Today we are going to make ricotta cheese and use it to make a delicious toast: toast with pear, ricotta and honey , a dish that will be a great breakfast, a snack or a delicious light dinner.

We can prepare ricotta with whole milk, which is how we have done it, but it can also be prepared with semi-skimmed milk, so that it is a little more curdled and not so greasy, or even made with soy milk, as a vegetable alternative. The machine we use today, the Ariete , has a program to make vegetable milks that opens up a world of possibilities.

The process for preparing ricotta is very simple. You just have to cut the milk, and we do it with citric acid that you can find in herbalists, or use lemon juice.

The combination with pear is a delight, I highly recommend it. And making cheese at home becomes a very healthy hobby, I strongly encourage you to do a little research and understand all the possibilities.


  • 2 liters of whole milk
  • 1 cc citric acid or freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • Toast with seed bread
  • 1 pear
  • 1 splash of honey
  • A few sprigs of thyme


  1. The process for making ricotta is very simple. Just put the milk into the Ariette cheese and yogurt maker . Cover the machine with the lid and choose the quick cheese program (the second program).
  2. Wait for the milk to reach 80ºC, and when it reaches this temperature, add a teaspoon of citric acid mixed with a teaspoon of water. If you don't have citric acid, you can add a splash of lemon.
  3. When the machine tells you with an upward arrow, it means it is time to drain your cheese. Lift the inner basket and let it rest until the machine tells you to.
  4. Once you have your ricotta ready, place it in an airtight jar and store it in the refrigerator.
  5. We want to use the ricotta to make pear toast, so we take a pear with clean skin and cut it into slices, trying to preserve the shape of the pear as much as possible.
  6. Now all that's left to do is plate it up. You can toast the bread (we recommend this, as the toasted flavour with the pear and cheese is better) or leave it plain. Take the pear and place 2 slices of pear on top of each slice of bread. Using two tablespoons, make little balls of ricotta cheese and place them on top of each piece of pear.
  7. To finish, add a drizzle of honey on top of the toast and to give it a little color, put a little thyme on top of the ricotta. And there you have it!

Toast with ricotta and pear

Ariete cheese and yogurt machine


  • We suggest using ricotta in this pear toast, but in fig season it is also an option that you should use a lot of, because you will love a toast with ricotta and figs . You can also combine it with peach (you can also use peach in syrup when peaches are not in season).
  • Use ricotta to fill crepes too! Instead of toast, you can make a ricotta and pear crepe, or a ricotta and honey crepe... or ricotta and mushrooms or whatever you like best. Making crepes at home is also very easy, fun and delicious. If you are looking for your ideal crepe maker, I encourage you to look for yours here .
  • The Ariete cheese and yogurt machine is a real discovery: I love it for its possibilities when it comes to making all kinds of cheeses, including vegan cheeses! And its large capacity allows you to make small quantities or up to 2L to have cheese and yogurt in abundance!

Homemade ricotta cheese toast


Fatima said:

Hola, tenéis vídeo del queso fresco? Programa 1. Gracias

Mercedes said:

José, el suero tiene muchas aplicaciones y es un pecado tirarlo. Lo puedes utilizar para añadir a la masa del bizcocho, magdalenas, pizza,…. también a la masa del pan en vez de agua o para hacer crema de verduras. Mételo máximo una semana en la nevera o congélalo si no vas a utilizarlo aún.

Carmen said:

José, con el suero resultante se prepara la verdadera ricotta, añadiendo más de leche, sal y zumo de limón. El resultado es una ricotta cremosa y sin grumos. Lo que han preparado en la receta de arriba es queso fresco.
Un saludo

José said:

¿Qué se puede hacer con el suero resultante tras separar el queso?

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