On these dates and after days of binge eating, I always need a comforting stew that is not heavy, and this potato stew with choco or squid at home is very popular, and the best part is that it is easy to make.

This dish is very typical in the areas of Cádiz, Huelva and Seville. It is a typical fisherman's dish and today it is a classic in many houses, so it needs little presentation.

I only want to clarify one thing, and that is that it is generally made with choco but if it is difficult to find you can use a good squid or cuttlefish: tell your fishmonger to cut it up and clean it and that's it, you'll see that it's just as tasty.

Evolution Le Creuset Round Cocotte , Pallarès stainless steel table knife and acacia wood chopping board with T&G handle


  • 1 medium cuttlefish/squid of 900 gr more/less (clean and chopped)
  • 5 medium potatoes
  • 1 medium onion
  • 1 green pepper
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 1 medium grated tomato
  • 1 glass of white wine or manzanilla
  • 1/2 teaspoon sweet paprika
  • Water or fish broth
  • Oil and salt


  1. Buy a good cuttlefish (or cuttlefish/squid in this case) at the fishmonger and ask them to cut it into pieces. If you take advantage and buy some more fish to use the head and bones for a good broth, it will serve you for the recipe.
  2. In a frying pan , add olive oil, onion and pepper, all very very chopped. Fry everything over low heat until it is well poached, do not rush it.
  3. When everything is well poached, add the sliced ​​garlic and a grated tomato. Stir for about ten minutes so that everything is mixed.
  4. Leave the fire low, you know that in the kitchen everything is time and love.
  5. Now add the cuttlefish or squid, add salt and mix everything well.
  6. Add a glass of white wine or chamomile, and wait for it to reduce.
  7. Now is the time to add the potatoes, previously cut into slices (so they will release starch and thicken the mixture).
  8. To continue cooking, we now add the broth from the head and the fish bone. If you don't have fish broth, add water.
  9. Also add the teaspoon of paprika and stir everything - do it with care, gently so as not to undo too many potatoes.
  10. Continue cooking until you see that the choco or squid is very tender, that is about 15-20 minutes, and ready to serve.

Evolution Le Creuset Round Cocotte and Revol round porcelain plates


  1. Like all stews, it is much better to eat it the next day since the flavors are concentrated and blended and it is tastier.
  2. Remember that when carrying potatoes they should not be frozen.

Author of the recipe: Luisa from Cocinando con mi carmela


JESUS said:

Hola , cuanta cantidad de agua o caldo de pescado que no lo indica la receta, gracias

Teresa said:

¡Muy buena pinta!

Lo probaremos en casa y os diré…

Gracias por la ayuda.

Feliz Año Nuevo…🙋😘

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