Today it's time to prepare a salty puff pastry tart! Luisa, author of Cooking with my Carmela , teaches us how to marinate artichokes to use them later in this delicious artichoke and brie tart. You will have dinner resolved in no time!

I don't know about your house, but it turns out that in mine we really like artichokes, and we cook them in many ways. Without a doubt, the way we like them the most is cooked and marinated for a few hours: they are super delicious! But if you put them on top of a cake like the one I'm bringing today, you'll see how at home the artichoke will also become a much-loved ingredient, and this cake will be asked for again.

This recipe that I bring you today is super attractive, but also the combination of the artichoke with the cheese and the pesto is phenomenal. The base of the cake is puff pastry, which if you buy it turns out that you have the cake ready for dinner in no time.

You must remember, of course, that you must prepare the artichokes a day before, to be able to let them marinate for a few hours. I assure you that the wait is worth it!

WMF Vitalis steam cooker , Pallarès carbon steel knife and Le Creuset non-stick tray .


  • 1 sheet of puff pastry
  • 100g of brie or similar cheese
  • 5 boiled and marinated artichokes
  • Oil, salt, pepper and oregano for the marinade
For the homemade pesto sauce:
  • 80g of basil leaves
  • 60g Parmesan cheese
  • 30g pecorino or sheep cheese
  • 30g of pine nuts
  • 1 garlic clove (or three small ones, depending on how you like garlic)
  • 150g of olive
  • a pinch of salt


  1. First, clean and remove the outer leaves of the artichokes and cut them in half. Cook them in the vitalis pot for about 15 minutes, depending on their size.
  2. In a bowl, put oil, salt, pepper and oregano. When the artichokes are boiled, place them in the oil. This one has to cover them, and don't worry about wasting it, because once you take out the artichokes, you can use that oil for toasts or salads: it will be flavored oil, and you can use it that you will love.
  3. Leave to marinate for at least 24 hours, so that they absorb the flavor and soften even more.
  4. The next day, preheat the oven to 180º. Remove the artichokes from the bowl and let them drain on absorbent paper.
  5. Put the puff pastry sheet in a mold , prick with a fork, place the artichokes and in between place the pieces of brie cheese (don't be too short, this will give it a creamy touch).
  6. Brush the edges of the puff pastry with an egg and place in the oven for about 20 minutes, until you see that it is golden.
  7. While the cake is being made, prepare the pesto sauce: you just have to mix all the indicated ingredients and you will have the sauce ready.
  8. Remove the tart and let cool.
  9. When serving, drizzle the pesto sauce on top.

Le Creuset nonstick tray , Nezumi Tokyo Design Studio ceramic plate , and Nezumi Tokyo Design Studio ceramic bowl .




Purificacion said:

Cual es la marinada?

Claudia said:

Hola Yvette, claro que sí! Espárragos, espinacas… quedará muy rica si buscas otros sabores! Ya nos contarás, un saludo!

Claudia said:

Hola Yvette, claro que sí! Espárragos, espinacas… quedará muy rica si buscas otros sabores! Ya nos contarás, un saludo!

Yvette said:

¿en lugar de alcachofas podemos utilizar otra verdura que nos guste más, si?

Claudia said:

Qué alegría me das, Misericòrdia!! Muchas gracias por decírnoslo, tendremos que repetir, verdad? :) Saludos

Misericòrdia said:

Hoy he cocinado la tarta de alcachofas ,queso bri i pesto. Està espectacular

Claudia said:

Hola Mª ángeles, a 180º estará estupendo, con bandeja a media altura. Un saludo!

Mª Angeles said:

Gracias por la receta, la voy a preparar hoy para mañana.
A que temperatura pongo el horno?

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