At home my mother always made the hamburgers; he preferred to choose the meat and have it minced at the moment and then season it with garlic, parsley and onion. Those things are not forgotten and I have been unable to buy prepared hamburgers.

With the Gefu Burger Press , it's super easy to make them all the same. We like them small, and we use the small one, but you can choose a larger size.

There are many ways to make them by combining different ingredients, varying each time, and taking advantage of things that remain in the fridge. In a notebook I write down different recipes that we liked, like the one I bring you today.

Gefu Burger Press , Le Creuset Damascus Steel Knife and French Collection De Buyer Iron Skillet


  • 800 g lean minced beef
  • 1 egg
  • ½ onion
  • 100 g of roll-type goat cheese
  • A handful of pistachios (about ten or twelve)
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • Lettuce or kale to accompany


  1. Finely chop the onion and poach it with a little olive oil for about fifteen minutes. We booked.
  2. In a bowl , mix the onion, free of oil, with the meat and salt.
  3. Add the peeled pistachios (whole or chopped, to taste).
  4. Cut the cheese into slices, remove the rind and cut into three pieces.
  5. Add the cheese to the previous mixture and mix it, stirring with a spatula .
  6. Finally we incorporate a beaten egg, and integrate again, so that the hamburgers are juicier.
  7. Let it rest in the fridge for at least a couple of hours so that the meat takes on the taste of the rest of the ingredients.
  8. We wash the lettuce or kale and remove the water with a centrifuge so that it is crisp and dry.
  9. We shape the hamburgers with the help of the Gefu hamburger press .
  10. Grill the hamburgers with a little oil and serve with a little lettuce or kale seasoned with a little olive oil and salt.

An exquisite recipe that I am sure you will like. Do not stop improvising and introduce different ingredients, spinach, bacon, truffle, red pepper... and other types of cheese such as Cheddar.

Author of the recipe: Beatriz from To Be Gourmet


Claudia said:

Hola Leticia, yo las congelo a pesar del huevo y nunca he tenido problema. Lo que sí que no tardo mucho en consumirlas, como mucho mes y medio, no puedo confirmarte qué duración pueden tener, pero más de 3 meses no las tendría . Saludos!

Leticia said:

Deben estar muy ricas.
Pero yo quería preguntar si se pueden congelar después de hacerlas, lo digo por el huevo crudo que llevan. Siempre tengo esta duda y al final solo les pongo la carne, ajo y perejil, pero así estarán más jugosas y quedarán más compactas.
Un saludo

Leticia said:

Deben estar muy ricas.
Pero yo quería preguntar si se pueden congelar después de hacerlas, lo digo por el huevo crudo que llevan. Siempre tengo esta duda y al final solo les pongo la carne, ajo y perejil, pero así estarán más jugosas y quedarán más compactas.
Un saludo

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