You will love the recipe that Lola, author of Loleta, Life, food&Market , brings us. It is a cauliflower soup with a more intense flavor than usual, since the vegetables are roasted in the oven before being boiled (and it uses shitakes, which are already very tasty). A recipe for the healthiest and most basic wardrobe: it is perfect to warm up, the cold is coming soon!

The warm creams are already in the mood and today I come with a very special one. It's from my friend Elka, from her book Love, Eat, Live, Shine and it's a cauliflower cream with shitake mushrooms that you're going to love.

In this book, you will find a thousand recipes based on natural food, with a vegetable trend that opts for fresh, organic and seasonal products, and although I like to eat everything, your book inspires me to prepare dishes in my day to day. simple ones based on vegetables and legumes that I love.

This cream today is prepared according to Elka's recipe, although I have added a little cream cheese , because I love the taste and the creamy texture that it gives to the creams, and a little fresh rosemary because it flavors in a way that I like. they love these hot creams that already have all the flavor of autumn. I have changed some quantities and thus I have made a fantastic recipe my own that I intend to repeat many times.

Pallarès carbon steel knife , Le Creuset silicone spatula , Le Creuset Evolution round cocotte and a set of two Emile Henry ramekins .



  1. Chop the onion, cauliflower and mushrooms. The important thing is that the pieces are all the same so that they cook at the same time. Since we are going to bake them, the smaller they are cut, the sooner we will get them ready.
  2. Once all the vegetables are chopped, put them on a baking tray and cook at 180 degrees for about 15 minutes until the vegetables are tender and toasted. If they are not golden we can put them on the grill a little.
  3. In a Le Creuset saucepan, put the vegetable broth and the vegetables and bring to a boil.
  4. Meanwhile, in a frying pan without oil, brown the pine nuts (you have to be careful because they can burn right away). Reserve
  5. When the broth has boiled and the vegetables are tender, blend well with the help of a blender or food processor, adding the cream cheese. Return to the saucepan. Season with salt and add a bit of freshly ground black pepper. Add a few sprigs of rosemary, the golden pine nuts and serve very hot.

Cauliflower and mushrooms recipe


Silvia de said:

Me ha encantado la receta, me da un poco de pereza asar las verduras en el horno pero cuando lo he hecho el resultado es excelente. Son dos sabores que me encantan la coliflor y las shitake así que esta receta cae seguro en casa. Gracias. Y las fotos preciosas.

Claudia said:

Muchas gracias Isabel!! :) Saludos

Isabel said:


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