Today Luisa (author of Cooking with my Carmela ), brings us the recipe to prepare scrambled potatoes. Maybe it sounds like more scrambled potatoes, or shaken potatoes (read stir) or removed. Whatever title you prefer, revolconas potatoes are a dish full of flavour, which you will all enjoy at home.

Undoubtedly revolconas potatoes are a classic of our gastronomy. If you like boiled potatoes and paprika, this dish will be a star in your house; but the ingredients are not left here: one of them is the famous torreznos or bacon, since it is a typical dish of shepherds and ramaderos.

Today you will find revolconas potatoes as a tapa or portion in many restaurants and bars in the Castilla area. Here in the South, they are not very well known, but I assure you that at home now they are the star dish on some Sundays.

If you want, to curl the curl, you can present them with a fried egg on the side, and then they will really make you the wave. It is a dish that comes in handy to get the cold out of the body (and to enjoy it too, we deserve it!).

Now we go with the recipe that is very simple.

Le Creuset ceramic mini cocottes and Nezumi ceramic plate from Tokyo Design Studio

Ingredients (for 4 people)

  • 1 medium potato per person (4 units)
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 or 2 garlic cloves, to taste
  • 1 teaspoon of paprika from La Vera and a pinch of spicy
  • 150g of fried bacon
  • Salt and extra virgin olive oil


  1. First of all, cut and peel the potatoes, cook in abundant water with the bay leaf, until they are tender. Drain, reserving the cooking water.
  2. Meanwhile, in a frying pan , fry the bacon until crisp. Reserve.
  3. In the same pan add a couple of tablespoons of oil and fry the garlic without browning. Add the paprika and then a glass of water from the previous cooking, being careful not to splash. Now add the potatoes, mix everything so that the potato is impregnated with everything. Now all that remains is to stir and leave to your liking, if you see that they remain dry, add a little more water.
  4. As for the texture, the potato has to be mashed but not mashed.
  5. Finally add the bacon, mix everything together and serve. I have used the mini-cocottes, they are the perfect size for a portion and they look beautiful on the table.

Le Creuset ceramic mini cocottes


Claudia said:

Hola Isabel, las tenemos en la tienda online! Aquí mismo: .Un saludo!

Isabel said:

Felicidades por tu blog
Dónde se pueden comprar las minicocottes?

Claudia said:

Hola Francisco, nos quedamos con tu aportación!!! Muchas gracias por tu comentario, estamos de acuerdo en que será un festín :) Un saludo!


Hola, la receta digamos que esta bien en general, pero nunca pondría panceta, si no que serian unos buenos torreznos, bien pequeños o mas largas y anchos siempre al gusto, pero que tengan chicha, haciendose con una buena corteza para que cruja, es un festín de plato.

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