I love terrine recipes! I find them a tremendous resource for Sundays, holidays, to take away and to look good. Today's is a recipe for asparagus and prawns , delicious, and comes from WMF Spain.

It is a terrine with a lot of flavour : the more delicate or mild flavor of the prawns and white asparagus contrasts and is enhanced by the flavor of the piquillo peppers that the recipe also incorporates.

We make the terrine curdled, steamed , using a pot that lends itself to making all kinds of recipes, the WMF Vario Cuisine pot , which thanks to the thermometer incorporated in its lid you can control cooking at all times.

We leave you the video of the recipe, and a little further down the ingredients and the step by step. Enjoy it! I am sure that these parties will succeed.

Ingredients (for 6 people)

  • 350 g canned white asparagus
  • 250 g of peeled prawns
  • 4 eggs
  • Bread crumbs
  • 200 g whipping cream 35% mg
  • 1 piquillo pepper finely chopped
  • 1/2 clove of garlic
  • virgin olive oil
  • Salt and pepper


  1. Beat the eggs with the cream and a pinch of salt (the WMF ball-end whisk is used in the recipe)
  2. Grease the mold with a little oil and place the chopped asparagus on the bottom, cover with the egg and cream mixture and distribute the prawns sprinkled with the breadcrumbs. Then pour the rest of the egg and cream preparation. Cover with aluminum foil.
  3. Pour 1 liter of water into the WMF Vario pot , place the steamer accessory and place the covered pan on top of it.
  4. Put the lid on and put on high heat, when it starts to boil, lower the heat and cook for 30 minutes. The temperature should be more or less stable, staying around 95 ºC.
  5. After 30 minutes, uncover and check: Click with a toothpick to check the cooking point. It will be at its point when the tip comes out completely clean. If not, return to the pot, cover it and continue cooking for a few more minutes.

    Author of the recipe: WMF Spain


    Carmen said:

    Las recetas están mal ,tanto la del video como la del blog.en una faltan las gambas y la otra los pimientos . Perdona no es una crítica es para que lo revises.

    José said:

    En el video no hay gambas ni ajo, se ven dos capas de espárragos, y el pimiento va en tiras. En el texto no dice cuándo usar piquillo muy picado ni el ajo. Pero nos hacemos una idea de la receta.
    Interesaría un mayor acercamiento de cámara para apreciar mejor cada paso.

    Montserrat Abadal said:

    En l’ós ingredientes poneis gambas y luego no las poneis en la recepta?

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