There are many traditional fall products, but I love pumpkins. They fascinate me. That is why this year we had to start the season with one of my favorite cakes. Pumpkin pie , better known as " Pumpkin Pie ".

I am sure that the same thing happens to you, it is autumn to arrive and enter a wonderful cycle of well-being and happiness. I think it is the magic of this season of the year. The wide range of colors that the trees leave us, the ideal temperature for long walks, the wonderful seasonal products that we can enjoy (I enjoy this to the fullest), the wonderful festivities that are celebrated these days... But especially seasonal products. They drive me crazy.

It's not the first time I've made it at home, in fact it's a recipe I've made many times, but for some strange reason I never make the same one. I am changing masses for the base, ingredients for the filling... And I can assure you that this one that I am leaving you today is the best pumpkin pie I have ever made in my life.

Not only for the taste, but the textures. The base is slightly buttery, flaky and crunchy. The filling is very sweet, moist, delicately sweet, full of aromas of spices and with the ideal consistency to stay firm. If we serve it with a little whipped cream... Then I no longer have words to describe the sensation. I assure you.

ceramic mold

Wavy ceramic mold Emile Henry

Ingredients for 8 servings

For the base:

  • 435 g of flour of strength
  • 245g cold unsalted butter
  • 40 g of Iberian lard
  • 63g sugar
  • 78 g of very cold water from the fridge
  • 1/2 tsp of salt

For the pumpkin filling:

  • 575 g of roasted pumpkin without the seeds
  • 50 g dark brown sugar
  • 160g of sugar
  • 3 eggs M
  • 465 g evaporated milk
  • 1 generous tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1 tsp ginger powder
  • 1/2 tsp of all spices
  • 1/4 tsp cloves, ground (optional)


Prepare the dough for the tart.

  1. Grate the cold butter, reserve.
  2. In a large bowl, add the flour along with the grated butter, lard, sugar and salt, mix with the help of a spatula until a sandy mixture is obtained. It will only take a few seconds, it is important not to work the dough too much so as not to develop gluten .
  3. Pour in the very cold water and mix again for a few seconds. We will obtain a non-homogeneous paste.
  4. Transfer the dough to a work surface and finish working it using the fraisage technique . It will help us to obtain a homogeneous dough, but without developing gluten.
  5. We rest the "heel" of the hand on the dough and slide the dough forward little by little so that it amalgamates but without obtaining an elastic result. We will do it a few times, just enough to amalgamate the mixture.
  6. Once it is homogeneous, we divide the dough into two parts. One slightly higher than the other (it will be the one we use for the mold).
  7. We will stretch the dough between two teflon sheets. We will give a greater diameter to the mold.
  8. In case the dough has acquired room temperature, we refrigerate for 15-20 minutes to be able to handle it without breaking it.
  9. Place the dough on the Emile Henry ceramic mold and attach to it without pressing the dough . We fit it perfectly, but without putting pressure with our hands.
  10. We pass a rolling pin for cakes along the edges, in this way we can remove the excess dough so that it is perfectly adjusted.
  11. Refrigerate while preparing the filling. At this point, if we wish, we can refrigerate the mold with the dough until the next day.
  12. We stretch the other portion of dough between two sheets of Teflon, we can use an adjustable roller to give a thickness of 3 mm, and we refrigerate before cutting the sheets. The dough must be very firm to obtain clean cuts.

Prepare the pumpkin pie filling.

  1. In the KitchenAid bowl, add the chopped roasted pumpkin along with the two types of sugar and the spices. Mix with the rod at speed 1 until a smooth and creamy puree is achieved.
  2. Add the eggs and mix again at speed 1 , we will do it only until they are completely integrated.
  3. Finally, add the evaporated milk and mix again until smooth.

Fill the mold and bake.

  1. Pour the filling inside the mold. To prevent foam/bubbles from coming out on the surface, the ideal is to pour the mixture on a spatula. In case any comes out, you can remove it with the help of a spoon.
  2. I advise you not to fill the mold to the top out of the oven because it will be very difficult for you to move the mold without the filling spilling out. You can pour the filling with the mold into the oven or finish pouring it into the oven itself.
  3. Bake at medium height at 200ºC for 15 minutes .
  4. After this time, we reduce to 175ºC and bake for 50-55 more minutes . You will know that the cake is done because when you move the mold it will shake slightly, but you will be able to see that it is curdled.
  5. We turn off the oven, leave the door half open and let it cool completely inside. In this way we favor the cooling to be gradual and no cracks are generated on the surface.
  6. Remove and place on a rack.
  7. At this point we can consume it, once it has cooled, or refrigerate it until the next day.

We make and bake the leaves.

  1. We take out the sheet of dough that we leave stretched and refrigerated.
  2. With the help of different leaf-shaped cutters, we cut the dough to create leaves of different sizes and shapes.
  3. Once they are cut, we refrigerate for 20 minutes .
  4. We remove from the cold and create relief on the surface. With the help of a knife, we draw textures on the leaves.
  5. So that they are not all flat, we place balls of aluminum foil under some of them, with this we will be able to give them movement.
  6. We refrigerate for 20 minutes .
  7. Preheat the oven to 175ºC with heat up and down .
  8. Lightly brush the leaves with beaten egg and bake at medium height for 14-15 minutes .
  9. Remove and let cool completely on a wire rack.

We decorate the cake.

  1. Arrange the leaves around the edge of the mold. We place them to our liking.
  2. We serve. The ideal is to accompany the cake with a little whipped cream, we can serve it on the side or pour a top on the surface. I leave this to your liking.

Emile Henry wavy ceramic mold and T&G pastry brush


  • The dough for the base can be mixed in the KitchenAid or by hand in a large bowl. As you find it more comfortable and clean.
  • The lard provides a slightly flaky texture that is very pleasant on the palate. If you want to omit it, you can replace it with butter, but I recommend you use it. It does not add flavor, but it does give us an incredible texture.
  • When you place the dough in the mold , do not press it, place it and adjust it gently. Otherwise it will shrink after cooking.
  • The dough can be kept refrigerated , once put in the mold and covered with film, until the next day.
  • In my case I have preferred to roast the pumpkin to make the puree, but if you prefer, you can cook it. We need 575 g of already baked pulp.
  • To prevent foam/bubbles from coming out on the surface when pouring the filling, the ideal is to pour the mixture on a spatula.
  • The decoration is totally optional and you can adjust it to your tastes.
  • It can be served with whipped cream, covered with Italian meringue or plain.
  • It can be kept refrigerated for 4-5 days.

If you don't usually make pumpkin pie at home or have never dared to do it yet, I think this year is your year. I assure you that it is not only a very easy cake to make, but also, the result is a preparation that really deserves the time and effort that is dedicated to it.

Wavy ceramic mold Emile Henry

Recipe Author: Eva from Bake Street


Beatriz said:

¡Está deliciosa! El año pasado la preparé como cinco veces y este año llevo una de momento. Como las masas no son lo mío… preparo la base con galletas y mantequilla y también queda muy bien. Además en cada preparación voy introduciendo variaciones y así tengo la excusa perfecta para seguir disfrutándola. De esta forma he llegado a que se puede reducir un poco la parte de azúcar y sigue riquísima (la dejo en 50 gr y así suma 110 en total). Además se puede sustituir una parte de la leche evaporada por creme fraiche. En otra ocasión sustituí la leche evaporada y el azúcar por leche condensada. En fin, se ha convertido en una de mis tartas favoritas.

Fabiola said:

¿Que son las láminas de teflón? ¿Se podría sustituir por papel vegetal o papel para hornear?
¿A qué temperatura y cuánto tiempo hay que dejar la calabaza hornear?

Eva  {Bake-Street} said:

¡Buenas tardes, Valentina!

¡Muchas gracias! Cuánto me alegra saber que te ha gustado! Y qué bien que vayas a animarte con ella :D
Respecto a tu consulta, sí, por supuesto que puedes utilizar puré de calabaza enlatada. Ese trabajo que llevas adelantado! No es necesario que hagas nada, ya está cocinada. Solo debes añadir la cantidad que detallo en la receta y listo ;)

Deseando que nos cuentes qué tal te ha ido!


Valentina said:

Me encantó tu receta!! La haré estos días, sólo tengo una consulta. Tengo puré de calabaza enlatado, me sirve? Debo cocerla antes de usarla? O se utiliza directamente? Muchas gracias!

Eva  {Bake-Street} said:

¡Hola, Andrea!
Qué alegría! Deseando que nos cuentes que tal te ha ido!

Gracias y un abrazo! :)

Andrea said:

La estoy haciendo ! Se siente un olorcito…..😋
Besos desde Buenos Aires 💋

Eva  {Bak-Street} said:

¡Buenas tardes, Marta!

Muchas gracias! La verdad que queda muy buena, si tea nimas con ella, ya nos contarás! Respecto a tu consulta, si no quieres usar manteca de cerdo, puedes sustituir esa parte grasa por mantequilla. Pero te recomendaría probarlo, la textura que obtenemos es similar a una hojaldrina, el sabor a manteca no se aprecia en la masa y el resultado es muy suave. Un beso!

¡Hola, Mariano!

La masa quebrada se hace con harina floja de repostería, pero en este caso me interesaba que la masa mantuviera su forma en perfecto estado (sobre todo por las hojas de la decoración), por esa razón utilizo este tipo de harina. Si no amasas mucho (siguiendo el proceso que os detallo en la receta), para evitar desarrollar el gluten, la masa no se contraerá en absoluto en el molde. Un saludo!

¡Hola, Conchi!

La especias “All spice” es pimienta de Jamaica.Se me coló una S en la palabra. Puedes comprarla en muchas tiendas online y en supermercados especializados :)
Un abrazo!

¡Buenas tardes, Maite!

Muchas gracias! Me alegra mucho que te haya gustado! Respecto a tu consulta, no, no se pueden hornear sobre el relleno. Este es muy líquido y las hojas se hundirían durante la cocción. Además que el resultado no será crujiente. Debes hornearlas por separado. Un abrazo!

MARTA said:

Debe estar buenísima!!!
La manteca de cerdo, ¿se podría sustituir por otro ingrediente?

Mariano said:

Porqué es necesario que la harina de la masa quebrada sea de fuerza, no sería mejor de repostería o de uso común.

Conchi said:

Hola, referente a tu receta Pumpkin pie el ingrediente “ all spices” de que especias se componen o si se puede adquirir ya mezcladas ? Si se puede adquirí mezcladas en donde y de que marca. Muchas grss, me gustaría felicitarte por tu excelente pagina web😘

Maite said:

¡Fantástica tarta! Viene genial para esta estación del año. Una pregunta, ¿Se podrían hornear las hojas montadas en la tarta al mismo tiempo que metemos esta en el horno?

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