Lemon curd is a typical English cream made from lemon juice and eggs. It has a fantastic acidic touch that makes it ideal for filling sponge cakes, tartlets or accompanying simple toast. It also combines very well with natural yogurt, cream, ice cream... The combinations are endless!

In the store you can buy Triptree brand lemon curd ready to use, but you can also prepare it at home in a simple way. Today I am going to show you a very practical way to do it, since we will cook it in the microwave. In just a few minutes you can have this base cream ready that will be used for other preparations.

Since I had a special dinner, I wanted to make an attractive but at the same time very simple presentation. Using the Le Creuset muffin and cupcake mold , I prepared some brick dough baskets that I filled with lemon curd and finished with some red fruits. These tartlets are eaten in two bites and are delicious.

lemon curd tartlets

Ingredients (for 6 tartlets)

  • 1 package of brick paste
  • A jar of Lemon Curd Tiptree (if you don't want to prepare it*)
  • Berries
  • A few sprigs of mint

  • *If you prepare the lemon curd at home:

    • 110g sugar
    • 1 egg
    • 1 egg yolk
    • 100ml lemon juice
    • 50g butter + a little more to spread the brick paste
    • Lemon zest

    recipe for tartlets with lemon curd

    Le Creuset muffin pan , Le Creuset mini-brush , Bérard lemon squeezer and Le Creuset ramekins


    Easy recipe to make lemon curd:

    1. In a microwave-safe bowl, put the butter. Microwave on medium power until melted.
    2. Add the sugar, egg, egg yolk and mix with the help of a whisk .
    3. Squeeze the lemons with the Bérard juicer and grate the skin of one of them with the Microplane . Add the juice and zest to the bowl and mix well.
    4. Put the bowl in the microwave for 40 seconds at maximum power, take it out and mix with the help of a silicone spatula . Put it back in in 40 second fractions and take it out each time to mix. After 2 or 3 minutes you will see how the cream thickens. When you notice it has a creamy texture, it will be ready. Cover it with plastic wrap and let it cool.

    Preparation and assembly of the tartlets:

    1. Cut the brick dough into squares measuring 10 cm on each side. Use a silicone brush to spread them with a little melted butter. Place 2 squares of dough in each cavity of the cupcake mold (place them crossed so that they form a star shape) and bake them for 10 minutes at 200º, until golden.
    2. Take them out of the oven and fill with the lemon curd.
    3. Finish by decorating with red berries and some mint leaves and optionally a little icing sugar.


    check this link to acquire femenism issue said:

    It has a fantastic acid touch, check this link to acquire femenism issue which makes it ideal for filling cookies, cakes or accompanying simple toasts.

    Ana Belén said:

    Buenas! voy a probar a hacer algo parecido esta noche, con lemon curd casera, pero dudo sobre la masa: masa brick es lo miso que brisa? sólo he visto ésa y filo… gracias!

    Claudia said:

    Qué alegría, Sasha!! Es exactamente lo que pensamos nosotros: no hay receta más rápida y es súper resultona :) Muchas gracias!!

    Sasha Ramos said:

    Hice las tartaletas para una cena familiar, quedaron espectaculares, el punto de cremosidad de la lemon curd buenísimo el punto de acidez acertado , repetiré receta rápida y estupenda

    Claudia said:

    Hola Iris,
    Tienes toda la razón que tanto la brick como la filo se parecen mucho y pueden confundir. A priori Miguel ha usado brick, pero con masa filo se podrían hacer igualmente y resultando igual de deliciosas. Gracias y un saludo!!

    Iris said:

    Creo que no es pasta brick….mas parece masa filo!!

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