Making a Lasagna tastes like family Sunday lunches to me. This is a classic recipe that never goes out of style, a vegetarian lasagna that is loved by both adults and children. It is a delicious dish with delicate flavors. The vegetarian filling based on spinach and ricotta is a lighter version of the one made with meat, but at the same time it is succulent and irresistible.

Although it is a recipe that requires time to prepare, it is worth it because it is a winning combination.

I make it on the Revol porcelain tray because it distributes the heat evenly over the entire surface and also, being beautiful and elegant, it is ideal for serving directly to the table. If you have any portion left you can freeze it or take it to work for your lunch, because it is a complete dish and can be perfectly reheated.


For the lasagna

  • 250 g of lasagna sheets
  • 50 g of grated Parmesan to gratin

For the filling

  • 800 g of fresh spinach
  • 500 g of ricotta or Burgos type fresh cheese
  • 400 g of bechamel (2/3 of the bechamel made)
  • 100 g grated Parmesan
  • Some fresh basil leaves
  • 1 pinch of nutmeg
  • Salt and pepper

For the béchamel

  • 50g butter
  • 50g of flour
  • 500 ml of milk
  • Nutmeg
  • Salt and pepper

For the tomato sauce

  • 800 g of crushed tomato
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • Salt
  • 1 tsp of sugar
  • 10 basil leaves
  • extra virgin olive oil

Cast iron skillet with wooden handle Skeppshult


  1. First of all we are going to prepare the bechamel. Melt the butter in a saucepan . Add the sifted flour and stir well; let gently toast for one minute.
  2. Add the sifted flour, stirring well with a spoon to prevent lumps from forming, and let the flour toast for a few seconds over low heat, until the mixture is golden.
  3. Add salt, pepper and a pinch of nutmeg.
  4. Pour in the milk and stir constantly with the WMF whisk until the mixture thickens. Booking.
  5. Prepare the tomato sauce In a pan with olive oil, fry the tomato, a pinch of salt, and a dessert spoon of brown sugar.
  6. Let it cook for 15 to 20 minutes over low heat and at the end add the basil, turn off the heat and blend with the QuickChef hand blender so that the mixture is very fine. Booking
  7. Now it's time to prepare the filling. Clean and chop the spinach. Sauté in a pan with salt and a drizzle of olive oil. Sauté for 5-7 minutes, adding a little water during cooking if necessary. Let temper.
  8. In a large bowl, mash the ricotta or fresh cheese with a fork, add the warm spinach, the grated Parmesan, ⅔ of the béchamel, the chopped basil leaves, a pinch of nutmeg, salt and pepper.
  9. Mix the right set to combine the ingredients but avoiding that the mixture is homogeneous. Booking.
  10. If you use lasagna plates that do not need previous cooking or fresh pasta lasagna plates, you can start assembling the lasagna. If you use pasta lasagna sheets that require cooking, boil them in plenty of water following the manufacturer's instructions.
  11. Strain and place the slices on top of a kitchen towel to prevent them from deforming.
  12. In the Revol ceramic tray lightly greased with butter, start by filling the base of the tray with the remaining third of the béchamel and place a first layer of lasagna sheets.
  13. Distribute a little of the spinach and ricotta mixture on top, calculating well the layers of filling that you will need. Spread 3 tablespoons of tomato sauce on top and place a plate of lasagna on top.
  14. Continue with the rest of the sheets and finish with a lasagna sheet.
  15. Cover the entire surface with the tomato sauce.
  16. Preheat the oven to 180ºC.
  17. Put the lasagna in the oven for 20 minutes. At the end of the cooking time, add a little grated Parmesan with the Zester Premium Microplane grater and grill for a few minutes. Turn off the oven, let cool for 5 minutes and serve.
Revol porcelain tray for oven

Author of the recipe: Olga fromPepita Greens


Teresa said:

Me gusta la receta pero no veo la opción “compartir”. Un saludo

Teresa said:

Me gusta la receta pero no veo la opción “compartir”. Un saludo

Nilda Urrutia Estrany said:

Deliciosa receta! Para Roció
Quien comentó antes le recomiendo usar la opción de compartir y enviar la receta a tus Notas. Tendrás un enlace (link) “permanente”.
Creo que voy a hacer esta receta pronto.

Cristina said:


Rocio said:

Podrías configurar una opción para imprimir la receta por favor.

Muchas gracias


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