At Claudia&Julia we adore perforated molds because they seem genius in their simplicity . Who doesn't like a crispier crust, the better? Long live the crunchiness .

But you will ask:

  1. Where is the mystery of a perforated mold?
  2. Are they really worth it?
  3. About us?
  4. Where do we come from and where are we going?

In this article we are going to try to answer these and other metaphysical questions about perforated molds , which we know make you lose sleep.

The mystery of the perforated molds

The goodness and the difference in its operation with respect to the molds without perforations are pure physics: if the base or wall that surrounds the food is perforated, there will be many points in which the hot air from the oven has direct contact with the food , which it removes moisture more effectively and makes the dough in question crisper . Because that's what happens when moisture is removed: crunch manifests itself.

The perforated molds that we have in the store and that we recommend in this article are from the Kitchen Craft firm, specifically from its Master Class range , a collection of excellent quality utensils that are very well thought out. So much so that they offer a 10-year guarantee , which not all brands dare to do.

Kitchen Craft's perforated pastry and bakery pans are designed for high oven temperatures; They do not deform, they keep their non-stick in perfect condition without releasing toxic substances and, above all, they last and withstand the baker and cook rhythm that we want to impose on them . Small we are. We just have to treat them with care and not use metal utensils inside.

We have three different molds from the Master Class range:

  • rectangular mold
  • Corrugated mold for baguettes
  • Quiche mold

The perforated mold for baguettes

The need for a crispy crust is especially critical in the case of breads. Can you imagine a baguette without a crispy crust ? We could not call it a baguette, because a good part of its charm lies precisely in that: that it is all crunchy.

The perforated tray for baguettes not only gives them a perfect shape, but also guarantees a crispy crust if we create the most suitable conditions in the oven, such as intense heat and some humidity.

You should not confuse the perforated baguette pan with the Emile Henry baguette oven . The latter, in addition to giving the bars a good shape, allows for optimal humidity and heat concentration conditions to be created thanks to the reduced space, while the Kitchen Craft mold is just that (no more and no less), an excellent mold for facilitate baking and print a beautiful shape, but the optimal conditions are provided by our oven.

The perforated pan for quiches

The shortcrust pastry that forms the bottom of a quiche should be as crispy as possible. Although it always tends to absorb some moisture from the filling, the shape and temperature at which it is cooked have a great deal of influence on the final result.

What do you prefer your diners to tell you ?

  • Option 1 - "This quiche is good."
  • Option 2 - Let them scream: "I want more!"

The difference between good and exceptional lies in using the right utensil, like this perforated and removable mold expressly designed for quiches in particular, but which is suitable for all kinds of cakes, sweet ones too, with a shortcrust pastry or shortbread-type base.

The rectangular perforated mold

This mold is used both for sliced ​​bread and for meat and poultry terrines, as well as for what Americans call quick breads , very dense biscuits that cannot slip through the holes.

Although we may have the idea that sliced ​​bread by definition has a soft crust, those of us who practice home baking know that sliced ​​bread can be delicious with a crispy crust . We recommend that you try it.

Kitchen Craft's Rectangular Perforated Pan works terrific with terrines wrapped in shortcrust pastry (for example, like this Pork Terrine ); prevents the dough from being excessively wet.


We hope that with this review of the perforated molds we have answered the questions you asked. And if you want to know more about them, don't hesitate to ask us, that's what the comments section is for. Come and make yourself comfortable at Claudia&Julia's house.


Maria Luz Hernánez said:

Si utilizo el molde perforado de quiche, para hacer una tarta con masa quebrada, he de cubrir el molde con papel de horno?

Quiero vanesa. Costa said:

Quiero. saber. Si los. Aros. Perforados. Sirven para. Hornear merengue

Lilian said:

Buenas tardes, quisiera saber donde puedo comprar los moldes

Puri soriano said:

Necesito molde de 36 sin agujeros

Pablo Antonio said:

Un cordial saludo, desearía saber como varia , la temperatura y el tiempo de horneado entre un molde normal sin perforaciones y un molde con perforaciones. También la ubicación del molde dentro del horno.

Miguel Molina Calfunao said:

Hola, necesito datos para poder realizar compra de moldes.
Te dejo mi número.

Pancho said:

Hola, me compre el molde perforado para quiches de 25,5, es excelente pero me temo que hay que controlar el tiempo de cocción pues si utilizas los tiempos por recetas, se pueden pasar. No he encontrado ninguna sugerencia en la web respecto a los tiempos de cocción, si hay que reducir un porcentaje de lo que las recetas establecen. Si sabéis o tenéis información os agradezco.

Rebeca said:

Hola, acabo de comprar uno de estos moldes para quiche. ¿Ya no hay que perforar la masa con un tenedor o es mejor seguir haciéndolo?

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