A classic that never fails, the recipe for a classic and traditional sausage rice with the tastiest! You can leave this rice to your liking, more cooked or more sweet. It is a rice without complications, but that children and adults enjoy for bringing us those traditional flavors.

"Give me more sausages, mommy", the little ones always tell me while I'm distributing. The truth is that it is a very complete dish, and you can vary it by adding some vegetables or others depending on the day or what you have in the fridge. I bring it to you with few accessories, to keep it simple, but you will see that you can add red or green peppers, carrots, leeks, peas... everything is a plus of flavor, and the important thing is to leave it to your liking. To us, just like that, we love it! You will see in the recipe a couple of tricks so that delicious rice comes out.

Simple and tasty, I hope you enjoy it at home as we do.

Rice recipe with sausages in cocotte

Le Creuset Round Cocotte and Revol French Porcelain Plates

Ingredients (for 6-8 servings)

  • 1 medium onion
  • 2 large or 3 small garlic cloves
  • 6 sausages (pork and with pepper will be tastier, but they can be without pepper, chicken...)
  • 300g tomato sauce
  • 600 g round rice
  • 150ml white wine
  • 1 liter of vegetable or meat broth
  • 600 ml of water (it can also be broth)*
  • 2 or 3 tablespoons of choricero pepper paste
  • Dried tomato preserved in oil (about 5 or 6 canned cuts)
  • Olive oil
  • Salt
  • Black pepper
  • Optional: carrot cut very small, green pepper, red pepper or peas.

* Regarding the proportion of liquid in the rice: In this type of rice recipe today, we will add the broth and water as it is absorbed, so the amount of liquid indicated is approximate. It will depend on the power of the fire, the type of rice you use and your taste so that you end up adding more or less amount of liquid. Prepare up to 2 L of liquid (between broth and water), because if you like it more sweet or liquid, you may end up requiring up to 3.5 times more liquid than rice; that is to say, if you add the 600 gr of rice, you could need up to 2.1L of liquid... although I, with 1.7 L of liquid (1L of broth + 700 ml of water) has been to my liking).


  1. Heat the iron cocotte over a low heat, and add a few tablespoons of oil.
  2. Chop the onion very small and put it in the cocotte. Cook over low heat until transparent.
  3. Add the garlic cloves, ideally crushed with a garlic press (you extract much more flavor and it is minced extra tiny), but if you don't have it, chop them with a knife as tiny as you can. Brown them with the onion.
  4. Cut the sausages into two-centimeter-long pieces, and add them so that they begin to brown.
  5. If you want to add carrot or pepper, cut them very small and add them now. Skip them for a moment and move on to the next step.
  6. Add the dried tomatoes, also cut very small, and sauté for a moment. If you need it, add a few more tablespoons of oil, or take the opportunity to add the same oil from the tomato preserve, which will add flavor.
  7. Pour the chorizo ​​pepper paste, and mix all the ingredients in the cocotte for a minute.
  8. Add the tomato sauce, and season to taste. We leave a few minutes for flavors to integrate and the sauce to reduce. Go stirring from time to time.
  9. When the sauce has taken on a darker color and we see that it has reduced a bit, we add the rice. Mix with a spoon or spatula to homogenize the distribution of all the ingredients.
  10. Meanwhile, we heat the broth in a saucepan and keep it on low heat to keep it warm.
  11. Add the white wine, distributing it throughout the cocotte, and increase the power of the fire a little to help it evaporate. Let's stir the rice.
  12. When the wine is practically evaporated, we add 1 L of the hot vegetable broth, stir to homogenize and leave over medium heat.
  13. Add salt to the broth (a level tablespoon), and a little black pepper, and stir to evenly distribute the seasoning. We leave on medium / low heat.
  14. While the cocotte is working the rice, in the saucepan we add 1 L of water, to have it hot at all times.
  15. When the broth level has reduced, we will add water: first 300 ml, until it has practically been absorbed. Then 250 ml more, and from here, 100 ml by 100 ml until the rice is to your liking.
  16. At some point when the rice is practically done and there is little liquid, take the opportunity to test the point of salt, and correct if necessary.
  17. When you see that the rice is ready, stop the heat and cover to let the liquid finish absorbing, and serve hot.

Sausage rice recipe

Round iron pan Le Creuset



Irene said:

I si no podem menjar tonàquet?

Claudia said:

Hola Ignacio, ¡eso mismo! Tras hacer el primer fondo de cebolla y ajo se fríen un poco las salchichas, que seguirán en la paella o cocotte ya hasta poner el caldo. Hay quien las saltea y las retira mientras cuecen la salsa de tomate y las devuelven al arroz más adelante, yo prefiero dejarlas allí todo el rato para que aporten su sabor. ¡Saludos y gracias!

Claudia said:

Hola Ignacio, ¡eso mismo! Tras hacer el primer fondo de cebolla y ajo se fríen un poco las salchichas, que seguirán en la paella o cocotte ya hasta poner el caldo. Hay quien las saltea y las retira mientras cuecen la salsa de tomate y las devuelven al arroz más adelante, yo prefiero dejarlas allí todo el rato para que aporten su sabor. ¡Saludos y gracias!

Claudia said:

Hola Natividad, ciertamente, ya está correcto ahora y se trata del punto 4 de la receta. ¡Muchas gracias! A disfrutarla, verás que arroz más rico :)

Ignacio Celades said:

Las salchichas yo las sofreiría al principio de todo y las reservaría. Las incorporaría justo tras añadir el primer litro de caldo. ¿Es así?

Natividad said:

Creo que estaban en el punto 4

Claudia said:

Hola a todos, ¡¡Mil disculpas!! Es evidente que nos ha faltado un paso. Las salchichas las añadimos en el paso 4, después de tener la cebolla y el ajo en su punto. ¡¡Disculpad las molestias y gracias por avisar!! Por suerte no es habitual que se nos pasen estas cosas, se borró un punto y lo lamento! Solucionado está. ¡Gracias!

Elena said:

Y las salchichas jajajjaja????

Joaquin said:

Y las salchichas pa cuando?

Mia said:

En qué momento añadimos las salchichas. Yo las pondría lo primero de todo. Pero no sé…

mari carmen said:

Se os ha pasado poner cuando ponemos las salchichas. No se me dan muy bien los arroces, cuando los estoy cocinando y veo que se va quedando seco y le añado agua, siempre me pasa que lo noto como que pierde sabor, me queda más insípido, no se porqué será, a alguien más le pasa esto?

SANDRA said:

Y las salchichas??

Maria said:

¿Cuando se añaden las salchichas?

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