Today Patri, author of Sabores y Momentos , brings us a very versatile recipe, since this delicious cod, leek and onion quiche can be as part of an appetizer or first course at a family meal, as well as the perfect dinner. But in addition to being versatile, it is very easy to make. I let you discover it yourself. Go for the recipe!

Now that you are getting to know me, you will have realized my passion for savory pies, right? Well, they are all advantages when it comes to this dish.... You can add an infinite variety of ingredients, it is a recipe that everyone likes, it is made simply and without complications, it is cheap and it is delicious... anyone give more?

When Claudia and I organized the recipe agenda for my collaboration this month, we knew that being in the middle of the Lenten season and at the doors of Holy Week, traditional ingredients of these days were desired, such as cod. In addition, I personally was looking forward to bringing a recipe baked in De Buyer's beautiful rectangular mold with removable base , I am fascinated by its presentation on the table because, from the humblest cake, it makes a star dish at the table.

And that's how I decided that today's recipe was the most successful. And for the recipe to be perfect, nothing better than homemade shortcrust pastry. Truly believe me, the difference is very considerable between a quiche made with shortcrust pastry from the supermarket and the one made at home. It is true that sometimes just thinking about it makes us lazy, but it really can be done in no time, or you can leave it made the night before and store it in the fridge. So the next day you only have to stretch with the rolling pin, line the mold and bake for 10 minutes before filling with your favorite ingredients, and in less than half an hour you already have a healthy, rich meal full of properties! That being said, I bring you a recipe that at home has been an absolute triumph.

In addition to the De Buyer rectangular pan, in these photos you can also see other items that have become essential in my kitchen, such as the Le Creuset Skillet, the Berard olive wood board , the Emile Henry mortar and pestle bowl, and to serve my quiche at the table, the beautiful ceramic tray by Emile Henry.

Ingredients (for two cakes in a rectangular mold)

For the shortcrust pastry:

  • 220g unsalted butter
  • 390g of flour
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar
  • ½ teaspoon of salt
  • 50 ml of very cold water

For the filling:

  • 200g julienned onion
  • 300g leeks cut into thin slices
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 400g of desalted and crumbled cod (good quality)
  • 80ml of white wine
  • virgin olive oil
  • 1 knob of butter
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 3 "L" eggs
  • 200ml of fresh cream (15-17% MG)


We begin by desalting the cod, which in my case, as they were clean pieces of loin, I kept them in water for 48 hours, changing the water two/three times a day. Then we crumble them and check that they do not have thorns.
We are going to make the shortcrust pastry, which you will see is very simple. In a large bowl or bowl, sift the flour and add the sugar and salt. With a large hole grater , we grate the butter when it is still very cold. Mix with your hands until you get a texture like crumbs in which there are no large lumps, this will only take a few minutes. Next and very little by little, we pour the cold water with one hand and mix with the other. And we end up making a smooth ball (if it is for a round mold) or in the shape of a curl (if it is to later line a mold like mine). Wrap in transparent film and put in the fridge for a couple of hours or, like me, leave it until the next day.

In a deep frying pan in a cocotte we put a bottom of olive oil and the butter nut and we began to sauté the onion and the leek over medium heat for about 10-12 minutes. Add the garlic and after two minutes add the wine, raising the heat so that it evaporates. Next we add the crumbled cod and fry until we see that the cod is done. We taste and rectify salt and pepper. We will see that the cod releases liquids, which we discard because if we let them reduce, the cod could be very dry. Set aside and reserve while we beat the eggs with the cream and a pinch of salt and pepper.

The amounts provided are to make two quiches. So we take half of the shortcrust pastry, stretch it out on a parchment paper with the help of a rolling pin and once we have the desired thickness, we turn it over to our mold and place the dough, gently squeezing it on the bottom and walls. Prick with a fork and cover with baking paper. We place on it some chickpeas or ceramic weights to prevent it from rising and bake for about 10-12 minutes or until the surface of the dough is dry.

With the other half of the dough we would do the same: stretch, pass a roller and put in the baking mold. An idea that I give you is that, if you want, instead of using a rectangular mold now you can make a round quiche: I have Emile Henry's for quiches, but any short or similar one will work for you. And if not, you can also keep the dough in the freezer to make another quiche another day, very well wrapped in plastic film for a month .

We continue with the recipe! Once the dough is baked, remove it from the oven and fill it, distributing little by little with the leek, onion and cod sauce with the help of a slotted spoon so as not to bring us the juice that remained in the bottom of the pan. Next we pour the egg and cream shake, placing everything evenly so that it is well distributed. Bake for about 25-30 minutes or until we see that the filling is well curdled.

When taking it out, we let it rest for a few minutes before serving it to the table. I hope you like it!


Gemma said:

Buenos días, tiene una pinta estupenda . , ¿ se podría utiliar leche evaporada en lugar de la nata.? Gracias

Gemma said:

Buenos días, tiene una pinta estupenda . , ¿ se podría utiliar leche evaporada en lugar de la nata.? Gracias

Claudia said:

Disculpa Nuria, tienes toda la razón que no está la temperatura indicada. Ahora lo modificamos en la receta pero, teniendo presente que cada horno varía y tendrás que controlar el aspecto que observas en la masa y el quiche final, una buena indicación sería:
- al hornear la masa quebrada, el horno a 180º (horno con aire) o a 200º (sin aire).
- Para la horneada final, a 180º y observar hasta que esté cuajado.
Muchas gracias y un saludo!

Nuria said:

Que buena receta, quiero hacerla este fin de semana, pero tengo una duda. ¿A que temperatura tiene wue estar el horno para la masa quebrada y luego para la quiche?. Gracias

Claudia said:

Hola María José, lo lamento pero no sabría decirte con la información que me comentas… depende del tamaño de la quiche también… Reducir a la mitad las cantidades de la receta lo veo algo excesivo si hablas de comprar la masa quebrada habitual del supermercado. No creo que debas reducirlo mucho, tal vez una cuarta parte como mucho. Pero igualmente, haz caso de tu intuición en la cocina -mientras la estés elaborando estoy convencida que verás cuándo es suficiente ;)

María Jose said:

Si compramos la masa quebrada, los ingredientes del relleno ¿los reducimos a la mitad?.
Porque creo que las que venden, son la medida de una quiche… ¿me podéis sacar de la duda?

Maribel said:

Tiene una pinta impresionante probaré a hacerla. Veo problema al desmontarla, algún truco que me digas para que no se rompa sin tener que poner papel de horno

rosa said:

Puedo cambiar la harina por harina integral??? Para hacerla más sana….

Patry de Sabores y Momentos said:

Para Eduardo Loyola: Hola Eduardo, me alegro que te animes a probar mi receta. Mira, contestando a tus dudas, el uso de los garbanzos o pesos de cerámica es precisamente para que nuestra masa no se infle como un globo y se levante, con lo cual, una vez hayas colocado bien la masa directamente sobre el molde, la cubres con un papel de horno y rellenas encima con los garbanzos o pesos y horneamos unos 10-12 min a 180ºC con calor arriba y abajo sin viento. Pasado este tiempo, sacamos del horno y con cuidado retiramos el papel con los pesos y si lo ves necesario, puedes darle otro par de minutos para que la masa quede bien hecha y comience a dorar levemente. Sacamos y reservamos.

Espero haber aclarado tus dudas. Un saludo y espero que os guste.

Esperanza said:

Muy buena receta, la hice este domingo y nos encanto, probare a hacerla con otros ingredientes. Gracias por esas recetas estupendas.

Eduardo Loyola said:

Gracias por la receta. La voy a hacer este fin de semana. Me quedan dos dudas: no he entendido bien lo del uso de los garbanzos o pesos de cerámica. Se ponen encima de la masa o del papel de hornear? La otra duda es la temperatura de horneado de la masa y de la quiche. Gracias.

begoña said:

Otra receta estupenda y fácil. Las fotos impresionantes, buen trabajo!. Hecho de menos que el blog no tenga un icono para poder imprimir las recetas y que nos deje elegir imprimirla con foto o sin foto, seguiré apuntándolas a mano que tampoco viene mal.

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