Patri, author of Sabores y Momentos , brings us today a delicious recipe: Individual egg tarts with ratatouille. It is an easy recipe to prepare and that will be a success at home. Enjoy!

We have officially started autumn, it is time to turn the oven back on and enjoy the dishes that, even though they are simple and uncomplicated, fill our houses with the warmth of home and ocher flavors.

At home we were looking forward to it and the boys already have their request list prepared with their favorite seasonal dishes... Mushrooms, sweet potatoes, chestnuts, pumpkins... Everything smells like autumn!

These tartlets are a first that at home does not fail. We all like to share… But if we can have our particular cake to ourselves, we like it even more! These molds with a removable bottom make it easy for you, because you don't even have to grease them, you directly place the dough, stuffed and baked! To unmold a simple touch on the base and the tart comes out on its own!! Who is going to resist them?

Pallarès carbon steel knives , T&G wooden board , Birkmann tartlet molds and Nezumi ceramic plate from Tokyo Design Studio .


  • 2 shortcrust pastry rolls/breeze
  • 1 zucchini
  • 1 medium eggplant
  • 2 purple onions
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 1 medium red bell pepper
  • 1 yellow bell pepper (optional)
  • Pinch of salt and pepper to taste
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • fresh rosemary sprigs


  1. Preheat the oven to 200º. We start by washing the vegetables and peeling the onions. We will put a frying pan or skillet over medium heat with a bottom of oil and start by sautéing the chopped onions.
  2. Meanwhile, we cut the aubergines, zucchini, tomatoes and peppers into thin slices with their skin.
  3. Once the onion acquires that transparent tone, add the rest of the vegetables, add the salt and pepper to taste and let it sauté for about 15 minutes over medium heat, stirring from time to time. We booked.
  4. While we are preparing the tartlets with the removable bottom molds . We cover them well with the shortcrust pastry discs (previously cut to size). We take care that the dough completely covers up to the edges and press well so that they do not come down when baking. Prick the bottom of each one of them and bake for 10 minutes (following the manufacturer's instructions). You can also make it at home.
  5. Carefully remove the tartlets from the oven and fill them with the ratatouille that we will have ready.
  6. Next we can crack some quail eggs and put them back in the oven for another 10-15 minutes at 180º so that they harden.
  7. Remove from the oven, season with salt and pepper to taste and serve with a little fresh rosemary.

Pallarès carbon steel knives , Birkmann tartlet tins , Fleur de Ligne porcelain bowl from Tokyo Design Studio and Le Creuset skillet pan


  • When baking the shortcrust pastry, you can use the ceramic balls as weights.
  • About 3 or 5 minutes before the dough is baked, you can brush the sides with beaten egg, so that they are shiny.
  • You can present the tartlets with the egg as I have done, or only with the ratatouille. Another good option is to spread grated cheese on top and gratin them.
  • I have opted for quail eggs because they are smaller (more suitable for the size of these tartlets), but if you prefer or because you make a large base tart, you can use chicken eggs, they will be just as delicious!


Rosa said:

Donde conseguir estos moldes desmontables?

PILAR said:

Hola, estupenda receta pero con esas cantidades, ¿cuantas tartaletas salen?
Quiero hacer esta receta lo antes posible.
Gracias, saludos Pilar

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