Today I bring you a salty cake that is all color and flavor. If the caprese salad dressed up as a party, it would be very similar to this cherry tomato and burrata tart . With its colorful, aromatic and tasty filling, it is a recipe that seems very summery to me and is perfect to eat at home or to share at an outdoor picnic.

The base of the cake is a quick puff pastry. But, don't be scared and keep reading! You will see that I propose an option for you to make the dough yourself, but it is only an option if you want to make the homemade cake from start to finish. As I mentioned, it is not mandatory to do it this way, so if you feel like cooking it with the puff pastry you usually use, no problem!

As far as the filling is concerned, as you can see, it is as simple as arranging all the ingredients in the dough with a certain elegance, alternating the colors of the cherry blossoms so that their presentation is more attractive, and distributing the basil leaves with a little grace. .

And if you are looking for a result that wonderfully combines the crunchiness of the dough with the soft interior of the filling, the ideal is to bake it in the De Buyer perforated cake pan , since its perforations allow hot air to quickly enter the dough, making that cooking is faster and more uniform. In addition, its removable base makes it easy to unmold, so that the presentation is perfect.

Let's go with the recipe!


For the quick puff pastry*

  • 200 g of T45 or T55 flour
  • 200 g very cold butter
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 100 g of very cold water

* You can use the puff pastry you usually buy if you don't want to prepare the dough. In this case, skip the dough preparation step and go directly to assembling the cake.

For the filling

  • 75 g fresh cheese
  • ½ teaspoon ground ginger
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • 20 fresh basil leaves
  • 800 g cherry tomatoes of different varieties
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 1 burrata
  • A splash of balsamic vinegar cream
  • A splash of olive oil


From quick puff pastry

  1. Place the flour, diced butter and salt in a bowl . You can do it by hand or in the KitchenAid mixer .
  2. If you do it by hand, start mixing with the spatula and pour the water in slowly. If you make it with the KitchenAid, use the mixer paddle on medium speed.
  3. Mix this way until the flour is completely incorporated, but you can still see large pieces of butter.
  4. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured work surface.
  5. Spread the dough with a rolling pin, forming a rectangle of approximately 15 cm x 45 cm.
  6. Make a fold with the right third of the dough over the center and then another with the left third, so that you form a square.
  7. Now turn the dough a quarter turn and stretch the dough again to form another rectangle of approximately 15cm x 45cm. Fold the right third of the dough over the center and then the left third, as in the previous point.
  8. Repeat this process two more times and put the dough in the refrigerator for at least an hour.
  9. After that time, turn on the oven and let it heat up to 200º C.

Cake assembly

  1. Roll out the dough and place it in your De Buyer perforated tart pan . With a sharp knife, cut off the excess dough.
  2. Spread the fresh cheese on the dough and sprinkle with ground ginger, salt, and pepper. Add plenty of basil leaves (reserve a few for the final decoration).
  3. Cover with the cherries and pour the honey in a stream over the tomatoes.
  4. Bake for approximately 35 minutes.
  5. After time, remove the cake from the oven and let it cool on a rack.


  1. Place the burrata in the center and gracefully distribute the rest of the basil leaves.
  2. To finish, season with a drizzle of oil and the balsamic cream.


  • You can change the burrata for pinches of mozzarella or fresh cheese, spread over the cake. And even try a little stronger cheeses, like shaved Parmesan.
  • As I have mentioned before with this type of cakes, you can bake them individually for your dinners or meals with guests, or for some impressive appetizers. They turn out great and oven time is reduced.
Recipe author: De Buyer


Claudia&Julia said:

Hola Ana Isabel,

Es una tarta muy fácil con un resultado delicioso. No es necesario que hornees previamente la masa; aunque sí que es posible que necesite unos minutos más de horno.

Esperamos que la pruebes y nos cuentes qué te ha parecido :)

¡Un saludo!

Ana Isabel said:

Hola, me ha encantado la.idea !
Una duda, si lo hago en un molde no perforado, sería mejor hornear el.hojaldre un poco antes de.ponerle el queso y todo lo demás ?

Claudia&Julia said:

Hola Edurne,

En este caso mejor tibia que fría. Puedes hacerla sin problema con anterioridad (pero sin ponerle el queso, que tendrías añadirlo antes de servirla), se mantiene crujiente durante algunas horas. Aunque si quieres hacerla por la mañana para la noche, es muy posible que reblandezca. No obstante, siempre podrías darle un golpe de horno para que cogiera ese punto otra vez y dejar que enfriase de nuevo antes de ponerle el queso.

Esperamos que sea un éxito la tarta y tu evento :)

¡Un saludo!

Claudia&Julia said:

Hola Fe,

La temperatura es la que se indica en el paso 9 de la preparación de la masa de hojaldre rápida para calentar el horno, a 200 °C :).

No obstante, cada masa comercial suele indicar en su envase la temperatura óptima de cocción.

¡Un saludo!

Fe said:

Pones 35 minutos de horno pero a qué temperatura? Gracias

Edurne said:

Cómo recomiendas comerla, fría, templada. Tengo un evento y no me daría tiempo a tenerla cuando llega la gente y queria saber si se puede preparar a primera hora

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