With a delicious creamy sauce with a hint of garlic, this salmon recipe is one of my favorites, creamed salmon with spinach, garlic and dried tomatoes . The intensity of the garlic and dried tomato provide the ideal flavor and intensity to make this salmon in cream a most tasty dish.

You will often see Tuscan salmon with roasted peppers. In my version, I use dried tomatoes, I love them because they give the recipe the necessary intensity so that an intense flavor of the cream stands out.

The recipe is really simple and to make it you will only need a frying pan. I make it in an iron skillet, in a tall Le Creuset skillet , for 100% natural cooking. A frying pan, love for cooking and the step by step that I detail below.

Tuscan salmon in skillet

Skillet high skillet 26cm Le Creuset (meringue color)


  • 4 salmon fillets
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons of butter
  • 3 or 4 garlic cloves
  • 200 ml of cooking cream 18% mg
  • Half a large or 1 medium onion
  • 1/3 cup dry white wine (optional)
  • 4 or 5 strips of dried tomato packed in oil
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • 2 handfuls of fresh spinach
  • 1/2 cup grated fresh Parmesan cheese (not included in dairy-free option)

Salmon in skillet with cream

WMF garlic press and Dutch Rose Organic Collection bowl


  1. We have a few tablespoons of oil in the Skillet pan and heat it up. We have the salmon in it (if it is with skin, with the skin down first and letting it cook well, so you can easily remove it when it is golden). We season.
  2. When you see that the salmon is done on one side, turn it over and season the other side as well. We let it be done, until it is observed golden. When we have it done, we remove it from the pan and reserve it.
  3. Without stopping the heat, we add a couple of tablespoons of butter to the pan (about 20 or 25 gr).
  4. Add the 4 minced garlic cloves (pass them through a garlic press ).
  5. When facts begin to be observed, we add half a large onion cut finely. we gild it
  6. When the onion begins to be transparent, it is time to add the white wine if you are going to use it. Wait for it to reduce and continue with the next step.
  7. Add chopped dried tomato or cut into small pieces (if you want intensity, also add a tablespoon of the oil in which it was packaged). Sauté for a couple of minutes over low heat.
  8. Add 200 ml of cooking cream and let it reduce for a couple of minutes. Rectify with salt and pepper.
  9. Add the fresh spinach and let it cook. Stir occasionally.
  10. When the spinach is done and the sauce reduced, we add the salmon that we had reserved. We let the salmon come back to temperature and it is ready to serve.

*Optionally, you can add grated Parmesan cheese or some dry sheep cheese to the recipe. You can do it when the spinach and sauce are ready (just before introducing the salmon), or you can add it afterwards if you want the Parmesan cheese to be visible instead of melting into the sauce.

Creamed salmon with spinach


  • We will know that the salmon is done on one side because the part that is in contact with the pan takes on a whitish tone, which rises towards the middle part of the salmon. In addition, you will appreciate that it can be turned easily when it is done, because the iron first grabs the food, but once it is done it releases it, and it is time to turn.
  • Wine is optional, and you can add both dry wine and sweet wine.
  • I recommend adding a few tablespoons of the oil in which the sun-dried tomatoes are packaged -it gives it an important extra flavor.
  • You can make the same recipe with other fish, whether they are white, blue or white.
  • Adapt the recipe to your liking: if you want a milder recipe, reduce the amount of garlic and/or dried tomato.
  • It is essential to accompany it with bread -You are going to adore that sauce!

Recipe in skillet: creamed salmon


maria irene said:

A mi m’agrada molt però el salmó es continua enganxant. No se pas quanta estona triga a desenganxar-se.

maria irene said:

Avui hem fet aquesta recepta i ens ha agradat molt. La paella es petita de 20 cm perquè a casa només som dos.

Daniel said:


Claudia said:

Hola Elena, lo acabo de añadir porque ciertamente se me había pasado la opción, a pesar de añadir el ingrediente como opcional. La idea es añadirlo rallado al final, bien a la salsa o bien encima del salmón.¡Casa bien en esa receta! Yo a veces lo añado y a veces no .) Saludos! Feliz de que haya gustado! Claudia

Claudia said:

Hola Manuel, que ¿Qué me parece? Me parece que te quedará absolutamente delicioso!! gran idea, lo haré también. Gracias!! Feliz de que haya gustado en casa!

Claudia said:

Eso es, Maria José! justamente así, antes de poner el salmón de nuevo para que se derrita con la salsa, o justo después de añadirlo, para que decore el plato aparte de aportar su sabor. Un saludo, lo he añadido ya al texto. Gracias y disculpad el descuido de ese paso!

Claudia said:

Hola Daniel, lo lamento! me olvidé de ello. Es al final de todo, cuando ya incorporas el salmón, o justa antes de ponerlo si quieres que se funda con la salsa. Lo añado ahora al texto, gracias!

Elena said:

Hemos probado la receta y ha sido un exito. Sólo me queda la duda de en que momento usais el parmesano

Manuel said:

Acabo de preparar la receta y ha sido todo un éxito. Estaba buenísimo y ha encantado a toda la familia.
Se me ha ocurrido preparar una pasta con esta salsa, incluso incluyendo algo de salmón desmigado, pues creo que estaría estupenda, ¿qué te parece?

Maria Jose said:

Creo que el queso se incorporará finalizada la receta y así se derretirá con el calor

Daniel said:

Una duda: ¿ en qué paso de la receta se incorpora la 1/2 taza de queso parmesano rallado fresco, cómo? Gracias.

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