Paella is an emblematic dish of our country, a recipe that captures the essence of our gastronomy. With its short grain rice, fresh seafood, vegetables and/or meat, it is an explosion of Mediterranean flavors, paella is a true culinary masterpiece that has conquered hearts around the world.

There are many ways to prepare a paella, and it could not be missing from the blog, as close as we are to September 20 , international paella day , which is celebrated coinciding with the rice harvest.

Today's is not a Valencian paella, but simply a classic prawn and mussel rice made in paella, which always turns out well.

I don't know about your houses, but paella is part of an important tradition at home, that of getting together as a family: often what appears on the table at my mother's house is simple and just a paella, a paella full of delicious foods. and delicious, a most complete paella, around which we sat and enjoyed as a family. We have eaten with her... and we have talked, laughed and shared. And history has been repeated, with great affection, several Sundays of each month for years. And we love it!

I hope you will join us in celebrating this special recipe for everyone. Perfect, complete, delicious!

Paella recipe


  • 2 cups short grain rice (round rice)
  • 6 cups fish broth, hot
  • 1/2 cup olive oil
  • 1 large onion, finely chopped
  • 1 red bell pepper, cut into cubes
  • 1 green pepper, cut into cubes
  • 2 ripe tomatoes, peeled and chopped (or half a cup of crushed tomato)
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1/2 teaspoon sweet paprika
  • 1/2 teaspoon saffron strands (optional)
  • 1/2 cup white wine
  • 12 mussels
  • 12 large shrimp
  • 1/2 cup peas
  • Lemons to decorate
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. In a De Buyer iron paella pan , heat the olive oil over medium-high heat.
  2. Add the shrimp or prawns and cook until they turn pink and lightly brown. Remove them from the pan and set them aside.
  3. In the same paella pan, add a little more oil if necessary, and add the onion and sauté until transparent. Add the chopped garlic and peppers, and sauté until everything is tender.
  4. Add the chopped tomatoes (very small, or grated) and the paprika. Cook for a few minutes until the tomatoes break down and the mixture becomes fragrant.
  5. Add the rice and stir well so that it is infused with the flavors of the vegetable mixture, distributing the sauce evenly.
  6. Pour the white wine over the rice and let it reduce for a few minutes.
  7. Pour the hot broth into the paella pan and make sure the rice is evenly distributed.
  8. Apply salt, distributing it over the entire surface. Don't make it short or it will be bland - as the water evaporates, the salt will be absorbed by the rice. Also distribute some strands of saffron.
  9. Add the mussels to the paella, burying them in the rice. Cook for about 5-7 minutes, or until the mussels open.

  10. Add the peas to the paella along with the reserved shrimp.

  11. Cook for another 15 minutes over medium heat, until the rice is cooked and the broth has been absorbed. You can move the rice from time to time, but always moving the paella by the handles, never directly with a spoon.
  12. Taste the paella and adjust the seasoning with salt and pepper as needed.
  13. When the rice looks done, make sure the mussels are open and the shrimp are pink and cooked and stop the heat. Leave it covered with a cotton cloth or a paella pan lid , allowing it to rest for another five minutes.

  14. Garnish with lemon slices and serve hot.

Paella with mussels


I leave you some additional tips so that your paella turns out great:

  1. Use the right rice: For an authentic Valencian paella, use short grain rice, preferably paella rice. This type of rice absorbs flavors and liquids better, creating a perfect texture.

  2. Quality broth: The broth you use is essential for the flavor of the paella. If possible, prepare a homemade broth with chicken or fish. If you use canned broth, choose a quality brand.

  3. Sauté the ingredients: Make sure to sauté the initial ingredients, such as onion, peppers, garlic and tomatoes, over medium-high heat until they are golden brown. This will develop richer, more intense flavors.

  4. Add the rice evenly: When you add the rice to the paella pan, distribute it evenly so that all the grains cook equally.

  5. Do it in an iron paella pan: both for the natural flavor it takes, and for the possibility of doing it on all types of fires (including wood!), for its high walls that retain the right amount of broth, and for the ease They give you the handles to move it and move it, always make paella in an iron paella pan ... That's what they were made for!
  6. If possible, with a wood fire: the color that the sauce takes, the flavor of the paella and even the color will be authentic if it were cooked over a wood fire.
  7. The right heat: Cook the paella over medium heat. Avoid high heat, as it could cause the rice to cook unevenly or burn on the bottom (the heat is concentrated in the center and you do not have time to distribute it evenly throughout the paella).
  8. Don't stir too much: Unlike other types of rice, in paella you don't have to stir constantly once the rice is in the paella pan. This allows a golden layer to form on the bottom, known as "socarrat", which is highly appreciated.

  9. Rest the paella: Once the paella is cooked, let it rest for a few minutes before serving. This allows the flavors to settle and the rice to absorb any additional liquid.

  10. Decoration with lemon: Serve the paella with lemon slices on the side, as this provides a touch of freshness and a pleasant contrast of flavor.

  11. Enjoy it in good company: Paella is a dish to share, so share this delicious delicacy with friends and family. The company makes paella even more delicious!

If you are looking for a paella pan, I think you will be interested in this article in which we talk about how to choose them and the differences between the De Buyer Mineral and Carbone iron paella pans.

I hope you enjoy many paellas with your family. What ingredients do you like to prepare it with?

Good cooking and happy day!


Luisa P T said:

Como alicantina que soy la cebolla hace el arroz blando, el vino solo lo he visto usar en andalucia y si es de pescado este arroz no lleva pimientos si lo lleva, son ñoras secas. El líquido no son 1 de arroz y 3 de líquido, el arroz bomba precisa un poco más de líquido y si a esta cantidad añadimos el líquido que sueltan los mejillones, creo que este arroz quedará, blando, desgachado, en fin arroces los hay de todos los colores pero estás tres puntualizaciones, deberíamos tenerlas en cuenta.

Gonzalo said:

Pues en mi humilde opinión, me da la sensación que estáis siendo muy críticos cuando en la receta se dice claramente que no pretende ser una paella valenciana ni similar, sino un simple arroz hecho en paella. Vamos, como quien hace un wok de verduras y dice wok por hacerse en uno, o una tajine de pollo por hacerse en ese otro utensilio…. Paella de arroz, porque hace un arroz en una paella, no le veo yo mucho problema.
A mi me a gustado la receta, chicas. Os seguiré leyendo todas estas propuestas ricas que nos dejáis siempre. ¡Abrazo desde Galicia!

José said:

¿Hay algo que sea PAELLA y no lleve arroz?

Y dicen los entendidos:
“En cuanto a la cebolla, nos olvidamos, pues provoca que se pase el arroz.


Alfonso said:

Eso no es paella, ni de lejos.
Deberíamos ser más respetuosos con nuestra propia gastronomía, que al final es riqueza cultural, que tendríamos que poner en valor por encima de modas o costumbres individuales.
Por otro lado, pocos arroces aguantan 3 veces de caldo, menos aún a fuego medio, y menos aún con un sofrito, y menos aún con el agua que sueltan los mejillones.
Siento estar de acuerdo con Cristina.
Vuestro blog es de 10, pero aquí habéis fallado.
Un saludo

Claudia&Julia said:

Hola Cristina, gracias por tu comentario. Nos sirve sin duda lo que intentamos también decir el la introducción, de que esta es una paella como tantas se pueden hacer, no una paella valenciana tradicional, sin duda. Tal vez quedaría más claro diciend “arroz en paella”? En cualquier caso gracias, la intención era presentar una paella que a menudo hacemos en casa :) ¡Saludos!

Cristina Ruiz Cavanilles said:

Buenas tardes: No digo que lo que presentéis no sea un “arroz en paella”, pero la verdad es que a la paella no se le pone guisantes, ni pimiento rojo o verde. Creo que hay recetas mucho mejores que esta. Lo siento.
Me gusta mucho vuestra página, pero esta receta no, rotundamente.
Un saludo

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