Rice and crust or rice with crust (depending on the municipality where we are) is undoubtedly one of the most representative Alicante dishes. This traditional rice is typical in the regions of Vega Baja, Bajo Vinalopó and Marina Alta.

This rice, also known as "The hidden treasure" consists of sausages (white and red sausage, black and white sausage, chicken or rabbit) and beaten egg that when baked (preferably in a ceramic or clay pot ) creates a "crust " who buries that "treasure". With rice and crust you never know what you're going to get until they give you your share. It is quite an amazing experience!

A priori, outside our borders, it may seem like a dish with a very strange combination (rice and egg?) and it can even create rejection. Nothing is further from reality, I assure you that whoever tries it once, falls completely captivated by this dish so deeply rooted in our land.

Depending on the place, this dish has variations such as adding cooked chickpeas or even shredded meat from the stew. In my house these last two ingredients have never been added, but you know, each house is different and since it is a recipe that dates back to 1490, it is logical that over the years it has undergone some modification or adaptation. to each family.

In the same way, you can use any chopped part of the chicken you want, including the bone, although in my case I prefer to use boneless cubed breast to make it easier to taste. Also, if there are children at home it is the best option.

Revol porcelain ramekins , Pallarès carbon steel knife and Emile Henry ceramic casserole

Ingredients (for 4 people)

  • 320g of bomba rice
  • 150g of red sausage
  • 150gr of white sausage
  • 150gr of white sausage
  • 150gr of black sausage
  • 500g of chicken breast in pieces
  • 1 grated tomato
  • 1 garlic peeled and minced
  • 700ml of hot chicken broth
  • a few strands of saffron
  • 6 eggs L
  • Lemon zest
  • A pinch of cinnamon (optional)
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • parsley (optional)
  • Salt


  1. With a knife we ​​cut the sausages into cubes of about 3 or 4 centimeters. We can leave the chicken a little bigger.
  2. We put the Emile Henry* low casserole on the fire with a good splash of olive oil and we begin to fry the sausages separately , between 5-10 minutes until they are golden. In my case I start with the white sausage, black sausage, white sausage and finally the red sausage. As they are made, we will reserve them on a plate.
  3. Add the chicken and fry until golden. Add the grated tomato along with the minced garlic and let it cook until it almost disappears. At this time we add the rice and fry so that it takes all the flavors. We remove a few times.
  4. Pour the hot chicken broth together with the saffron threads into the casserole, at this point add salt, stir well and cook for 12 minutes over medium heat. The exact point will be when liquid is hardly noticeable on the surface.
  5. Preheat the oven to 230ºC heat up and down with the rack in the center.
  6. In a large bowl and with the help of a hand mixer , lightly beat the eggs (without going overboard), add a pinch of cinnamon, lemon zest and salt.
  7. Once the rice has almost sucked up the liquid, it will be time to cover the entire surface with the reserved sausages. Once placed on top of the rice, pour the beaten egg over the rice and finally (optional) a little chopped parsley on top.
  8. Put in the oven and cook for 15 minutes. After this time, a golden and crunchy crust will have formed. Remove from the oven and let rest for 5 minutes.
  9. Serve immediately and enjoy!

Emile Henry ceramic casserole and T&G acacia wood shovel

*This dish is ideal to cook on a large surface, which is why the Emile Henry casserole is ideal. In the absence of it, you can also do it in a low casserole like Le Creuset's.

Author of the recipe: Mercedes de Merceditas Bakery


Rosario said:

Me encanta el arroz y costra, en casa lo hacemos cuando queremos celebrar algún acontecimiento,participamos casi todos, lo más difícil para mí es el punto de agua, con práctica todo se consigue, los embutido que usamos son los de nuestra comarca, La Vega Baja del Segura, en nuestra zona utilizamos un embutido que se llama BLANCO, y ya lleva canela y otras especias, y longaniza al gusto, blanca y/o roja, también especiadas . Nunca he puesto ralladura de limón, lo probaré y os comentaré nuestra nueva versión,

Claudia said:

Hola Pilar, el horno a 230ºC calor arriba y abajo durante 15 mnutos. A esa temepratura verás que se ha hecho esa costra bien tostadita :) Saludos!

Claudia said:

Mcuhas gracias Javier, comentarios como el tuyo enriquecen mucho el post!! Seguiremos tu consejo y no lo abriremos, un saludo!

Claudia said:

Hola María Antonia,
si te animas a hacerla ya nos contarás qué tal!!En cuanto a la ralladura, lo añadimos a la receta ahora, tienes razón que se nos pasó! Como te comentó Mercedes, se añade con los huevos. Saludos!

Claudia said:

Hola Teresa, pruébala!! verás que está super super rica! La disfrutaréis tanto como la tuya :)

pilar said:

el horno a que emperatura,y arriba y abajo, ohabajo y gratinar arriba, es electrico, es para hacer el arroz y costra

Merceditas Bakery said:

Perdón por el lapsus… La ralladura de limón se añade junto con los huevos batidos. :)

Javier said:

Lo de la canela nunca lo habia oido. Es el plato tipico de Elche, alli se usa una cubierta que se pone por encima del perol con leña y hace de horno (costrera). Se suelen echar unos pocos garbanzos cocidos y es importantisimo no abrir el horno mientras sube la costra de arroz para que se haga bien y no baje…

María Antonia Navarro said:

Hace muchos años que hago arroz al horno- nos gusta mucho en casa-. También lo he tomado en algún restaurante de la Marina Alta tenemos casa en la zona., aunque tomamos con mucha más frecuencia artoces en paella o invludo en caldero.
Pero nunca he tomado arroz con costra y la verdad es que tiene muy buena pinta. A ver si me animo.
Una cosita, no encuentro en la receta el momento en el que hay que añadir la ralladura de limón que aparece entre los ingredientes.
Gracias por vuestras recetas!!!

Teresa said:

Receta fácil y resuelta. En casa hago algo parecido con jamón y chorizo y gusta mucho. Probaré esta receta, seguro que es un exito.

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