Our friend Luisa, author of the blog Cocinando con mi carmela , has prepared a delicious stir-fry using a De Buyer mineral iron skillet . Take advantage!


1/2 kg. of baby potatoes

1 julienne cut carrot

1 fresh spring onion, julienned

100 gr of wild asparagus

1 teaspoon sweet paprika

fresh rosemary and thyme to taste

Oil and a piece of butter

Salt and pepper


Wash the potatoes and carrots well, the latter cut into julienne strips. In a saucepan, bring water to a boil, when it comes to a boil, add the potatoes, leave them for about 20 minutes until they are tender, but do not fall apart. Do not throw away the water, we will use it for the carrots. Remove, drain and reserve. In the same water add the carrots, keep them for only 10 minutes. While in the De Buyer pan add the oil and a piece of butter, brown the spring onion cut into julienne strips. When golden, add the potatoes and carrots, season to taste and add the fresh herbs. At that time also add the paprika.

Turn them from time to time and lower the temperature of the pan, we want them to brown. Mix from time to time, using a wooden spatula to avoid scratching the pan. We will have it for about 15 minutes so that the potatoes and carrots catch the aroma of the herbs and butter. About five minutes before adding the wild asparagus that we will have cooked, we can use them in preserves. Ready to serve.

A plate of 10 to accompany meat or fish will be ideal for us. Easy to do.


Claudia said:

Qué alegría Alicia, me alegro muchísimo!! Un saludo, y gracias por pasarte por el blog! :)

Claudia said:

Gracias María, te invito a prepararla, verás qué rica sale! Saludos!!

Claudia said:

Mcuhas gracias Sonia, la verdad es que la receta ha gustado mucho, y cierto es que Luisa la ha clavado! Un saludo y muchas gracias por escribir!

Alicia said:

La he hecho y está buenísima

María said:

Tiene una pinta espectacular!!

Sonia said:

hola Luisa, muchas gracias por tu receta!! tiene una pinta estupenda y es muy sencillita y bien explicada. Enhorabuena también por las fotos, son magnificas.
Gracias también a Claudia y Julia por darnos a conocer gente cocinitas como nosotros y por compartir y ser tan generosos. Buen finde a todos, muaaaahhhhh. Sonia

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