For a few months now, Miguel Ángel, author of Green Peppers, has been enjoying a Weber gas barbecue. As I knew that he has gotten a lot of use out of it, I asked him if he wanted to give us his opinion about it, or about the benefits of gas barbecues, and here is his opinion about them. Will you be as in love with these barbecues as he is?

When I was little, one of the things I liked to do most with my parents was enjoy a good barbecue on the terrace. It all began with the ritual of lighting the fire and waiting for the embers to be at the ideal point. I remember perfectly how I helped my father make a pile of wood shavings and then lit them and poured charcoal on top. Then I would run to the kitchen and help my mother salt the meat, which was usually lamb ribs, and then we would get to work on the aioli. Of course, then came the corresponding appetizer while my father was in charge of cooking the meat.

Years later, when I bought my apartment, the idea of ​​buying a barbecue for the large terrace I had was always on my mind, but, unfortunately, my terrace is a porch, that is, I have a roof over it that prevents me from making a fire. with a traditional barbecue. So I discarded the idea.

Luckily, one of my neighbors went to live in the United States for a while and one of the things she brought back from there was a gas barbecue . You already know that they are masters there with this subject and my neighbor's good experience convinced me to buy this type of barbecue.

As in any purchasing process, once the convincing phase was over, it was time to face the task of comparing brands and features. Here I must say that Claudia helped me a lot and knew how to guide me perfectly to know which gas barbecue to buy .

I was very clear that I wanted a good-sized barbecue, but one that would also allow me to cook for two people. Another essential requirement is that I wanted a durable, very high quality product with a careful design. For this reason I opted for the Weber Spirit E310 model, which has three burners and enough surface area to cook for 10 people without problems. In addition, it has a very elegant line and a compact size that barely takes up any space on the terrace.

weber barbecues

Weber Spirit Barbecues

After a few months using my Weber gas barbecue, I am able to explain my experience with this system and with the brand.

1. Weber barbecues are made with very high quality products. They are robust and are designed to last for many years. Assembly is very simple, as much as assembling a piece of furniture from the well-known Swedish brand.

2. Gas is a cheap cooking system. I use 6 kg reusable butane cylinders, which fit perfectly in the cabinet that includes my barbecue. These cylinders have a price of about 10 euros and they go a long way. I have prepared quite a few meals and I haven't needed to change it yet!

3. With gas barbecues we can start cooking immediately. To light the Weber barbecue, all the work consists of opening the gas key to light the burners. I let it heat up for a few minutes before adding the food. And of course, in this “heating” process no smoke is produced.

4. It is a clean cooking system, since the fat from the food falls into a small tray under the burners. Plus, the grill is easy to clean. I use a “nanas” type scourer and it is perfect.

weber gas barbecues

Weber Q1200 gas barbecue

5. Although it may be obvious, with this system no ashes are generated, so cleaning them between uses is very simple.

6. The flavor obtained is very authentic. A well-known restaurant brand tells us that “grilled, it tastes better.” Well, I totally agree. This is where Flavorizer bars come into play. These bars are made of enameled steel and are located between the burners and the grill. Its function is the following: during the cooking process, foods release their own juices. These juices end up in the Flavorizer bars, where they evaporate. This steam greatly enhances the flavor of the food cooked on Weber gas barbecues. A simple but very well thought out system.

7. It has a built-in lid that multiplies the performance of my barbecue... and I can use it as an oven! The escalivada is perfect for me prepared on the barbecue and I have yet to make pizza. The temperature we achieve under the lid allows us to roast even a whole chicken or turkey.

escalivada and pizza on a weber gas barbecue

8. Another advantage is that we can very easily regulate the intensity of the fire. In this way we can easily control the cooking point of our food.

If you are considering buying a gas barbecue, don't hesitate. It is a safe purchase. I am having a very good experience with this system and I hope to be able to enjoy my Weber barbecue for many years.

NOTES: There are different models of Weber gas barbecues. You will find them all here . If, on the other hand, you are still interested in the more traditional method, the charcoal ones, but you are looking for some of the highest quality and beautiful designs, I invite you to see both those from Weber and Eva Solo, which you will find in the Barbecues and accessories section. In the same section you will find a lot of accessories, to get the most out of your barbecue!

If you want, you can also see the recipe that Miguel prepared for a delicious grilled chicken sandwich with barbecued apple and brie cheese here .

Claudia Ferrer


Angels said:

Tengo una barbacoa de gas y estoy muy contenta, es muy práctica y sale todo buenísimo. El problema es que la tengo junto a la pared exterior de casa y se ha manchado de humo negro a la altura de la salida trasera de los fogones. ¿Alguien sabe de un accesorio tipo protector para el humo que pueda poner en la pared? He preguntado a Weber y sólo tienen alfombras anti salpicaduras pero me dicen que no están indicadas para poner en la pared. Y los protectores que veo en internet son pequeños como para cocina normal. Si me podéis dar ideas os lo agradezco.

Isabel said:

Yo hice un pedido de una barbacoa weber y todo bien llegó rápido y sin problemas, mi sorpresa fue al abrir el envoltorio y montarla, la tapa estaba astillada vamos con la pintura levantada. Llamé al supervisor me dijeron que me mandaban una sin problema, además llamé en el momento y le envié fotos al correo y demás. Han pasado 8 meses y sigo igual volví a hablar con el y que me enviaban una sin problema, y hace poco me mandan un correo diciéndome que tengo que cojer un seguro etc… No vuelvo a comprar nada aquí por falta de seriedad y profesionalidad

Fernando said:

Eduardo Rodríguez. Eso pasa con casi todas las de gas y hasta con las de carbon, solo que en estas últimas pulverizas con agua y ya. Pero evidentemente no puedes hacerlo en las de gas. Llave 2 incendiadas con el peligro que lleva. He vuelto a las de carbón. Los fabricantes evitan el tema

musired said:

m usho

Eduardo Rodríguez said:

Muy buena la barbacoa de Gas Webber Spirit. Pero tengo un problema: la grasa q se va deshaciendo cae sobre los triángulo q recubren los quemadores produciendo unas llamas que queman y ennegrecen la comida. En principio su misión era evitar q cayeran en las llamas y producir este efecto no deseado, pero no es así. solución? Hay veces q cubro con papel aluminio la superficie de la barbacoa y sobre ella pongo los alimentos, pero bajo la temperatura.

Antonio said:

Sin duda las barbacoas Weber son de las mejores. Me encanta este modelo:

Ahora bien para mi la gran duda es valorar si comprar una barbacoa de gas o una de carbón

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