There are many of you who are encouraging yourself to make bread at home. It is a most appetizing hobby, and it is very rewarding. That is why today we encourage you to make bread at home with the recipe for Parisian baguettes , in a basic and perfect version to try making homemade bread.
This recipe is very well designed to be made in the Emile Henry bread oven , which already generates the perfect humidity conditions to obtain a crispy crust. If you do not have a baguette oven, you will need an elongated banetton to raise the dough and you will also need to generate humidity in the oven, which you can achieve by introducing a glass of water while you preheat it.
That is exactly what we have talked about today on our YouTube channel: if you are interested in making bread at home and want to understand the benefits of the different molds available for making bread, you may be interested in watching the video that you will find here .
I encourage you to get down to business. Enjoy your own homemade bread for breakfast or lunch. Priceless!
Ceramic baguette oven Emile Henry
Ingredients (for 3 baguettes)
- 375gr of white wheat flour for breadmaking
- 215ml of water
- 7gr (2 teaspoons) of fine salt
- 5g dry baker's yeast
- Heat the water to a temperature of about 40ºC (if in doubt, you can use a kitchen thermometer ).
- Mix the flour, salt and dry yeast in a bowl .
- Pour the warm water into the mixture and knead for 8-10 minutes until you get a smooth dough (you can also do it with a KitchenAid robot and the paddle accessory). Cover the bowl with a cloth and let it rest for 40 minutes at room temperature, away from drafts.
- Work the dough by hand to let all the air out and divide it into 3 parts.
- Shape each baguette by rolling the dough into a long cylinder.
- Dust the inside of the Emile Henry Baguette Oven with flour and place the dough in each cavity.
- Cover the Emile Henry oven with its lid and leave it for 20 minutes at room temperature. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 250ºC.
- Put a few drops of water on top of the baguettes (with a spray is ideal), ensuring that it does not leak between the dough and the base of the ceramic oven.
- Make firm, dry cuts in the tops of the baguettes with a special bread blade .
- Put the ceramic oven covered with the baguettes inside the oven, already preheated, for 25 minutes.
- After that time, remove the lid and leave the base in the oven for 2 more minutes to finish browning the top.
- For a more traditional-looking baguette, lightly flour the surface of the baguettes just before baking.
- To ensure a crispy crust, allow the bread to cool gradually, with the oven turned off and the door ajar.
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Irene said:
Buenos días. ¿Se podría utilizar el horno cerámico Emile Henry para hacer pan?
Gracias, un saludo.
vic said:
Desde luego que el pan está bueno, y da gusto saber lo que se come.
Pero a mi siempre se me pega muchisimo y en poco rato se queda blando.
¿alguna sugerencia sobretodo para que no se pegue?
Claudia said:
Hola MAria, Los hornos de Emile Henry están pensados para ponerse tapados y no requerir de condiciones de humedad adicionales :) justamente de eso hablamos en el último vídeo que hemos publicado. Te dejo el enlace: Saludos!
Claudia said:
Hola Mariano, me da toda la sensación que Emile Henry en este caso ha aumentado un poco la temperatura del agua para acelerar un poco el proceso de levado. Puedes aplicar agua más templada que esos 40º y dejar más tiempo de reposos, el pan cogerá más sabor y el tiempo de reposo hace unos amasados estupendos ;)
Maria said:
buenos días
tengo una prengunta… cuando haces pan de molde… con molde emily… también lo has de tapar al ponerlo en el horno?? por el tema humedad.
y otra pregunta más, el molde mejor colocarlo en el horno sobre bandeja o sobre rejilla??
Mariano said:
El agua a 40º grados no es necesario es mejor a 22 º por que al manipular la masa se calienta y debe de ser al final de unos 27º.
Por otra parte magnífica pinta esas baguettes.