We love getting the cocotte going! Cooking in it has nothing to do with complicated recipes, but delicious! The recipe that Beatriz, fromTo Be Gourmet , brings us today, is ideal: pork loin in cider vinegar, a recipe that has minimal complication in the kitchen, but with which you obtain tender and tasty meat that you will love.

We often make this pork stew at home. The preparation is very quick, and since it ends in the oven, it allows us to get the most out of our Le Creuset cocotte , since we don't need more containers to cook this delicious loin in sauce.

It can be prepared the day before and finished half an hour before lunch or dinner, which is a great advantage if we are going to do it on a weekend.

The cocotte is such a beautiful piece that if you are a cook you will also enjoy it with your eyes as well as its good results.

loin in cider

Edmond Fallot apple cider vinegar and Le Creuset round cocotte


1 kg of pork loin
1 onion
1 leek
1 carrot
2 garlic cloves
200ml Edmond Fallot apple cider vinegar
extra virgin olive oil
Mix of peppers and salt


We put a little oil in the cocotte and mark the pork loin on both sides so that it takes on a golden color. Cut all the other ingredients into pieces and add them to the cocotte.

Season with salt and pepper on top and water the loin with a little cider vinegar . Then we put the cocotte in the oven with its lid at 160º.

Every 15 minutes approximately we add a splash of vinegar, until we finish incorporating the entire amount indicated. We will remove the loin when we see, poking with a needle, that it is already tender. It can be about 45 or 50 minutes.

Carefully remove the cocotte and uncover to cool the meat. As soon as we can handle it, we place it on a kitchen board and cut it into slices. We reserve them.

From this point we have two options for the presentation of the dish. The first option is to bring the meat to the table on a tray, covered by very hot vegetables as a garnish. In this case, a ceramic mold seems to me a very original and elegant option.

Another option is to grind the vegetables finely to obtain a dense but smooth sauce, and with a wonderful flavor thanks to the point that this vinegar gives it. If you choose this option, the loin is placed back in the cocotte, and the sauce on it, and likewise it is brought to the table from where we serve each dish.

pork loin en cocotte

The Le Creuset cocotte is such a beautiful piece that it allows for a fantastic presentation at the table, and it's not just to enjoy while cooking.



Arturo said:

Las carnes en cocotte al horno salen espectaculares. Haré la receta. ¡Seguro!
Necesito un “ejemplar” de 40 centímetros de diámetro. ¿Tenéis algo en la tienda?

Claudia said:

Hola Belén, depende del tamño del lomo realmente, pero si es de un kilo aproximadamente, como el de la receta, deberían salirte bien para ofrecer más de un corte a unas 6 personas. Saludos!

Belen said:

Cuantas raciones salen?

sientatealamesa said:

Estas cazuelas no solo cocinan de maravilla, sino que también sirven para ser modelos de fotos culinarias.

Claudia said:

¡Qué alegría ver tan buena acogida, Mercedes! Muchas gracias, ya nos contarás tras probarla! Saludos, Claudia


Una manera fantástica de cocinar el lomo, que deja tiempo para un millón de cosas sin hipotecar el fin de semana en la cocina…. Me apunto a hacerla un día de éstos.

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