I'm excited. You will think that I am exaggerating, but it is the truth, and I will tell you why.

For months now, from time to time there are magazines that show interest in our smoker . They are interested because it is rarely seen here, we have brought it from the United States, and despite the fact that the name seems to say it all, the smoker allows such good cooking results that it is a shame that people think that it only serves to give smoked flavor .

Well, our friend Loreto, from Sabores de Colores , has it very clear. He has been well informed, he has tried it, and he has created a delicious recipe for pork loin, while he tells us in detail how the smoker works. I love it!

Talking to her, she certified that the result has been spectacular -the meat has come out very tender and tasty, even more so than it appears in the photos. It seems hard to believe, right?

So I leave you with the recipe and the explanation here .

Claudia Ferrer


Bettina Oetzmann said:

maravilloso este ahumador!!!!! lo logro leer la receta del cerdo ahumado.

gema said:

muy interesante, la verdad es que yo nunca lo había adobado de esta forma, en cuanto lo pruebe os comento…!!!

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