Luisa Morón ( Cooking with my Carmela ) brings us a classic that you will love for its simplicity and at the same time intensity of flavor. This is the pork curry recipe (which you can also prepare with beef), a great proposal both for everyday life and on more festive days.

Today I bring you the recipe to make meat curry , a true classic of international cuisine. The truth is that I am a big fan of spices* and today's recipe, as its name suggests, brings curry as the main element. I don't know about you, but it is one of my favorite spices, it will bring life to your kitchen if you start using it. Listen to me.

This delicious recipe, in addition to being simple (you will see that you have it ready in a very few steps), has a special characteristic, and that is that you can choose two types of meat to prepare it, veal or pork . What is important is that it is always a very tender part.

If you choose a good rice to accompany the dish you will have a plate of ten. The basmati suits him perfectly.

To cook it I have used a classic, an iron cocotte , since it distributes the heat very well and is a perfect utensil for slow and uniform cooking... and the slower you cook this recipe, the richer and more tender the meat will be .

Pork Curry Recipe

Fleur de Ligne porcelain bowls , Mediterranean glasses and Le Creuset oval cocotte


  • 500g of tender beef or pork
  • 1 sweet onion
  • 1 leek
  • 250g of coconut milk
  • 250g of shitake mushrooms
  • 1 teaspoon curry
  • Oil, salt and pepper

*If you are also a fan of spices, I recommend The Book of Spices, by John O'Connel , a book that, apart from offering a multitude of culinary uses with them, is full of curiosities, stories and magic.


  1. Chop the leek and the onion and fry it with a little oil in our cocotte . When we see that they are almost transparent, we add the mushrooms and continue to fry for a few minutes.
  2. Add the meat chopped into cubes or somewhat large parts. Let it brown a little and add the coconut milk and curry. We season.
  3. Let cook, stirring occasionally, for about 30 minutes over low heat, until we see that the meat is tender.
  4. We serve with white rice.

Pork Curry

Cocotte Le Creuset, color chiffon pink

Claudia Ferrer


Claudia said:

Hola Víctor, me alegro mucho de que te hayas animado a prepararla!! Ciertamente puedes congelarla sin problema (aunque si la pruebas primero no te sobrará para ello) :)

Víctor said:

La acabo de hacer, vaya pinta :) entiendo que la puedo congelar sin problema, ¿no?


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