Imagine the intoxicating aroma of a blend of Christmas scents filling your kitchen! Panettone, an Italian classic , is much more than a sweet bread: it is the aromatic testament of the holiday season. This fluffy, aromatic treat is a holiday tradition in Italy, where each bite tells the story of centuries of celebration and flavor. And the best of all is that today we bring you a special way to prepare it, in a Le Creuset iron cocotte , which elevates this Christmas delicacy to another level of culinary perfection.

The process of making Panettone is a sensory experience in its own right. From the slow rising of the dough to the intoxicating aroma that permeates your home as it bakes, every step is infused with tradition and love of cooking. This sweet bread, adorned with candied fruits and raisins, becomes the perfect accompaniment to a cup of coffee on festive mornings or the shining star of your dessert table at a special dinner.

Although traditionally served at Christmas, Panettone is a versatile side dish. Its airy texture and sweet but not cloying flavor make it an ideal snack companion, whether with a hot cup of tea or a glass of sparkling wine to celebrate any special moment.

Preparing this Panettone in a Le Creuset cocotte not only adds an extra dimension of culinary perfection, but also intensifies the flavor and texture of the bread, ensuring a final result that will delight your guests and turn each bite into an unforgettable Christmas memory. . Come with us and discover how to transform your kitchen into a corner of Christmas delights with this magical recipe for Panettone en cocotte Le Creuset!


For the mass:

  • 120 g sultanas
  • 150 ml hot water
  • 10 g quick yeast
  • 100 g cane sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 lemon peel, finely grated
  • 1 orange peel, finely grated
  • 500 g strong flour, plus a little more for flouring
  • 2 whole eggs
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 100 g unsalted butter
  • 5 g of fine salt
  • 100 g candied orange peel

For coverage:

  • 1 egg white
  • 40 g finely chopped almonds
  • 10 g corn flour
  • 100 g cane sugar
  • 2 tablespoons icing sugar
  • 1 tablespoon granulated sugar
  • 15 g whole blanched almonds

Cocotte Le Creuset

Cocotte Le Creuset


  1. First let the sultanas soak for 30 minutes, in 50 ml of hot water, so that they soften. Meanwhile, dissolve the yeast in the other 100 ml of hot water before adding the sugar, vanilla and citrus peels; It is best to do it in a bowl or in a blender with an arm, such as the kitchenAid .
  2. Add the flour and knead with the mixer arm on low speed until all the ingredients begin to mix. Crack the eggs and add them together with the yolks, and continue beating at low speed.
  3. Slowly add the butter to the dough in small flakes, making sure that the one you added before is already integrated before adding the next one.
  4. Increase to medium speed and mix for 15 minutes before adding the salt, soaked sultanas and sweet fruit. Mix until you obtain a smooth and elastic dough. Spread the dough on a lightly floured surface and let it rest for 20 minutes.
  5. Fold the four corners of the dough towards the center before proceeding with the traditional “pirlatura” technique: with lightly buttered hands, drag the edges of the dough in a circular motion until the dough begins to spin. Do this a few times until the round ball of dough looks twisted, and then transfer it to a greased bowl.
  6. Cover the dough with greased plastic wrap and let it rest in a warm place such as the oven off with the light on for about two hours, or until its volume doubles.
  7. Place the risen dough on a lightly floured work surface. Fold any edges into a smooth ball and place in the lightly buttered 20cm round casserole dish, “fold” side down. Cover again and let rise in a warm place until it is 2 cm from the edge of the saucepan . It will take 1-2 hours, depending on the temperature.
  8. Meanwhile, in a bowl, add the egg white with the ground almonds, corn flour and cane sugar, and mix well with the whisk. Preheat the oven to 180ºC.
  9. Carefully brush the panettone with the egg and almond mixture, making sure not to touch the pan, as this will prevent the panettone from rising and make it difficult to remove it once it is baked. Sprinkle granulated sugar on top, along with icing sugar and some almonds.
  10. Put the Cocotte in the preheated oven for 45-50 minutes, checking with a knife to see if it is cooked before removing it from the oven.
  11. Let the panettone cool in the pan before carefully removing it; You may need to run a knife around the entire interior perimeter of the pan to make it easier to remove the panettone.

******* Things you'll like to know *******

  • The sultanas can be replaced with regular or currants, or even a mixture of all three. Optionally, if you don't like dried fruit, use chocolate chips in equal amounts... but remember to skip the soaking step!
  • Pirlatura is the rounding of the dough to create a spherical ball and incorporate air into the dough.
  • When you're rolling the dough using the "pirlatura" technique, don't overdo the flour on the work surface, as you'll need some resistance from the dough to make the turn. If this technique is difficult for you to perform, simply fold the edges of the dough to create a smooth ball and continue with the next step.


Claudia&Julia said:

Hola Wendy,

Como bien dices, es de 20 cm :)

Un saludo y ¡felices fiestas!

Claudia&Julia said:

Hola Maria del Carmen,

Para hacer la receta en un molde o cocotte de 24 cm deberás multiplicar todos los ingredientes por 1,4.

Un saludo y ¡felices fiestas!

Claudia&Julia said:

Hola Carmen,

Se trata de levadura seca de panadería. Puedes hacerlo con levadura fresca, pero teniendo en cuenta que necesitarás el triple de cantidad o, si pones algo menos, dar más tiempo a los levados.

Un saludo y ¡felices fiestas!

Claudia&Julia said:

Hola Naad,

Nos alegra que te guste :)

Un saludo y ¡felices fiestas!

Claudia&Julia said:

Hola Puri,

Muchas gracias por tu amable comentario. Esperamos que disfrutes mucho de todas las recetas que compartimos :)

Un saludo y ¡felices fiestas!

Wendy said:

Perdón, perdón. Ya lo ví. Es de 20 cms.

Wendy said:

Qué tamaño tiene la cocotte? Fui al enlace y sale la de la 18©pero no sé si sale por defecto ó es la adecuada?. Gracias de antemano .Feliz navidad


Gracias! Mi cocotte redonda es de 24cm. Qué porcentaje de ingredientes debería agregar para que quede alto como este? Gracias.

Carmen said:

Podríais aclarar q qué llamáis levadura rápida? A la qyímica que se utiliza para repostería o a la levadura de panadería? ¿Se podría hacer con la levadura fresca de panadería? Muchas gracias

Naad said:

Delicioso. Gracias. Buenas fiestas 🎄❤️

Puri said:

Me encanta esta página, sois de gran ayuda

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