Making homemade sangria in the most natural way is not difficult at all and does not require much work. We think it is well worth it, so we will explain it to you step by step .

Sangria is a summer classic because it is delicious, refreshing and always appealing. It is as famous beyond our borders as paella, but in opposition to the abuses committed against it abroad and in various beach bars, we are going to learn how to prepare a traditional sangria with natural ingredients and in a moment with the right utensils.

traditional sangria

Ingredients for homemade sangria

With the recipe for homemade sangria, as with any very traditional recipe, there are great controversies about whether it contains this ingredient or not. We dare to give you our formula, without giving you exact quantities, as we understand that this is very personal, but with some possible variations:

  • Red wine , which should not be of poor quality, although it is not necessary to use a Vega Sicilia .
  • A small proportion of sweet wine gives sangria a delicious touch.
  • Freshly squeezed orange or lemon juice , no soft drinks loaded with sugar and coloring.
  • Peaches in large pieces.
  • Sugar to taste, but it's best not to overdo it.
  • Cinnamon , if we like (stick)
  • Soda , optional
  • Some liquor such as Cointreau, vodka or even cognac. Also optional.

Optional: other fruits, such as strawberries, pears, apricots... Also, 1 can of soda.

The measurements are really up to the consumer, and there are many different sangrias, but if you have never made one you can start with the following guide of ingredients, try it and adapt it to your taste of sweetness, strength and fruity flavor to your liking:

1 L of wine, a glass of sweet wine, 3 peaches, the juice of 2 or 3 oranges (depending on the amount of juice you make), the juice of 1 lemon, 1 cinnamon stick and 3 tablespoons of sugar. Feel free to add 1 nectarine and 1 sweet but firm pear.

Step-by-step preparation of sangria

In my opinion, the best way to mix the sangria is in a large bowl or salad bowl, where you can stir the sugar well to dissolve it, such as a good champagne bucket or fruit bowl (the one from Affari or Le Creuset are ideal for this), which, being made of glass, also allows you to see perfectly when the sugar has dissolved.

  1. Pour the wine and liqueurs , if using, into the chosen container. Add the sugar and stir with a wooden spoon.
  2. We squeeze the oranges or lemons with a juicer and add the juice to the wine.
  3. We peel the fruit we are going to add if it has an unpleasant skin, like peaches, with a peeler. I don't see the need to peel fruit like apples, for example.
  4. We cut the fruit on a juice collecting board (do not throw away the juice, add it to the sangria) with a good knife; the most traditional way is to cut it into rather large pieces , although some people like it more finely chopped, for which we can use a special cutter that makes perfect cubes in no time.
  5. We add the chopped fruit to the mixture. Some people like to let the sangria sit for a while before serving it so that the fruit soaks up the liquid; I know many people who eat the soaked fruit as a delicacy.
  6. We also add the cinnamon , if we like to put it.
  7. If we are going to add some soda, it is best to add it at the last moment so that it does not lose too much gas.

How to make sangria

Sangria is traditionally served in a glass jug , so that you can see the strawberries swimming in their pretty colours; we can transfer the sangria from the salad bowl to the bottle when we are ready to serve it. Although if there are only a few of you at home and you are preparing a small amount of sangria, a bottle with a strainer is just the thing.

But what is essential is that the sangria is always very fresh , for which reason it is common to add plenty of ice cubes just in advance so that they cool, but without giving them time to melt completely before serving.

Don't say we don't make it easy for you to prepare a homemade sangria that will leave everyone speechless this summer. And with all the utensils to prepare and serve the sangria perfectly.


Beatriz said:

Para 10 personas que cantidades de liquido es aconsejable. Muchas gracias.

La cocina de Mar said:

¿Qué proporción utilizas con todos los ingredientes?

Isabel said:

Me voy a preparar una sangría ahora mismo. Gracias

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