The author of Flavors and Moments , Patricia, takes us to the East with a dish full of flavors and nuances: a prawn curry in the purest oriental style, that you will love!

Today I once again opt for a recipe with an exotic touch, it will be that spring and the good weather, the light and clarity that already floods my house, makes me think of the freshness of the flavors and colors that during the winter have not been so present in my kitchen.

Spices in Indian cuisine are essential, they condition the balance of the dish. The term "curry" generally designates a stewed dish, flavored with a particular mix of spices for each recipe. There are various techniques, korma, balti, karhai…and all the curries from the south that are more liquid and spicier!

prawn curry recipe

The curry that I bring you is a Garam Masala recipe that you can easily prepare at home once you have obtained all the seeds to make it…. Or go to any Mini-Market that we all have in the corners of our cities and buy a bottle of Curry Paste with the flavor and degree of spiciness that you like the most from the Patak's brand (the one used by Jamie Oliver in all his recipes and that for me is the richest in flavor) and that it will be luxurious for you!!

I'll explain how to make it both ways, since I don't want you to be left wanting to enjoy this recipe if it happens that you can't get the seeds to make the curry at home! Because it really is worth it: Coconut milk prawn curry (or "coconut prawn curry" if you prefer) is a dish you'll want to make...and make again!


(for 4 people)

  • 500gr of large fresh or thawed prawns, peeled and deveined (without central black thread). You can leave the tail to make it more attractive
  • 1 jar of chopped natural tomato (400gr)
  • 250g of basmati rice
  • 250ml coconut milk
  • 1 large red onion
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 3cm fresh ginger
  • fresh coriander
  • 1 lime
  • 1 tablespoon sunflower seeds
  • 1 tablespoon of sesame seeds
  • 5 tablespoons of vegetable oil (if we do not have the typical Indian ghee)
  • 2 tablespoons peanut or sesame oil
  • 4 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon of black mustard seeds
  • Salt and pepper
  • 1 tablespoon coriander seeds*
  • 1 tablespoon cumin grains*

ground spices

  • 1 teaspoon turmeric*
  • ½ teaspoon ground red chilli*
  • 1 tablespoon sweet paprika*

*These last 5 ingredients would be the ones you would substitute for 120gr of Patak's curry paste


  1. Dry toast the coriander and cumin grains in our skillet for 2-3 minutes. Then we remove from the heat and reduce to powder in a coffee grinder or in a small robot. Combine with the other 3 ground spices, turmeric, chilli and paprika. Peel the ginger and garlic, grate and mix. Peel the onion and cut it into julienne strips.
  2. In a cocotte-type pot , heat the 2 tablespoons of peanut or sesame oil together with the vegetable oil and fry the black mustard grains, when they start to jump, add the onion. We fry for a few minutes until it begins to take on color and then add the ginger and garlic paste, stir and then the ground spices (or the tablespoons of Patak's curry paste if that is what we have on hand), the tin chopped natural tomato, lime juice and let it fry for a few minutes. Finally we pour the coconut milk, a pinch of salt and pepper and a glass of water, cover and let cook for about 10 minutes over low heat, once that time has elapsed we reserve covered.

prawn curry recipe

Skillet Le Creuset , iron skillet with Le Creuset wooden handle and Le Creuset cocotte

3. In the skillet where we had dry toasted the seeds at the beginning, we then toasted the sunflower seeds and the sesame seeds also dry for 2-3 minutes and set aside.
4. In another saucepan, add the 4 tablespoons of olive oil and fry the rice, stirring for a few minutes. Add a pinch of turmeric, salt and pepper. Pour over 500ml of boiling water, cover and cook for 10 minutes without stirring. Once ready, add the toasted sunflower and sesame seeds on top.
5. Finally, we put the cocotte back on high heat and when it starts to boil we add the prawns and stir gently until after a minute or two they become opaque. Be careful not to miss us!! We decorate with a little chopped fresh cilantro and we already have the recipe ready to serve along with the basmati rice.


    Geosmina said:

    Está increíble esta receta, gracias!

    Isabel said:

    Gracias por la receta!! En breve la haré, he hecho curry de pollo pero no de gambas.
    Sólo una pregunta, se puede congelar?? Sé que el arroz no, pero y el curry ya hecho? Muchas gracias.

    fina said:

    Excelente recta, no había hecho nunca curry porque no encontraba todas las especias, pero he encontrado una web que tienen de todo “todoespecias” así que me animé ha hacerla, y esta buenísima, la receta para cuatro casi nos la comimos entre dos, receta fácil y buenísima, os animo ha probarla!!

    Andone Miren said:

    Hola, buenos días:
    Tengo una duda. En los ingredientes pones semillas de girasol pero, si no me equivoco, las de la imagen parece que son de calabaza. ¿Sigo la receta tal y como está?
    Muchas gracias

    Carmen Peman Enrile said:

    Este plato lo hago mucho y también le pongo rape con una receta muy parecida a la vuestra .
    La pasta de curry hasta ahora me la traían de Francia , una con jengibre maravillosa . Porque aquí solo encontraba la pasta de curry rojo indio , muy buena pero no a todo el mundo le gusta el pique . Ahora que se que la tenéis ire a comprarla a vuestra despensa ? y así conozco vuestra tienda que me apetece mucho .

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