If you like tender and sweet buns, you will love this chocolate brioche . With the Emile Henry crown mould, a beautiful shape is achieved, ideal for presenting at a celebration.

The touch of hot chocolate on top is a real delight, so I recommend you pour it just before eating. It is sure to become one of your favorite sweet recipes.

Bérard flour spoon and Emile Henry crown ceramic oven


  • 500 g of flour of strength
  • 80g of sugar
  • 3 teaspoons of pure cocoa
  • 25 g fresh yeast
  • 250 g of mascarpone cheese
  • 130 g of lukewarm milk
  • 1 egg for the dough
  • a pinch of salt
  • Butter for greasing
  • 150 g of chocolate 70%
  • Powdered sugar

preparation _

  1. We beat the cheese with the sugar, the egg and the milk in the KitchenAid with the rods at medium speed, or by hand in a bowl.
  2. Add the crumbled yeast, the cocoa, the flour several times and finally the salt. Let's mix it with the KitchenAid spatula accessory or by hand with a wooden spoon .
  3. When the dough begins to be more consistent, we take it to the table to finish kneading it or with the KitchenAid, changing the shovel accessory for the hook.
  4. When we have a smooth ball, let it rest until it doubles its volume. We can keep it inside the KitchenAid bowl covered with a cloth and in a warm place.
  5. We work the dough again for a few minutes to degas it before shaping it.
  6. Divide the dough into eight parts of the same size and place them in the compartments of the ceramic mold greased with butter.
  7. We let the formed crown double its size within the same mold.
  8. We close the mold with its lid and take it to the oven, preheated to 250ºC, on the rack.
  9. We bake 30 minutes. We turn off the oven, open the door and let our ceramic mold lose temperature before removing it.
  10. We open it and wait until it is cold to unmold so that it does not break.
  11. Melt the chocolate in a bain-marie and pour it over the brioche.
  12. Decorate with icing sugar.

Laura Ashley porcelain ramekin , Emile Henry corona ceramic kiln and Le Creuset damascus steel knife

If we consume the brioche immediately, the chocolate will still be hot and the sensation is similar to eating a coulant. If we wait a little longer, it will harden into a solid coating that is delicious in contrast to the fluffiness of the brioche.

Author of the recipe: Beatriz from To Be Gourmet


mireya said:

buenas tardes, navegando por el grupo de Facebook , encontré una persona que lo hizo en un molde grande desmontable y sin tapa, lo probé y salió perfecto, todos los tiempos igual que pone en la receta,

Rebeca said:

Hola! Nadie responde las dudas? Tengo las mismas que el resto acerca del molde. Es posible hacerlo en otro molde sin tapa? Agradecería respuesta.
Un Saludo

Ana María said:

Hola.Para los que no tenemos KitchenAid y tenemos Thermomix como hacemos?
Un saludo y gracias


Hola !! Por favor , se puede hacer en otro molde ? Si es posible, que tipo de molde ? Gracias, saludos !

Raquel said:

Tiene una pinta increíble!,pero se puede hacer esta receta con un molde normal redondo desmontable?, o con un de bundt cake?gracias!

José said:

Buenos días.
Para los que no tenemos el molde, ¿qué temperatura y tiempo de horneado se requiere?

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