Today we bring you a proposal for the day to day that you will love: it is a recipe for potato pie with curry fish filling . It is an adaptation that Loreto (from Sabores de Colores ) has made of the well-known chef Jamie Oliver . It is very tasty thanks to all the spices it contains, and the combination with the mashed potato is the richest. Enjoy!

I admit that I love cookbooks, and if the photos are beautiful even more. I also admit that it is rare for me to follow the recipes to the letter, what are we going to do if I am somewhat rebellious in that regard?

Today, as inspiration for this delicious recipe, the culprit was Jamie Oliver with his book Comfort Food , which made me take out the can of spices and let my imagination run wild. My recipe, the one I bring you today, is an adaptation of his: curry fish pie, a real delight.

I chose this recipe because it was the ideal one to use my Bra Infinity frying pan , a frying pan that I am in love with: firstly because its non-stick coating is wonderful but above all because you start, continue and finish with it; that is, we cook with it, then we bake with it and we serve with it.

With this I want to encourage you to prepare this version of potato cake , this time with fish instead of meat, and if that were not enough we will add spices.

curry fish cake

Jamie Oliver's Comfort Food book and Bra Infinity nonstick skillet

Ingredients (for 6 people)

  • 4 garlic cloves, sliced
  • 1 fresh chile or cayenne (optional)
  • 6 curry leaves
  • 1 ½ teaspoon mustard seeds
  • 2 onions
  • 2 tablespoons grated fresh ginger
  • ¼ teaspoon turmeric
  • ½ teaspoon Madras curry
  • 400ml coconut milk
  • 125g baby spinach
  • 12 peeled prawns
  • 180g cod in its point of salt without skin or bones
  • 180g salmon without skin or bones
  • 3 vine tomatoes without seeds or skin
  • Zest of 1 lemon
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt
  • Pepper

For the mashed potatoes:

  • 1.2kg of potato
  • 1 tablespoon unsalted butter
  • Milk (the amount depends on the type of potato, about 75gr approximately)
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Nutmeg


  1. We will begin by arranging the potatoes, previously peeled, in a pot with water and salt and cook them until they are tender, about 18 minutes. We booked.
  2. Meanwhile, in our 26cm Bra Infinity non-stick frying pan, pour 2 tablespoons of oil and fry the garlic cloves together with the sliced ​​chili, the curry leaves and the mustard seeds.
  3. When it begins to release a delicious fragrance, add the onion and sauté for about 5 minutes. Add the turmeric, ginger and curry, let toast for a few seconds and add the coconut milk, spinach and the zest of 1 lemon. Bring to a boil and cook until the spinach has lost its smoothness and the sauce has thickened – this step is important as the fish will release water. Season with salt and pepper and remove from heat.
  4. Next we spread the tomatoes on top, previously chopped. Let the mixture cool.
  5. While the sauce is warming, we chop the fish and prawns into cubes, pieces the size of a bite. We spread it in the pan over the sauce. We booked.
  6. Now we only need to prepare the mashed potato and distribute it on the base that we have prepared. To do this, we strain the potatoes and with the help of a puree press we press the potatoes. Next we add the butter, stir with the help of a spatula and add the milk little by little until the desired texture is achieved – there must be a full-bodied puree to be able to shape it with the pastry bag and so that it does not dissolve with the sauce. We rectify salt, pepper and nutmeg.
  7. Fill a pastry bag with a wide curly nozzle and cover the entire surface of the fish filling that we have prepared.
  8. Place in the oven, preheated to 180ºC, remove the mango from the pan and bake for about 40 minutes, or until the surface is golden brown or you see the sauce bubbling at the ends.
  9. Remove the pan from the oven, putting the handle back on it and bring it to the table, place it on a trivet and enjoy it hot.

potato cake and fish curry recipe

Non-stick frying pan with detachable handle to go in the oven Bra Infinity

This dish, like the shepherd's pie , are ideal dishes to use. Always, with a little imagination, we can turn leftovers into an ideal Sunday dish. At home we love them, we love to innovate with them and try new combinations. And as you can see, the Bra Infinity frying pan is ideal for not making a lot of dirt, from the stove to the oven and from the oven to the table, wonderful!


Marisa said:

Una delicia! Gracias, lo voy a preparar.

María José said:

Tengo una duda ¿el bacalao en su punto de sal sin piel ni espinas es desalado o fresco?

Claudia said:

Hola Zita, muchas gracias!! Eres muy amable :) A disfrutar!

Loreto said:

Hola Rosa, las hojas de curry provienen del árbol tropical-subtropical Murraya koenigii, también llamado vulgarmente árbol del curry. En la cocina india se utilizan como especia, si son frescas mejor, yo alguna vez las consigo secas. Pero ya te digo que si no las encuentras las puedes omitir ;)

Zita Álvarez Lorenzo said:

Tenéis unas recetas riquísimas y los utensilios de cocina,me compraría todos?

Rosa said:

¿ que son las hojas de curry?

Loreto said:

Disculpa la errata, el jengibre ha de añadirse en el paso de pochar la cebolla.
Si la preparas deseo que la disfrutes mucho.

Un saludo

Juan said:

Entiendo que el jengibre se añade a la vez que la leche de coco y la rralladura del limon. No?


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