The recipe that I bring you today should become a staple in your kitchen this winter. For me, it is one of the best ways to eat soup that exist, since all the ingredients are cut into small pieces and you eat the meats, vegetables, pasta and legumes all mixed together in one bite (hence its name, since barrejada means “mixed” in Catalan).

You can vary the ingredients to adapt it to your taste. For example, you can add celery or parsnips, put beans instead of chickpeas (or even cook it with both legumes), use noodles instead of galets, add a handful of rice... in the end the result will be delicious and comforting.

To prepare my soups I always use my Le Creuset cocottes . The one you see in the photo is the new Evolution model in Marseille blue , which is truly beautiful and now the 24 cm size has an excellent price in the store. Don't miss the opportunity to purchase a cocotte at this unrepeatable price.

mixed soup recipe in cocotte

Le Creuset Damascus Steel Knife and Le Creuset Evolution Round Cocotte

Ingredients for 4 people)

  • 1 beef knee bone
  • 1 pork spine bone
  • 1 chicken carcass
  • 200g beef blood sausage
  • 1 boneless, skinless chicken thigh
  • 150g fresh bacon
  • 150g chickpeas
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 leek
  • 1 turnip
  • 1 potato
  • 100g galets
  • 1 white sausage
  • 1 black sausage
  • 3L of water
  • salt


1. The day before, soak the chickpeas in warm water and a handful of salt.

2. The next day, wash and drain the chickpeas. Reserve them.

3. Put 3 liters of water in a cocotte and add the beef and pork bones and the chicken carcass. Give it a boil. Remove any foam that forms with the help of a spoon or slotted spoon .

4. Add the chickpeas and let the escudella cook over low heat for half an hour.

5. After time, add the beef blood sausage, chicken thigh and bacon, all cut into small cubes. Let it cook for another hour, always over low heat.

6. Peel and dice the carrots and turnip. Also cut the white part of the leek into small pieces. Add all the vegetables to the cocotte and let it cook for 30 minutes.

7. Remove the bones and carcass from the escudella and discard them. Season with salt and add the diced potato and the galets. Let it cook for about 15 minutes, until the pasta is ready. At the last moment, add the sausages, also cut into cubes, and let the whole thing boil for two minutes. Serve piping hot in beautiful tureens or classic soup plates.

ceramic tureens

Le Creuset Tureens


Claudia said:

Muchas gracias Olga, yo no lo hubiera explicado mejor :)

Olga said:

Yo soy catalana, como la escudella.
Los galets són la pasta alimenticia, de trigo, la que se aprecia muy bien en la foto.
La butifarra blanca y negra són embutidos, de cerdo, la blanca no lleva sangre y la negra sí, de aquí el color oscuro.
En Catalunya es típico para el día de Navidad, rellenar los galets de talla grande con carne picada y cocerlos en un buen caldo, está riquísimo.
Igual que la escudella, que bien caliente reanima a cualquiera.

Martha Elena said:

Se ve rica esta sopa solo que no sé que son los Galets, ni la butifarra, pues soy de México, D.F, pero investigaré y adaptaré para hacerla de acuerdo a mi país, por lo demás, se ve fácil de hacer. Gracias por compartir

Martha Elena said:

Se ve rica esta sopa solo que no sé que son los Galets, ni la butifarra, pues soy de México, D.F, pero investigaré y adaptaré para hacerla de acuerdo a mi país, por lo demás, se ve fácil de hacer. Gracias por compartir

Kuqui said:

Es ,creo, una de las más suculentas sopas! Y queridas por mi! Era la favorita de mi madre! Junto con la de rape. Gracias.

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