Noelia, known to many of you for La Cucharina Mágica , brings us a perfect recipe for this autumn: chestnuts and pomegranate are used to make a tender and aromatic lamb tajine, perfect for any family meal. It should also be noted that it is a recipe that does not require great complications, but only a little patience so that cooking in tajine offers us an amalgamation of flavors that will make you dream.

The lamb, chestnuts and pomegranate tajine is a Moroccan autumnal recipe, but with ingredients that you can easily find and with a mixture of flavors that will transport you to the Arab world, just with its smell and mixture of pigmentations.

Moroccan cuisine is rich in flavors, smells, and colors. Emile Henry's Tajine is reminiscent of the old red ceramic Berber tajines, where the stews are made over low heat, without haste, allowing all the flavors to blend into a delicious stew.

The lamb is so tender and soft after cooking in the tajine , that it looks like butter, the chestnuts give it a touch of autumn and the pomegranates give it the acid point that contrasts with the rest of the ingredients.

Undoubtedly the best choice to launch your tajine and surprise your guests with a delicious original recipe, while preserving its traditional character.


For the tagine:

  • 1 kg of lamb meat
  • 2 large onions
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • 1 piece of ginger the size of a walnut
  • 250 g of peeled chestnuts
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 1 grenade
  • 1 bunch of fresh mint
  • 1 bunch of fresh coriander
  • 1 tablespoon Ras-el-hanout
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • Salt and pepper
  • Olive oil

For the chicken broth:

  • 1 piece of hen or chicken
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 leeks
  • 1 stalk of celery
  • Water
  • Salt
  • 500g of couscous


Wash the carrots, leeks and celery and boil them in 1.5 liters of water, with the chicken or hen, for 30 minutes. We booked.

Finely chop the onion and ginger and fry it in the tajine with olive oil until it is slightly golden.

Add the cinnamon stick and the tablespoon of Ras-el-hanout.

Wash the lamb, dry it with kitchen paper and add it to the tajin, stirring for 5 minutes.

Add 1 glass of broth until the lamb is semi-covered and cover. Let it cook for at least 1 hour.

Uncover and add the peeled chestnuts and the tablespoon of honey, let it cook over medium heat until the chestnuts are soft.

Add half of the seeds of a pomegranate and the aromatic herbs.

Prepare the cous cous as the manufacturer explains, using the broth that we have made instead of water.

Cut the vegetables and put them on the cous cous.

We serve the tajine with the cous cous.


The Ras-el-hanout is a mixture of Arab spices, you can find it in Arab stores or in gourmet establishments. You can replace it with a mixture of homemade spices such as paprika, turmeric, pepper, coriander seeds, cinnamon, cloves and Jamaican pepper.

Reserve the broth and add it to the lamb if it dries out.


Rosa said:

El Tajin se puede utilizar en una placa de induccion??

Isabel said:

Buenísima la receta de cordero con castañas y granada
Además está muy bien explicada y es fácil seguir los pasos para hacerla.
Yo la hice con conejo.
Es laboriosa pero el resultado al paladar muy rico y original
Gracias por compartir

joh said:

Acabo de hacer esta receta. me quedó muy buena. Sabrosa, una delicia!!! Gracias por publicar.

Begoña said:

Buenísima la receta. Yo sustituí el cordero por conejo y utilicé el resto de los ingredientes todos, a pesar de que me parecía que iba a ser muy dulce. Pues riquísimo, la mezcla de sabores es fantástica, para repetir. Pos supuesto lo hice en una buena pota pero de acero inoxidable. Gracias por la receta.

M.j. said:

Me agrado esta receta de Tajine de Cordero, algo diferente para presentar al grupo familiar. hemos degustado comida Armenia y nos agrada probar cosas diferentes,lo cual me lleva a tener en cuenta esta receta, que por sus condimentos , no me cabe duda que debe ser muy sabrosa.

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