I bring you a recipe that will leave an irresistible smell in your house, it will be the ideal accompaniment for Sunday breakfasts and it can also become a small homemade gift to surprise on these dates. Sounds good?

They already say it: often the little things are the biggest. The same goes for this easy orange marmalade recipe . It is an unpretentious recipe but with a truly delicious result.

Preparing jam is always an easy task. You only need good raw material and let the chup chup do all the work. Do not stop stirring often, yes.

Ceramic jar with lid Le Creuset


  • 4 oranges
  • 1 vanilla pod
  • 200g icing sugar*
  • Juice of 1 lemon

*See notes below.


  1. Wash the oranges and boil them whole in a cast iron cocotte for one hour.
  2. Remove and cut the oranges into large pieces. Blend until you get a more or less smooth texture (leave more or less lumps according to your taste; keep in mind that after cooking they will soften).
  3. Add the vanilla, icing sugar, lemon juice and orange purée to the cocotte and cook until the mixture thickens.
  4. Distribute the boiling jam in jars and close immediately.


  • When you cut the orange into pieces, you can cut some orange slices and reserve. Without crushing, add it to the cocotte with the rest crushed when you go to make the jam. It will be sweet and wonderful and it is a presentation detail if the intention is to give the jam as a gift.
  • As for the sugar, you can also make it with normal sugar, or with brown sugar (the flavor of a good brown sugar is fabulous with the citrus of oranges and the exoticism of vanilla). You can also apply a mixture of both. Ideally, apply half the weight of the oranges once boiled, in sugar (if you have 500g of oranges, apply 250g of sugar, which can be 150g of brown sugar and 100g of white).
  • If you decide to use brown sugar entirely, the jam won't come out as sweet. It is a matter of taste!
  • Orange marmalade is ideal for a slice of toast, crepes or to fill or decorate cakes and cakes.
  • If you want to make more, you just have to double the amounts of the indicated ingredients, less in the case of lemon, keep the juice of 1 lemon despite making twice as many oranges.
  • The jam will last even weeks in the fridge if you keep it hermetically closed. Le Creuset ceramic jars with hermetic closure are a good option, as well as being perfect if you want to make the jam as a gift.

I hope you enjoy many quiet breakfasts at home with this homemade jam, that you can surprise someone this Christmas with a most beautiful and dedicated gift, and that your house smells of a thousand and one delights thanks to the aroma that its preparation gives off . You'll love it!


Elena said:

Usais naranjas de mesa o de zumo?

Nieves said:

Hola, y si no tengo vainilla? Alguna recomendación? Gracias

Claudia said:

Hola Ángeles, para ser mermelada debería contener como mínimo un 60% de azúcar. Es la fórmula que funcionará seguro para que se genere esa textura gelatinosa. Te dejo con un artículo que creo que lo explica muy bien, un saludo: https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias/2013/12/131212_nutricion_azucar_mermelada_finde_gtg

Claudia said:

Ana, referente a la vainilla ahora veo tu otra pregunta: puedes usar la pasta siempre que sea procedente de extracto auténtico y no químico o de saborizantes, sino arruinarás el resultado). Saludos!

Claudia said:

Hola Ana, lo mejor que puedes hacer es fijarte en las recomendaciones que hay en el apartado de Notas, y seguir en tema de cantidad de azúcar a partir de allí. Pesa las naranajas y aplica la mitad de su peso en azúcar, es lo habitual en tema de elaborar mermeladas, y el resultado será fabuloso así. Saludos!

Claudia said:

Hola, saludos a todos. Sabía que la duda de las naranjas enteras sería probable que surgiera, y veo que así es! La receta se elabora con las naranjas sin pelar, ciertamente! Prueben y verán qué rica mermelada! Saludos!

Moon Roig said:

Las Naranjas van peladas.Entiendo que no.


Me parece superfácil la receta, pero la duda que tengo si las naranjas van peladas o no.

Yolanda said:

Buenas; las naranjas con cascara o peladas? Gracias

Azucena said:

Entiendo que las naranjas van con la piel en todo el proceso.???

Ana Furió said:

Qué peso aproximado tienen las 4 naranjas que pones, las que suelo tener son de casa y en este tiempo son de variedades que dan el fruto muy grande, seguramente bastante más que las de tamaño medio.
Y otra cosa, no tengo a mano vainilla en vaina, la tengo en pasta, la bourbon de Madagascar, podría cambiarla sin que afecte al resultado?

Angeles muñoz gonzalo said:

Si pones menos azucar, que riesgo corres?

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