My chocolatier self comes today with a recipe that is perfect for improvising a snack or preparing a party breakfast: an irresistible braided Nutella crown . A sweet treat that tastes like a crunchy chocolate croissant in every bite and that you can enjoy right out of the oven or a few hours later, if there are any pieces left!

This crown has no secret in its preparation, and since we are going to use refrigerated doughs it is very easy. and quick to do. You just need to have on hand a couple of sheets of puff pastry and a jar of your favorite chocolate and hazelnut spread. The rest is very easy, because it only requires a little grace to form a two-strand braid. A very simple task.

To turn this wreath into a breakfast or a festive snack, I suggest baking it in a special utensil that is perfect for serving directly to the table : the low casserole-style cocotte from Le Creuset . In addition to preparing wonderful stews, it is an ideal container for baking breads, cakes and, of course, a spectacular braided Nutella crown .

Would you like a piece of this delicious crown? Let's go with her!

Chocolate braid recipe


  • 2 rectangular sheets of puff pastry, 400 g each
  • 350g Nutella
  • 1 beaten egg
  • 50 g sliced ​​almonds


  1. Heat the oven to 180°C.
  2. Grease your 26 cm low Le Creuset casserole-type cocotte with butter or with the help of a mold release spray .
  3. Spread the puff pastry sheets on the counter or on an auxiliary griddle (like this stainless steel one from Zassenhaus).
  4. Spread the Nutella (or the chocolate and hazelnut spread you use), distributing it well on both sheets. Spread it evenly, leaving a clean border of about 1.5cm around the edges.
  5. Roll each of the doughs lengthwise and, with a sharp knife, cut the rolls in half lengthwise, without going all the way (leaving an uncut edge).

Chocolate braid

6. Make a braid with the two rolls of dough, trying to keep the layers open in view, so that the cut ends are on top.
7. Place the braid in the casserole, forming a crown. Brush with the beaten egg and sprinkle the flaked almonds on top.
8. Place in the oven and bake for 40 to 45 minutes at 180º C.
Let it lose some heat (the cocotte retains a lot, so you'll have to wait a few minutes, which with that smell will be long), and enjoy it while still hot or when it's already cold... if you can resist the temptation!
    Chocolate braid


    • The recipe uses flaked almonds sprinkled over the crown, but you can omit them if you prefer.
    • In addition to chocolate and hazelnut cream, this braid is luxuriously filled with any nut praline that you make at home or that you buy at your trusted store.
    • If you want to give it a more chocolatey touch, you can decorate it with a thread of melted chocolate on top as soon as you take it out of the oven.


    Claudia&Julia said:

    Hola Fernanda, ¡Qué feliz nos haces! Esa sin duda es la intención, animar a todos a adentrarse en la cocina y probar cosas nuevas. A seguir con la repostería entonces :) un saludo!

    Clàudia&Julia said:

    Hola Mireya, gracias por tu aportación!! Algunas recetas sí permiten al final imprimirlas, pero a día de hoy tienes razón que no es aplicable aún a todas. Intentaremos hacerlo posible!! Gracias, lamento la espera. Un saludo!

    Fernanda Muñoz said:

    Hola Claudia y Julia mi nombre es Fernanda y soy de chile. Muchas gracias por compartir la receta, la replicaré para un postre. Me encanta la repostería y gracias a ustedes puedo mejorar en esto!

    Mireya said:

    Con las recetas tan buenas que siempre colgáis y que no haya una opción para poder imprimir es una verdadera pena 😞

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