina, es fecula. Si quieres harina de maiz tiene que decir harina, la encuentras donde las harinas, mira bien porque hay una harina de maiz que esta precocida se utiliza para hacer arepas se llama = pan, no es la harina para bizcocho, aunque en general puedes utilizar toda clase de harinas, siguiendo las pautas de su condicion, espero haberte ayudado

Celia said:

Me gustan vurstras fecetas

M. Antonia Guillem said:

Me encanta la receta. En vez de polenta se puede hacer con Harina de maiz
(maizena) ? Para las personas no celíacas. Muchas gràcies.

Ana Luisa Rodriguez Ríos said:

Me encantan vuestras recetas, pienso realizar muchas de ellas¡Gracias!

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