On this occasion, Laura, from the gastronomic blog Because , proposes an easy to prepare and very healthy salad, thinking about going back to work. It is prepared in hermetic glass containers, as you well know, the healthiest and most hygienic option to preserve food.

Spending hours covering books, sewing labels, fighting for the little ones (and oneself) to go back to bed at a decent hour; September tasks that are uphill for us after the long-awaited vacations. But without a doubt, what causes the most trauma for many is the return to the tupperware. We visualize the food in the office as something gray and shabby, far removed from that delicious little fish looking at the sea that we enjoyed just a few weeks ago.

This year I have proposed to fight against this downturn with all the weapons that I have at my disposal, what do you say, will you sign up with me? I have started to renew my lunch boxes and I have gotten these beautiful and resistant glass containers , where is it going to stop compared to the ones I had before! And to debut them I have chosen one of my favorite salads, delicious and surprising due to the sweet and soft contrast of the beetroot with the always tasty goat cheese. And as if this were not enough, it has a color that lifts the spirits of the most complainers. Ideal to get us a wide smile at noon in the office. Take note!

Ingredients (4 people approx.):

2 medium beets

1 fresh lettuce

150 gr. goat cheese

80-100 gr. quince

4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil

2 tablespoons of modena vinegar

beetroot sprouts to decorate (optional)


We wash, drain and cut the hours of lettuce and place it in the bottom of the dish or container that we use.

Cut the cheese into slices and arrange on top of the green leaves.

Cook the beets in salted water until they are soft inside (approximately 1 hour). We pass them through cold water and remove the skin that covers them. Cut them into slices or wedges and arrange them on top of the cheese.

In the glass of the blender we have the quince, the oil and the vinegar and we beat it. The quince will puree but will not fully integrate with the liquid. We reserve the dressing until the moment of serving, that we will water the salad with it.

Decorate with beetroot sprouts and arugula if you have them.

Jordi Manero


Laura said:

Aingeru, tomo nota de tus observaciones. Efectivamente se trata de dulce de membrillo. Cuando yo lo hago, el membrillo queda echo puré y sólo se mezcla ligeramente con el resto de ingredientes, a mi me agrada así, pero puedes ponerlo por separado si te resulta mejor. Por otro lado, en cuando a la remolacha, se trata de ponerla en un cazo a hervir, con agua con sal que las cubra y esperar a que la remolacha esté blanda al pincharla con un palillo. El tiempo dependerá del tamaño de la remolacha y de la potencia del fuego, por lo que es complicado (y no recomendable) dar un tiempo de cocción concreto, pero como indico en la receta, hay que calcular que puede rondar una hora fácilmente. Espero que las explicaciones adicionales te sirvan, cualquier duda, me comentas de nuevo.
Gracias y un saludo,

Aingeru said:


hemos probado esta receta y la verdad es que el contraste de sabores es muy interesante pero una duda y un comentario:
a) en los ingredientes de la receta pone “membrillo” ¿te refieres a membrillo (fruta) o a (dulce de) membrillo? Nosotros lo hemos hecho con (dulce de) membrillo y el aliño queda algo espeso.
b) para los que no he hemos cocido nunca remolacha vendria bien alguna aclaracion adicional.


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