You know how we like to use the cocotte. From preparing soups and creams to making rice, making a good and hearty fabada or stew, preparing stews, cooking the thousand and one fish recipes or, of course, preparing tutti pleni meats with very little effort. That's what we're going to today!

Today Rafa Antonín brings us the recipe to prepare some magnificent Iberian cheeks , a dish that will give you very little work in the kitchen and you will get the most sweet and juicy meat, with a delicious flavor.

To prepare the recipe, use the Le Creuset cocotte , a few first steps on the fire to immediately put it in the oven, where the meat will cook itself. We leave you with the video recipe, and below the written step by step. You will see that with a few simple steps you have it done and it comes out of 10!

Ingredients (for 3-4 people)

  • 3 or 4 Iberian cheeks without bone or fat
  • 1 onion
  • 3 carrots
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 150 ml dry white wine
  • 250 ml of chicken broth
  • Oil
  • Salt and pepper


  1. Season the cheeks to our liking. It is important that the seasoning is uniform.
  2. We put a little oil in the cocotte and introduce the cheeks in it. We keep them and turn until they are golden.
  3. Meanwhile, we prepare the onion and carrots by cutting them into medium pieces.
  4. Crush the garlic without cutting it, to be able to remove it whole later.
  5. Remove the cheeks from the cocotte and reserve them on a plate.
  6. In the same still hot cocotte, add the vegetables so that they are poached. We also add a little salt.
  7. Once the vegetables have lost all the water, we put the cheeks back in the cocotte and add the dry white wine.
  8. Once the alcohol has evaporated, add the vegetable broth.
  9. We put the cocotte covered in the oven at 150ºC for 45 minutes.
  10. We take it out and transfer them into a frying pan (only the cheeks and the liquid) and leave to reserve for 1 hour.
  11. When we want to eat them, we can reheat them both in the vitro and in the oven.


  • We have chosen the onion and carrot to prepare this recipe, but any other vegetables that you have in the fridge or pantry, such as celery, leeks, etc., would also work.
  • You can accompany this dish with a mashed potato, it will fall one hundred percent. Or if you want to expand the recipe, you can prepare some noodles or rice, and you will have a dish that will go a long way (The noodles with cheeks will become a great dish for the whole family!).


Elena said:

Perdona, de qué diámetro es la cocotte? Estoy indecisa, gracias.

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