We were really looking forward to seeing which recipes you liked the most this year that has just ended, and we loved the result. Do you know why? Because it has shown us that you are interested in the recipes that we like so much at Claudia&Julia, namely, the recipes that require a long sip and those that you can make at home instead of buying! Without further ado, I leave you with the most visited recipes on our blog throughout 2018:

Claudia said:
Éxito total tus recetas, CArmen!!! Antes, ahora y siempre! Un abrazo fuerte!
Claudia said:
Sois muy amables, ALicia. Cariño le ponemos :) Saludos!!
Claudia said:
Gracias mil Analía!! Saludos!
Carmen said:
Feliz 2019!!!
Acabo de ver este post y no sabes la ilusión que me ha hecho saber que mis recetas siguen gustando y que en el ranking de las 10 favoritas, 3 son mias… que buena forma de empezar el año!!!
Un beso
Alicia said:
Gracias.Como siempre atentos ,sois geniales.
Analía said:
Me encanta todo lo que hacen!