The heat has been here for days, and with it there is something that many of us enjoy (and I'm not talking about ice cream!). Lovers of grilled meat and outdoor meals are surely already imagining it... It's barbecue time !

For a few years we have enjoyed it a lot with Jordi and the family. Go shopping, prepare the barbecue and the table on the terrace, have a bit of pica-pica and… the food is ready! It's a ritual that everyone likes, it's a family, you're outdoors, the kids like to see and help in this activity of preparing the meat, the food comes out very tasty (and without fat!) ;) and the kitchen, for a change it doesn't get dirty .

Weber Q1200 barbecue

Weber Q1200 barbecue

It's a very happy time, really. And if you are already getting to know us, you know that we only have quality items that we like in the store, and that is why we have had a barbecue section for a long time. Some of my favorites are the Weber Q1200 and the Spirit Original E-310 since, being gas, they are barbecues that do not make smoke and do not bother the neighbors if we use them on a terrace.

The Weber Q1200 is a barbecue with an ideal size for 4-6 people but quite compact. We can easily move it or even transport it in the car to use it outside the home.

The Weber Spirit Original E-310 is a barbecue designed to be used on our terrace or garden. It has a very large cooking surface that allows us to cook for up to 10 or 12 people.

Weber Spirit Original E210 and E310 barbecues

What makes it special? For starters, they don't smoke! You will appreciate being able to barbecue without smoke if you have neighbors (it's a pity that because of this you can't barbecue, right?) or if you go on a picnic or camping, where it can be very annoying. Once we are cooking, the smoke from cooking the food does come out, but the barbecue itself, being gas, does not make any smoke.

In some cases it may give us the feeling that the meat does not look so good on a gas barbecue, but I assure you that it is almost impossible to tell if a meat has been cooked on a gas or charcoal barbecue. The flavor of the barbecue is due more to the direct fire than to the smoke from the coal itself (it is another thing to use firewood to cook, but we can also achieve that aroma by seasoning the meat with aromatic herbs in a gas barbecue).

Apart from cooking without smoke, Weber gas barbecues also have great advantages. They can be used almost daily since in a couple of minutes we are cooking in them, plus its lid allows us to cook almost anything as if it were an oven (from pizzas to roast chickens).

Lastly, I would like to emphasize the importance of choosing the right barbecue. A good gas barbecue is going to be at home for a long time and we are going to use it a lot. It is important to buy a quality product like Weber: a robust, safe barbecue that gives us all the functionality we expect from a gas barbecue.

Claudia Ferrer


gaston said:

Buenos días mi pregunta es la siguiente, tengo un patio interior con vecinos encima y necesito una barbacoa sin humo esto es posible?

Rodrigo said:

xcelente artículo,

Nosotros podemos aportar además las siguientes ventajas:

-Ciertos fabricantes indican que pueden cocinar con ella en el interior del hogar, debajo de la campana extractora

-Las personas que vivan en una comunidad de vecinos, la podrán utilizar sin problema ya que el humo que genera es menor

-Suelen ser barbacoas compactas, fáciles de trasportar y almacenar

- No suelen tardar excesivo tiempo en estar a punto

- Se pueden desmontar y lavar fácilmente, dependiendo de los materiales y lo que el fabricante nos indique, se pueden lavar en el lavavajillas

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Rodrigo said:

Excelente artículo,

Nosotros podemos aportar además las siguientes ventajas:

-Ciertos fabricantes indican que pueden cocinar con ella en el interior del hogar, debajo de la campana extractora

-Las personas que vivan en una comunidad de vecinos, la podrán utilizar sin problema ya que el humo que genera es menor

-Suelen ser barbacoas compactas, fáciles de trasportar y almacenar

- No suelen tardar excesivo tiempo en estar a punto

- Se pueden desmontar y lavar fácilmente, dependiendo de los materiales y lo que el fabricante nos indique, se pueden lavar en el lavavajillas

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