We bring you a recipe for layered bread, but in order to make it to your liking this time we give you some homework: you will have to think about which flavours are your favourites in order to round out the finish. Do you dare to try it?

Today's recipe is for a Mediterranean bread that is very easy to make and that you can fill with whatever ingredients you like best when enjoying a stuffed bread. We suggest some ingredients that provide contrast and make it very tasty, such as pesto or olive cream, dried tomatoes, cheese... but you can follow the same recipe with other ingredients. Chopped olives, onion, bacon... What ingredients do you want to add?

I encourage you to think about it. The best thing is that you can vary the same bread recipe to serve a different and surprising bread on the table every time.

Le Creuset rectangular non-stick pan


For the dough:

  • 500 ml of water
  • 30 g fresh yeast
  • 1 kg of all-purpose flour, plus extra to spread on the work surface
  • 3 teaspoons of salt
  • 50 g butter

For the filling:

A selection of the following, or you can choose your own favourites:

  • 3-4 tablespoons pesto
  • 10-15 dried tomatoes
  • 2 tablespoons tapenade (black olive cream)
  • 5 slices of ham or 10 slices of cooked grated bacon
  • 10 slices of cheese


For the dough

  1. Mix the warm water with the yeast. Add this mixture to the flour and knead until well combined. If you use the KitchenAid food processor , you can mix with the flexible paddle attachment.
  2. Add the salt and butter. Knead well for about 10 minutes (if using a food processor, switch to the dough hook attachment). Let it rest under a damp towel for about 15 minutes, then knead again for 5 more minutes. Let it rest again for another 15 minutes.
  3. If necessary, repeat the process, kneading and resting again for a few more minutes. Remember that resting kneads.


  1. Sprinkle flour on your work surface and roll out the dough to 10mm thick using an adjustable rolling pin . Cut into rectangles measuring approximately 5cm x 10cm, making sure they fit snugly into the rectangular Le Creuset mould (these measurements are for side-to-side assembly of the mould, but you can make long strips and assemble them horizontally, with layers stretched across the base and working your way up layer by layer).
  2. Spread each quadrant with the filling you have chosen (pesto, tapenade...) and place them side by side inside the mould, in layers until the mould is full. Between layers, you can add slices of ham, cheese, dried tomatoes... Whatever ingredients you want to include in your bread.
  3. Preheat the oven to a temperature of 200°C / 180°C (in case of fan ovens).
  4. Let the bread rest covered with a damp towel for 45 minutes, it will gain volume.
  5. Bake for about 40 minutes and then place the mold on a rack to cool. Unmold and serve.

Tapenade bread recipe


Savory breads are a fabulous accompaniment to dinner or a main part of any meal, as they already provide so much flavor on their own.

This Mediterranean bread can be served on its own with a little olive oil, it can be the star of a charcuterie board, or it can be the base to be served with a fried egg or an omelette: you will see how the enhanced flavour of the tapenade, the dried tomatoes or whatever you have included in the bread accompanies the omelette or fried eggs in the best way. You will enjoy it like never before!


Alfonso said:

Hola Buenos Dias!
Linda receta, me gustaría hacer el pesto con un hummus de garbanzo y berenjena. O relleno de morrones aceite de oliva y kalamatas. o Como propones con aceite de oliva y oregano- Buen Provecho y Gracias!

Claudia&Julia said:

Hola Yvette, ya verás que os encantará :) ¡Buen fin de semana!

Claudia&Julia said:

¡Qué alegría que te haya gustado, Josefina! Ya verás que te saldrá genial :) Un saludo.

Yvette said:

Me parece una receta fácil y además pudiendo personalizarla al gusto de cada uno. La probaré este fin de semana aprovechando una salida al monte donde la podremos degustar. :-)

Josefina said:

Tiene muy buen a pinta, pienso hacerlo, a ver q tal sale

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