I love the fruits that autumn gives us: chestnuts, mushrooms, sweet potatoes, pomegranates... After eating a lot of raw vegetables during the summer, I crave other types of more elaborate dishes and, if they are spoon-fed, much better.

Today, for example, I found some chanterelles at a good price at the greengrocer and I thought they would be great in a beef stew. I have also added some chestnuts to complete the dish and the result will not leave you indifferent. When things are done with care and time, it shows. And this stew prepared in a cocotte for more than 2 hours has its reward: my guests loved it.

The cocotte you see in the photo is the new color of the season, mist gray . I find it to be very elegant and looks very pretty presented on the table. Christmas is just around the corner, so don't forget to put it in your letter for the Three Wise Men!

Evolution Le Creuset round cocotte

Ingredients for 4 people)

  • 750g beef to stew, cut into cubes, I used blood sausage
  • Flour
  • 2 onions
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 500ml good quality red wine
  • 250ml poultry broth
  • A few sprigs of rosemary
  • A few sprigs of thyme
  • 12 chestnuts
  • 200g chanterelles
  • 1 ounce dark chocolate
  • Olive oil
  • Salt


  1. Salt the pieces of tenera meat and dust them with flour, shaking off the excess. Pour a splash of olive oil into a cocotte and brown the veal. Once golden, remove it.
  2. In the same oil (you can add more if you consider necessary), sauté the julienned onion and the chopped garlic cloves along with a pinch of salt for 20 minutes over medium-low heat. Go around from time to time with a spatula .
  3. Add the meat back to the cocotte along with the red wine, the poultry broth and the sprigs of thyme and rosemary. Let it cook covered over low heat for 1 hour and a half.
  4. Meanwhile, peel the chestnuts. To do this, make a cut with a knife and put them in the microwave 4 at a time for 20 seconds. You do it in batches because when they are hot they are easier to peel.
  5. When the meat has been cooking for 1 and a half hours, add the chestnuts to the stew and cook for 20 more minutes over low heat.
  6. Clean and cut the mushrooms and sauté them with a pinch of salt in afrying pan with a splash of olive oil for a couple of minutes over high heat. Add them to the stew and let the whole thing cook for 10 more minutes. Also add the ounce of dark chocolate and adjust the salt mixture, if necessary.
  7. I have accompanied the mushroom and chestnut stew with some potatoes and fried white sweet potatoes.

Evolution Le Creuset round cocotte


Marisa said:

Hola, se puede hacer este estofado con castañas milongas o son más duras de hacer? Muchas gracias.

Marisa said:

Hola, se puede hacer este estofado con castañas milongas o son más duras de hacer? Muchas gracias.

Pilar said:

Hola, se puede congelar este estofado o al llevar los niscalos no es recomendable?

Blanca said:

Hola! Hace unos días preparé está receta para mi familia,que es muy exigente, y todos se chuparon los dedos ?! Muchísimas gracias. Me encanta vuestro blog, vuestra tienda y vuestro servicio al cliente!!! Felucidades a todo el equipo.

Josefina Monton said:

Ayer por la mañana recibí mi primera cocotte,llevaba mucho tiempo con ilusión por tener una en mi cocina,y por fin se ha cumplido.Por la tarde ya estaba cocinando en ella un marmitako,que salió riquísimo.
Felicitaros por vuestro servicicio rápido y magnánimo.

Cristina said:

He hecho la receta y nos ha encantado a toda la familia. Primero con couscous, porque a mi hijo le gusta muchísimo, y las sobras del estofado las comí otro día, esta vez con boniato asado y estaba exquisito.

Roser said:

M’encanten les vostres receptes

Catalina said:

Sofía, mi sugerencia es que utilices harina de garbanzos.

Claudia&Julia said:

Hola Sofía, Puedes utilizar muchas otras harinas, es únicamente para dorar la carne. Depende de la dieta que tengas que seguir podrá ser una u otra.
Muchas gracias!

Sofía López said:

Buenos días, sigo una alimentación especial y no como harinas de cereales, ¿Sabrías decirme por que tipo de harina podría sustituir la que usas para rebozar la carne?

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