Carmen, whom you know from Yerbabuena en la Cocina , brings us a classic French pastry that has become popular all over the world. As she says, the tarte tatin is the queen of apple tarts. Delicate, rich in flavor and, also and contrary to what it may seem, very easy to prepare!

The time has finally come to publish what for me is the queen of apple tarts, the Tatin, a very easy recipe to make, with few ingredients and with a spectacular and delicious result. It has been present in my house for many years, and although I have tried and published many good apple tarts, in the end I always come back to the same one, because for me the Tatin is incomparable, the best without any doubt... How from a mistake could such a sublime cake be created?

tarte tatin recipe

Emile Henry ceramic mold for Tarte Tatin and olive wood board by Bérard

Apples, puff pastry, butter and sugar are basically the ingredients needed to make this cake. Contrary to other apple tarts in which I normally use the reineta variety, for the preparation of the Tatin I recommend using the Golden apple: when baked it caramelizes very well, the butter gives it a delicious point that combines perfectly with it and holds its shape without falling apart.

Without any doubt I encourage you to prepare it, you will not regret it and of course a wonderful cake like this one deserves to have an Emile Henry ceramic mold like the one I have used, in it you can prepare the entire process of the recipe from the caramel to the baking, going through presentation at the table in the beautiful tray that is included and that facilitates unmolding. Try to make it and surely, just like at home, it will become one of your favorite cakes.


  • 2 kilos of Golden apples
  • 200g sugar
  • 100g butter
  • 1 sheet of fresh puff pastry
  • A few drops of lemon juice


  1. Put the sugar in the mold with a few drops of lemon juice to prevent it from burning, a few drops of water and the butter cut into pieces. Cook over low heat without stirring, just moving the mold carefully, until a kind of toffee is formed with a beautiful golden hue. Remove from the heat and let it lose temperature.
  2. Meanwhile, we preheat the oven to 170º.
  3. We wash and peel the apples. We cut in half and this in turn again in half (that is, in quarters) and remove the part of the central seeds.
  4. Once the toffee has tempered, we place the apple pieces putting the part of the seeds up and a little to one side, since as it is an inverted cake, the beautiful part is on the outside. We try to put the pieces together well so that when cooking, even if the fruit diminishes a bit, there are no gaps between them.
  5. We put in the oven and cook for about half an hour, depending on the hardness of the apples or until when we touch them we notice that they are soft.
  6. We take the mold out of the oven and place the puff pastry covering it all, with the surplus we make a rim on the outside simply folding it inwards. Return to the oven and cook until the puff pastry is golden.
  7. Remove and let cool for 10 minutes, no more, because if the caramel cools the apple could stick and lose shape when unmolded. Carefully so as not to burn ourselves, we turn the cake around helping ourselves with the tray as if it were a potato omelette.
  8. We present on the same tray. Optionally, we can accompany with vanilla ice cream, it is a delicious combination!

tarte tatin in mold emile henry

Emile Henry ceramic mold for Tarte Tatin

NOTE: To make the tarte tatin you may also be interested in seeing the Le Creuset iron tray for Tarte Tatin (valid for both gas and vitro, induction and oven). Not only will it help you to make this cake, but the plate will serve you to serve, and the iron tray is as if it were a cocotte, so you can give it a lot of use, both for roasts and risottos, cakes, etc.

tarte tatin recipe

Author of the recipe: Carmen de Yerbabuena in the kitchen


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BrianConry said:

Claudia said:

Ay Rosa, me olvidaba, gracias por tu sugerencia, probaré lo que comentas de añadirle el licor. Tiene que darle un toque especial!! Saludos!

Claudia said:

Hola Rosa, es como comentas: el set de tarta tatín consta de las dos piezas. Gracias, un saludo!

Claudia said:

Hola Azucena,
el molde tarta tatín d’Emile Henry mide 29cm de diámetro. Gracias por preguntar, porque gracias a ello nos damos cuenta que era una información que faltaba en la página de producto, lo incorporaremos ahora.
En cuanto a qué otros usos le puedes dar, el plato lo puedes usar claramente para servir (es un plato amplio, que usarás con regularidad), y el molde tanto lo uso para servir en la mesa ensaladas, pasta y similares, como para cocinar: puede ir al horno y al fuego, así que puedes cocinar algún risotto, como hacer tartas, gratinados o algún asado al horno. Saludos!

Azucena said:

Me puedes decir por favor la medida que has empleado del molde para la tarta?
Y que usos mas puede tener?
Muchas gracias
Un saludo

Rosa M. Caralt said:

Desde mi Ipad con mas calma he podido ver el molde de la tarta Tatin y es igual como lo tenia visto. Dos piezas una para cocer y la bandeja o plato para servir. A simple vista me parecia que solo constaba de una pieza.
Rosa M. C.

Rosa M. Caralt said:

Esta tarta la acostumbro a tomar templada i acompañada de crema inglesa, es una delicia.
Rosa Mª C.

Rosa M. Caralt said:

Es mi postre favorito, fácil de hacer para cualquier domingo.
Mi versión es un poco diferente. la aprendir de Jaime Oliver que hizo en el programa "Cocina"del entonces canal plus. Lo hizo desde Francia. El una vez el azucar esta un poco caramelizado ponia las manzanas encima y continuaba la cocción sobre los fogones, hasta que las manzanas estaban casi cocidas y caramelizadas. entonces las cubria con la hoja de hojaldre y la ponia en el horno hasta dorarse. Incluso antes de poner las manzanas sobre el caramelo hechaba un poco de licor Calvados, jo uso acostumbro a usar Cointreau. Este molde ya lo conozcia peró lo he visto acompañado de una bandeja o plato para darle la vuelta y servirlo a la mesa.
Gracias por las recetas que vas mandando.
Un abrazo
Rosa Mª C.

Carmen said:

La tatín como verdaderamente esta deliciosa es tomándola mas bien tirando a caliente y acompañada de helado, el contraste frio cliente resulta maravillosa.
Fría también puede comerse, pero no mucho mejor como te digo. No obstante, prueba a hacerla reduciendo cantidades.
Ya nos dices.
Un abrazo,

Silvia said:

Me ha encantado la receta, parece fácil y se ve deliciosa, pero tengo una duda, ¿esta tarta se come templada o fría? Lo digo porque si por un casual no se comiera toda de una vez el resto cómo habría que consumirlo. Un saludo y gracias.

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